Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2843: go away

After half an hour, Sha Zu suddenly opened his eyes, and a surprised expression appeared on his face:

"Qin Daoyou, I have also tried your first-class Tu Yuan Dan before, and it really has a lot of help for the Sha people, but it is very small for my realm. But this Tu Wu Dan of the Danwu level is for me. The help is great. I can trade with you the best quality galaxy sand, but it must be this kind of Danwu grade Tuyuan Dan."

"This is no problem!" Qin Shuang nodded. "What I want to ask is, is there any higher quality galaxy sand?"

"No more! Really no more!" Sha Zu said seriously: "This is the best galaxy sand, and the annual output is very scarce."

"Well! Well, a galaxy sand of the best quality, I can give you a thousand Danyuan-level Tuyuan Dan. How many do you have?"

After thinking for a while, Sha Zu nodded, feeling that Qin Shuang's price was fair, and his attitude towards Qin Shuang was more friendly:

"The production of this kind of galaxy sand is very small, and for our sand people, it is a cultivation resource and a consumable. Therefore, the inventory is very small. Of course, it is our sand people who can use this quality of galaxy sand. Zhongxiu is a clan who has reached the level of Tianzun. So, there are still some surpluses. I can now take out a hundred to trade with you."

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, and Sha Zu asked worriedly: "But there are not so many Danwu-level Tuyuan Dan?"


Qin Shuang shook her head, and there was naturally some medicine. She had been refining it in the town demon tower for a year. How could she lack Tuyuandan?

"One hundred is not enough, I want to trade 10,000 or even more!"

"Ten thousand?" Sha Zu almost jumped up in shock, and then waved his hands again and again: "No, no, the entire Sha tribe does not have ten thousand now. You thought it was dry sand in the land! I told you that The output is very small."

"Oh!" Seeing Sha Zu's look, it was estimated that it was not a lie. Qin Shuang was a little disappointed in his heart: "How much do you have?"

"There are more than three thousand, but it is impossible to trade them all for you. So, five hundred! Deal five hundred with you!"

"One thousand!" Qin Shuang said seriously: "I need at least one thousand."

Sha Zu thought about the effect of Tu Yuan Dan at the Danwu level, and finally nodded: "Okay. However, can this Tu Wu Dan at the Dan Fog level be added in future transactions?"

"No, I usually don’t get involved for a long time, and sometimes I don’t go back once every few hundred years. So it’s impossible to make a panacea for trading. However, when I come next time, if you are willing to trade with galaxy sand , I can refine some of them by then."

Sha Zu shook his head helplessly, took out a storage bag, and handed it to Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang took it, put it on his eyebrows, and explored the metaphysics. Sure enough, it was a thousand pieces of the best quality galaxy sand. Then he put away the storage bag, then took out a storage ring and handed it to the other party:

"This is a million pills of haze and pill."

Sha Zu looked at it again and nodded in satisfaction. Qin Shuangbian stood up and said, "Sha Daoyou, I will start tomorrow morning."

"Okay, let Feng'er take you!"

Qin Shuang returned to his room and began to enter the town demon tower, weaving the law chains of eleven attributes, and then pouring into the galaxy sand. Each galaxy sand was infused with nine law chains, refined into a top grade Heavenly treasure. Refined into one, it will be collected into one in the sea.

In the early morning at this time, four people of Qin Shuang left Shacheng with Sha Feng, led by Sha Feng, and headed north. Soon after leaving, they heard footsteps coming from behind. Qin Shuang couldn't help but smile bitterly, in this exhausted place, without metaphysical exploration, he really had to rely on six consciousnesses.

Turning around, I saw dozens of monks of the thousand yuan family rushing towards these people. The weapon was already in their hands. It seemed that they did not want to talk to Qin Shuang and they were ready to bring Qin Shuang to them. Beheaded.

Yu Yuan relaxed and smiled at Qin Shuangdao: "This should be staring at us in Shacheng."

"Can you handle it?" Qin Shuangdao said.

"That short one is choking, and the rest is okay."

"Then you will leave the rest, and I will be the short one!"


Qin Shuang's voice just fell, and he stepped on the right foot, stomping on the sand, and the sand dust blasted, Qin Shuang's body burst out, and instantly came to the short man's front, punching him with a punch.

The dwarf did not retreat, but slashed his fist with a sword.


Qin Shuang hit the sword with that fist, and the sword flew off his hand. His fist hit him, and he hit the short head, which was like a ripe watermelon, with a bang. Cracked, and the Yuanshen were shattered, and they couldn't die anymore. Then he stood sideways and looked at Yu Yuan. Anton and Bai Sheng slaughtered more than a dozen other thousand-yuan clan. In less than half a quarter of an hour, they killed all those thousand-yuan clan. The three members of Yu Yuan happily rolled down the storage ring from the fingers of the Qianyuan clan. These dozens of monks of the Qianyuan clan had just traded in Shacheng. The storage ring had a lot of resources.

After a quarter of an hour, the five set off again, and the desert in the field of vision was undulating and extremely wide. All sand is golden in sight.

At night, five people found a leeward dune to rest. Qin Shuang put the Yuanshen into the Zhenyao Tower, let her continue to weave the law chain, and inject the law chain into the galaxy sand.

Twenty days later, Qin Shuang made the top grade Hou Tian Xian Bao from the last galaxy sand. At this time, in Qin Shuang's sea of ​​knowledge, there is a galaxy, which is constructed of a thousand galaxy sand. Flow within the sea.

Qin Shuang turned over and sat up, glanced at the four people around him, all of them were sleeping, and in a dry place, where there was no law, his habits returned to mortals. That is, Qin Shuang, even if he does not drink monkey wine, can often absorb immortal energy from the town demon tower to supplement the elemental strength, and can maintain the habit of immortal practitioners. Otherwise, she also needs to sleep every day.

Cross-legged to do well on the sand, consciousness entered the sea of ​​knowledge.

This ball is suspended in the middle of the sea of ​​knowledge, that is the realm that Qin Shuang practiced.

At this time, the world is full of vitality and possesses eleven attributes, which is like a real world.

However, no matter how it looks, it is just like it is not a real world.

Yuan Shenduan sat on the realm, wearing a green dragon helmet, wearing a fire phoenix armor, a basalt realm on his chest, left and right unicorn arms, and pedaling white tiger boots. Behind the fire thunder wings, but the fire thunder beast fell into a deep sleep. The left palm rested on the Zhenyao Tower, and the Tianxing Sword was lying across his knees, but the Tianxing Sword also fell into a deep sleep.


Thank you very much, Zu Xu Taiyan Xu (100) for his reward!



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