Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2836: Migration

There is no other way.

For the current Qin Shuang, the most lethal way is the bow and arrow.

"Shooting people to shoot horses first, catching people to catch the king first!"

"Zhen Lao, pay attention to drinking monkey wine for me!"

Qin Shuang began flying fast in the air, looking for the most powerful monk of the Qianyuan family. No monk found Qin Shuang, because no one thought there would be someone flying in the sky in the dry.

The powerful monk is easy to find that the piano double bows and arrows, four arrows in one string.


A string sounded, and four arrows descended from the sky. The bow of Qin Shuang was a superb fairy. The power of Qin Shuang was tenth level. Although the previous tracking and other supernatural powers cannot be released through the arrows, the simple penetration is only simple. Speed ​​can still be achieved.

Without the monks who had a profound knowledge, they could not dodge the arrows of Qin Shuang.

It's too fast!

"Puff puff puff puff..."

The four monks and four priests were penetrated by the eyebrows and broke the knowledge of the sea, so the sea was broken, and they could no longer hold the Yuanshen. They began to quickly decompose the Yuanshen, and the chains of the law within the Yuanshen were quickly broken down. Dead dead.

"Boom Boom Boom Boom..."

Qin Shuang flew in the air and kept bowing and shooting arrows. He specially shot and killed monks who had advanced into high ranks. He started shooting from Tianzun. Just a round around the camp, he will shoot down a few of the Heavenly Venerables, and then he will start looking for those Venerables to start shooting.

At this time, Qin Shuang's figure had been exposed. After such a big disturbance, how could it not be found by the monks below?

Naturally, Yu Yuan and other human monks also discovered Qin Shuang. Seeing the speed of Qin Shuang's archery, they could not help but boost their spirits, and the fall momentum suddenly increased. But the monks of the Qianyuan family lost their leaders because of the fall of more than ten Heavenly Venerables, and they became panicked one by one. When they saw that each of them was shot, they finally collapsed psychologically. I don’t know who started to escape first. At once, a chain reaction began, and hundreds of thousands of monks fled wildly.


Yu Yuan shouted excitedly. This is the first time in two hundred years that the human race has defeated each other in this kind of battle. How can this opportunity be missed?

The monks of the human race began to chase down the Qianyuan family, and Qin Shuang continued to shoot bows and arrows in the air.

This chase chased out nearly a hundred miles, killing a large number of Qianyuan monks. If the distance of a hundred miles is placed outside the exhausted land, for the monks Yu Yuan, it can be crossed in a short time. But for the exhausted land, it was a long time to kill.

Yu Yuan is worthy of being an unfallen leader. After more than two hundred years of fighting, he has grown into a marshal like a mortal. Knowing that the poor Komo was chasing, the human race stopped chasing, and began to clean the battlefield while walking back. Cleaning the battlefield is very simple, just picking up the storage ring from the corpse. Qin Shuang landed from the air, and Yu Yuan hurried forward, giving a deep ritual:

"Thank you, Senior Qin."

"It should be." Qin Shuang waved his hand: "Are you going to migrate again?"

"Yeah!" Yu Yuan sighed and said: "We were discovered by the Qianyuan family. I am afraid that more Qianyuan families will come next time."

Speaking of here, he was happy again: "But this time we won a lot and beheaded tens of thousands of monks of ancestors. Senior, you don’t know, because here is exhausted, so even the ancestors of thousands of yuan must be in storage. There are a lot of immortals stored in the ring, and there are tens of thousands of storage ring harvests. Even if we spend several years in the desert without oasis. We can migrate while looking for new oasis."

"When are you going to start migrating?"

"After cleaning the battlefield, I will rest for one night tonight, and I will start migrating tomorrow morning. When I return to the camp, I will count the harvest and make a plan."

"Hmm!" Qin Shuang nodded. "Have you found the trace of Qian Yuan Patriarch?"

"No, but got a message."

"what news?"

"It is said that Qian Yuan Patriarch suddenly went to the exhausted north half a year ago, and not only him, but also some Tianzun. The people on our side may have discovered what remains. This is the route we can currently master. "

Yu Yuan took out a jade jade and handed it to Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang took the jade jade and said: "I'll go back to the oasis first, you must be busy first."

"Yes, seniors please!"

Qin Shuang walked away, of course, he wouldn't fly. Huiyuan Dan didn't dare to eat any more. He also had to save some monkey wine. He just left on foot. And Yu Yuan went to clean the battlefield with everyone.


Qin Shuang lay on the grass beside Quan's eyes, his hands behind his head, looking at the stars in the sky.

The stars flickered and the stars filled the mist.

A burst of light footsteps came, and Qin Shuang heard Yu Yuan's footsteps, his eyes still looking at the starry sky:

"Listen to your footsteps, you are very happy!"

"Hey!" Yu Yuan sat next to Qin Shuang, and a great monk prince of joy was like a fool: "Senior, we have gained a lot this time."

"Oh? How old?"

"Put it this way, the remedy alone is enough for us to live in the desert without oasis for five years. There are also a lot of food and water. You also know that there is no remedy for food and water. But there is no panacea, but you need food and water. These foods and water are enough for us to survive for one year. Adding up is six years. Before we have some resources that can allow us to survive for three years, which adds up to eight. Years. Eight years of worry-free. As long as we have the resources, it is not necessary to look for an oasis, so exhausted so large, the thousand yuan family cannot find us."

"I'll give you some more Elixir."

Qin Shuang took out five storage rings, all of which contained immortals refined by Zhenlao. Yu Yuan took a look at the storage ring, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes:

"All back to Yuandan?"


"You made it?"

"That's right!"

"This... is enough for our 200,000 people for two years."

He stood up hurriedly and gave a courtesy to Qin Shuangshen: "Senior, I will not quit."


"Senior, we have been migrating in dry land for the past two hundred years, so we are relatively familiar with the dry land. If we are not in a hurry, we will migrate with us first. This time, it is not necessary to search for an oasis. We first look for a desert. The secret place is estimated to be about a month or so, and then I took a few people to guide the seniors."

Qin Shuang pondered for a while: "Alright!"

The next day.


The camp began to be noisy, and nearly 200,000 people began to migrate. Instead of drinking monkey wine, Qin Shuang walked with everyone like a mortal. At night, the Terrans camped, and everyone took a medicine. They take the panacea not to practice, but to maintain physical function. It is enough to take a panacea in such a day.


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