Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2583: Embarrassed

Seeing Qin Shuang just rolled his eyes, there was no blame on his face, the wine jar's evaluation of Qin Shuang was even better. To recruit a team member, not only the strength is enough, but also the mind and character are more important.

"Do not rush to chase, I will tell you about this dark world!"

Qin Shuang fell towards the ground, dispelling the thought of chasing Qian Yuan ancestor. Since the wine jar does not rush to chase, it must make sense. Listening to people's advice will not suffer.

The wine jar was more satisfied, and his figure fell to the ground. At this time, the monks in the dark world also came over one after another, but they had heard the wine jar and said nothing. The strength of the Jiujianzi squad cannot be bullied.

"Qin Shuang, this giant screen was there when we came. It can rebound the monk's profound knowledge, but it can let the monk's body in and out freely. Instead, it can prevent the monsters inside from coming out. Inside the barrier.

Once inside the giant screen, it is the dark world.

There is something special in the dark realm, there is immortality, and it is extremely rich. At least it is a hundred times that of the fairy spirit above the surface. "

Qin Shuang's heart moved, and the wine jar smiled: "Do you think the dark world is a holy place for cultivation?"

"Hmm!" Qin Shuang nodded. "But look at you, don't you?"

"Yes, it's not!" said the wine jar: "The dark world over the giant curtain is full of immortal energy, but it is very irritable and cannot be absorbed at all. So, the monk really didn't stay long in it, just take me Well, I am a five-tiered Celestial King. It is estimated that I will be able to stay for about a month. Even if we save the internal strength, we will also encounter monsters in it, and there will be consumption in battle. It is not impossible to eat Dan The medicine supplements Yuanli, but you should also know that you can’t continue to take elixirs all the time, otherwise it will leave erysipelas and impurities in the body. So, if you stay for a month, you don’t eat many elixirs, and there are few residual erysipelas and impurities. With our practice, we can be excreted after returning.

Once staying in it for too long, too much medicine is taken. It is very difficult to exclude them based on our cultivation. "

Qin Shuang nodded in agreement, she is now suffering from erysipelas and impurities.

"So, Qian Yuan Patriarch will definitely come back, right?"

"Yes! But if you want to block him, it's not easy. You also see that this huge screen is so big that you can't monitor everything. Maybe he came out of the place you didn't monitor."

Qin looked around from side to side, and the giant screen could not see the end at a glance.

"He can see me from inside?"

"Can't see you! But you can't see him either."

Qin Shuang frowned for a moment and finally sighed. The wine jar said:

"Why don't we go to the pub without regrets?"


Qin Shuang followed the wine jar to the Wu regret tavern, and many people also entered the Wu regret tavern. The wine jar said:

"Old donkey, bald man, what are you doing here?"

A man with a big donkey face chuckled and said, "We know the rules, you come first."

A bald man also smiled and said: "Maybe Qin Dao You can't look down on you."


There is no way for the wine jar. Although there are no rules in the dark world, the strength is the rules. The old donkey and the bald squad are not weaker than their squad. They can obey the unspoken rules and let them recruit the piano pair first, which is already good.

At this time, Qin Shuang asked Yu Yuan to find a table and sit down. She was sitting in a chair in front of the counter. The wine jar poured a drink to Qin Shuang:

"I invite you!"

"Thank you!"

"Qin Shuang, the power of one person in the dark world is limited, so we are also looking for people who share the same team. No regrets is a team. There are a total of five people. I am the captain, you can call me a wine jar. Here you are The one leading the way is called a monkey. This man of our family is called a big hand."

Qin Shuang glanced at the human race sitting outside the counter, and he really had a big pair of hands.

"This variant of the dragon family is called a fake dragon. There is also this, called Lao Niu!"

At this time there was another monk in front of the counter with a pair of horns on his head. It should be the Green Cow family.

"I am the top of Tianzun's five tiers. Monkeys, big hands, fake dragons, and veterans are all in the early days of Tianzun's five tiers. Our team entered the dark realm and helped each other, and everyone has a share. How?"

Qin Shuang thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure how long I will stay here."

The five people all showed their astonishment, and the wine jar said: "Are you still attached to the surface? This is the holy place for cultivation."

Qin Shuang shrugged and said, "I don't know how much the dark realm has helped me. If not, I don't think I will stay here."

The five Tianzun looked relaxed, and the wine jar said: "You can rest assured that you will be of great help. Otherwise, how can we monks stay here for thousands of years?"

"And! What about my companions?"

The wine jar glanced at the four people in Yu Yuan, and his face appeared embarrassed. Thought for a while:

"We can let the four of them join the regretless tavern, but the harvest can't be divided equally with them. We can only give them some from your harvest, and you don't care how much you give them."

Qin Shuang thought about it and shook his head: "I'm sorry, I can't accept this condition."

"So what do you want?" the wine jar asked.

"This... Daoyou wait a minute."

Qin Shuang left the counter and came to Yu Yuan. They sat down at the table and said, "What do you think?"

Fang Cai’s tavern was very quiet, so Yu Yuan and others could hear them clearly. After hearing this, Qin Shuang turned his head to look at the wine jar and said:

"Oh, wine jar, you haven't told me, what will you gain from entering the dark realm?"

The wine jar raised his hand and patted his head: "Forget, our harvest is those monsters in the dark realm. Their Yuandan can help cultivate the power of mystery."

Qin Shuang's eyes light up, which is a good thing. What I worry about now is mental power. Now the solidification of spiritual power has reached 9.97, and the rest of it can't be improved. If the monster Yuan Dan is effective here, he will stay here for a while.

Qin Shuang looked at Yu Yuan's four people, and their eyes were bright. After thinking about it, Qin Shuang said to the wine jar:

"Wine jar, do you think this works? The monsters we hunted, they will not be divided. The monsters they hunted are also handed over to us halfway. How about we protect their safety?"

Yu Yuan and others showed gratitude and looked forward to the wine jar.

The wine jar smiled bitterly: "Qin Shuang, they just hunt monsters, we don't have to do it all. However, when they are with us, they can't hunt monsters at all."



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