Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2844: Sand lizard

A galaxy flows around Yuanshen, which is constructed of a thousand galaxy sands. Each galaxy sand has nine chains of eleven attributes, which is comparable to the top grade immortal treasure.

Looking at the galaxy, Qin Shuang rejoiced in his heart.

There is another life-saving card!

After thinking for a while, Qin Shuang moved the Yuanshen into the Zhenyao Tower again and let her continue to weave the law.

The next day.


Five people set off again.

Not far away, there was a vibrating sound in front of him, gazing at him, he saw sand and dust flying. The four of Qin Shuang could not help being vigilant, but Sha Feng was happy on his face.

"Senior, the mount is here!"

Qin Shuang was stunned, staring at him, gradually seeing clearly that it was something like a lizard. Each lizard is very large, more than ten meters long and more than one meter high.

There are about thirty or so.

At this time, Sha Feng had already greeted him, and he didn't know how he communicated with those lizards. Anyway, those lizards left, but only five were left. Na Shafeng jumped on the back of a lizard, sat on it, and shouted to Qin Shuang:

"Senior, come sit up."

Qin Shuang nodded and walked over. He jumped on the back of a lizard. His back was very wide and he sat cross-legged. Sha Feng directed the five lizards in one direction. Qin Shuang looked at the lizard and asked:

"Sha Feng, what is this lizard called?"

"Sand lizard!"

Qin Shuang nodded and asked no more.

Walk during the day, rest at night, and pass by day by day. It was more than a month in a flash, but it was more than a hundred years in the town demon tower.

This day.

The scorching sun was at the head, but it was noon.

The pair of pianos sitting on the back of the sand lizard suddenly moved their eyes, and then moved their minds to return the Yuanshen in the town demon tower to the sea.

At this moment, a powerful power broke out from Qin Shuang's body.


The sand lizard lay on the ground, and the surrounding four people, Sha Feng and Yu Yuan, were also shocked and looked at Qin Shuang. One by one secretly said:

"Senior's strength feels so strong? Can he improve his cultivation practice even when he is exhausted?"

Qin Shuang calmed down, and then reached out to touch the sand lizard, comforting the sand lizard, and then the sand lizard stood up staggeringly and continued on. Yu Yuan's lips moved, and in the end he didn't dare to ask, and Sha Feng was even more afraid to ask, leading the way more honestly.

At this time, Qin Shuang was silently investigating his practice.

The chain of laws actually has 276,852. Has entered the second stage of Tianzun. Xuanzhi probed into the town demon tower and could not help shaking his head slightly.

There are no more chains of laws from the world of the Lost Eyes, and there are few hundreds of basic laws from the gluttonous body world, and the types are not complete. Chained. It seems that in the future, I have to resume the speed of slow increase.

After thinking about it, this is not bad. How much time has elapsed since I broke through Tianzun to the present?

Less than a decade later, he broke through the second stage of Tianzun. This speed has been incredible.

"In a few decades, should I be one thousand years old? One thousand years old, in the second stage of Tianzun, should I be the youngest Tianzun in the fairyland now?"

"What are you doing now?"

Qin Shuang was not used to knitting the silk of law, he could not comprehend the way of heaven, and in this dry land, he could do nothing. Only dazed!

Then daze!

Qin Shuang sat on the back of the sand lizard, looking at the long yellow sand, the endless desert, gradually immersed in this barren.


Suddenly, the sand lizard growled and stopped.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes and first looked around, and nothing dangerous appeared. Looking at Sha Feng again, they saw that the sand lizards under them also stopped and let out a horrified roar.

Qin Shuang stood up from the sand lizard's back and looked towards the distance. At this time, it was already sunset, and the cold wind cried out, blowing on Qin Shuang's body, blowing Qin Shuang's dress and skirt backwards.

Look up at the sky.

The sky was full of blood and sun, and the sun was no longer visible, only a gorgeous one. The strong wind wrapped some grains of sand and struck Qin Shuang's body.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more dust is rolled up. It has gradually confused the eyes, and the eyesight cannot be reached, as if it is in a chaotic yellow sand.


Within the range of the piano's double body, a transparent defensive shield was slowly lit, and she was tightly enveloped inside to block the invasion of wind and sand. She constantly extracts the spirits in the town demon tower to maintain this defensive shield that can only release an inch.

Even so, Yu Yuan and Sha Feng looked at Qin Shuang in shock.

This... is too extravagant!

In order to resist the wind and sand, it is such a ruinous element!


The sand lizard tensed his muscles and growled in horror. And he moved anxiously and fled if he wanted to turn around.

"Sha Feng, what's the matter?" Yu Yuan asked.

"I don't know!" Sha Feng shook his head.

"Senior..." Yu Yuan looked at Qin Shuang again.

"The sand lizard refused to leave, it should be a fear of the environment in front. Give up the sand lizard, let's walk!"

"it is good!"

Everyone jumped from the sand lizard's back, the five sand lizards turned around and fled, and soon disappeared into the slowly yellow sand.

A group of people walked against the long yellow sand, and Qin Shuang said: "Sha Feng, are you sure that the route is correct?"

"I don't know!" the sand lizard shouted against the wind: "The place where Qianyuan Patriarch was discovered was passed by seven days ago. We are now following that direction. If Qianyuan Patriarch did not change direction, we It’s not wrong."

Qin Shuang nodded and couldn't help it. Just looking forward to the thousand ancestors did not change direction. However, the sand lizard can feel fear, perhaps because of a certain ruin?

Or it is the direction of the thousand ancestors!


Heavy footsteps sounded from around Qin Shuang, and it was Sha Feng, Yu Yuan, An Dong, and Bai Sheng who were physically exhausted. Qin Shuang looked up at the sky, and it was gradually darkening.

"Sha Feng, we need to find a place where there is a leeward wind," Qin Shuang shouted.

"I can't find it now!" Sha Feng shouted: "Such wind will make the dune move. Even if we find the back of a dune, we dare not go and will be buried."

"What about then?"

"You can only keep walking, and take the medicine, and keep walking."


Qin Shuang took out four storage bags and handed them to four people. To Shafeng is the Need for Yuan Yuan Dan, and for Yu Yuan the three are Need for Hui Yuan Dan.

Four people swallowed a panacea in a hurry, and then proceeded against the sand.


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