Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2845: Yellow Sand Vortex

"You guys walk behind me in a row!" Qin Shuang shouted.

Yu Yuan moved his footsteps and came behind Qin Shuang, then Sha Feng, then Bai Sheng and An Dong. Connected into a string.

With Qin Shuangding in the front, Yu Yuan and they hid behind, and immediately felt a lot lighter. Watching Qin Shuang's body surface has been supporting Cun Xu's defensive shield, which shocked their hearts.

This shock is getting stronger and stronger, because it has been going against the wind and sand for more than an hour. The defensive shields on the surface of Qin Shuang's body still exist, and Qin Shuang has not taken the medicine.

"Predecessor's Yuanli storage is so deep!"

As the sky became darker and the wind grew stronger, the rolled gravel hit the defensive shield, and the rain hit the plantain, crackling.

There was also a trace of tension in Qin Shuang's heart.

This place is exhausted, very strange to her. And the loss of Taoism, for a monk, basically cut off ninety-nine percent of its power.

At this time, the surroundings were already endlessly dark. In addition to the range of sight around the eyes, yellow sand could be seen, and almost no other colors could be seen.

At this time, she knew that she could not count on Sha Feng anymore. Actually, after passing the place where Qian Yuan Patriarch was discovered seven days ago, Sha Feng could not count on it.

Qin Shuangyuan's Divine Law flows and gathers his eyes. His eyes brightened instantly, through the darkness, through the long yellow sand, and then Qin Shuang suddenly stopped.

In her vision, there is a huge whirlwind about a hundred miles away from her...

Do not!

It is not right to say that it is a whirlwind, it is more whirlpool, but it is not a vortex. It should be regarded as a very short whirlwind.

The whirlwind is only about three meters high, but the diameter is very large, looking more than ten miles. It looked like a huge vortex made of yellow sand with a diameter of ten miles and a height of three meters.

Twist the wind and sand, forming an environment of flying sand. Even from far away, I saw only violent wind and sand, and could not see the yellow sand vortex of three meters high inside.

"No wonder you didn't find it in the distance!"

"Sha Feng, haven't you Sha people found this place?" Qin Shuang shouted.

"I remembered it." Sha Feng also shouted: "This place is called a sandstorm place. It is a forbidden place for our sand tribes. Azu once told me not to come here. So I haven't been here, I don't know if it is Sandstorm."

"Then you are sure this is a sandstorm?"

"It shouldn't be wrong! Like what Azu described. Senior, let's leave quickly, we Sha people don't know how many people died here."

"How do you describe here?"

"It's just that it's dark all year round and the wind and sand are fierce. There is no entry or exit."

"This place has not moved?"

"It's said that it never happened!"

Qin Shuang once again gathered the law into his eyes and looked into it for about a quarter of an hour. Sure enough, he saw that the three-meter high yellow sand vortex just rotated and did not move.

"Go back, let me go in and see."

Yu Yuan, Bai Sheng and An Dong said at once: "Where are our seniors going, where are we going."

Sha Feng just paused for a moment and then said, "I will follow."

"You are not afraid?"

"Fear! It's just that this time I followed my predecessor. I'm afraid this is my only chance in my life. If I miss it, I will never have another chance. The big deal is death."

"OK, everyone be careful!"

Qin Shuang went forward again. After more than two hours, the surrounding vision became lower. Yellow sand was everywhere, and was raged by the wind.

As I approached the vortex, I felt a strong force tearing them and pulling towards the left. Qin Shuang knew that it was because of the rapid rotation of the yellow sand vortex, which brought out the force of space. The four people behind were already a bit unsteady. Once they were torn apart and left Qin Shuang, I am afraid they would get lost and eventually die here.

Qin Shuang took out a bundle of fairy rope from the storage ring, first tied it on his waist, and then handed it to Yu Yuandao behind him:

"Tied around your waist!"

The four people in Yu Yuan tied the bundle of fairy ropes to their waists one after another, and Qin Shuang took them forward. Near the tenth mile of the vortex, the four members of Yu Yuan behind Qin Shuang had already flown up. If it were not Qin Shuang's bundle of fairy ropes, they would have no idea where to fly.

At this time, the four people were a burden to Qin Shuang, and the resulting pulling force was great. If Qin Shuang was already a half-holy body, even if it fell to the peak of Tianzun due to erysipelas and impurities, that kind of force could resist this pulling force, otherwise it would fly together.

However, Qin Shuang could not throw away the four of them, so that Zhen Lao reached the monkey wine in her stomach, and Qin Shuang drumed up her strength and strode inside.

After four hours or so, it should have been bright by now, but it is still dark here. But Qin Shuang has reached the vortex of three meters high.

She was a little hesitant now, and she felt that even if she jumped into that vortex, with her own body, there should not be too many problems. However, Yu Yuan's four people might be torn apart.

Throw them here?

will die!

Put them in the town demon tower?

Don't want to!

After thinking for a while, Qin Shuang said to Zhen Lao in his heart: "Zhen Lao, collect a fairy vein and place it in the market."

Then he put the array into the town demon tower.

Zhenlao stood in front of a fairy vein, and his hands pulled the tactics. The strength of Zhenyao Tower was compressed towards a fairy vein. The huge fairy vein that was originally like a mountain began to shrink, and finally contracted to less than a foot, like a small dragon. . Zhen Lao broke into several tactics again, imprisoned that fairy vein, and then put it into the array. Qin Shuang's thoughts moved, and took out the array. As soon as the plate came out of the town demon tower, it began to decompose the volatile fairy veins with exhaustion. Qin Shuang and Yu Yuan entered the market with four people.

The rich fairy spirit made Yu Yuan's three people, even Sha Feng, cried out comfortably.

"Senior, where is this?"

"This is an array I made!" Qin Shuang said as he collected the bundle of fairy rope, and then said, "Don't come out inside!"

Then Qin Shuang came out of the array, holding the array in one hand, and plunged into the yellow sand vortex.

A huge tearing force struck, that is, the strength of Qin Shuang was placed there, and they were replaced with Yu Yuan. They were already torn to pieces. The tearing force was dragged down the vortex.


Qin Shuang felt that his feet were empty, and the tearing force around him disappeared. Her feet were no longer yellow sand, but a void, and her figure fell all the way down. It had been a quarter of an hour, but she had not touched any ground.

There was darkness all around, so Qin Shuang even felt a little lost.



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