Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2854: dinner

There are some things that need not be explained at all. These people are smart people. When the wine jar says so, Qin Shuang and Yu Yuan will understand.

In the dark world, the deeper you go, the stronger the monster is. The more powerful the monsters are, the better their Yuandan will be for Qin Shuang. With Qin Shuang's strength, they will naturally go deep in the dark. But what about Yu Yuan?

Even if the wine jars protect the safety of Yu Yuan and others, but the monsters there are Yu Yuan they can hunt?

The monsters hunted Yu Yuan and they were almost the same.

The wine jar thought for a while and said, "I don’t think so, do they still have two Tianzun 5th floors? When the two Tianzun 5th floors come back, let those two Tianzun 5th floors team up with these people, first in the dark Hunting monsters on the edge of the world is less dangerous. Of course, the grade on New Year's Day is also lower. But it is better than sending lives."

Yu Yuan and others glanced at each other and knew that it was absolutely impossible for them to form a team with themselves. And they can't drag Qin Shuang and team up with themselves. Yu Yuan then said:

"Senior, we will try it on the edge of the dark realm, don't worry about us."

Qin Shuang nodded. If Yu Yuan were hunting on the edge of the dark realm, they should not be threatened by monsters. After all, Yu Yuan is also a respecter, Anton and Bai Sheng are also respecters, only Sha Fengxiu is lower.


She suddenly remembered that the rules here were no rules, and once killed by other monks. Or Yu Yuan and others accidentally offended here and were killed. So, he looked at the wine jar and said:

"Wine jar, the rules here are no rules!"

The wine jar immediately understood Qin Shuang's meaning, but he was also embarrassed!

The strength of his no regret pub team is strong, but there are more than a dozen teams at the same level as the no regret pub, and there are even more powerful teams than the no regret pub. It is impossible for the pub without regret to say a word, Yu Yuan and I will protect them, and others will not dare to move Yu Yuan to them. Maybe you didn’t say this sentence. It’s okay. If you say this sentence, some monks will be upset. Why should you protect others, kill Yu Yuan!

The monkey on the side took a drink from the glass and looked at Qin Shuang and Yu Yuan. "I said, you just came in from the outside. Are there any special products in the storage ring?"

"Special product?" Qin Shuang and Yu Yuan were confused.

However, the eyes of the wine jar were bright: "Qin Shuang, you come from outside. Is there any food on the surface in the storage ring?

For example, the monster meat and the like, and the spirit rice. "

Qin Shuang and Yu Yuan immediately understood that these monks spent thousands of years in the dark world, which means that they have not eaten food above the surface for thousands of years. They will soon become their memories!

What is there?

There is a rich immortal energy, and Yuandan, which helps them to promote the power of mystery, is that there is no food on the ground.


I'm afraid I didn't eat anything at all. Those monsters might not be able to eat them.

As a result, these monks can only rely on absorbing immortal energy, and their mouths fade out of a bird.

However, in order to confirm, Qin Shuang still asked: "Wine jars, those monsters can't eat?"

"Eat a fart!" said the wine jar: "Those monsters are not inedible, but they are too unpalatable. Even if I rely on the absorption of elemental force, I will not eat them. Quickly, are there any special products on the surface?"

"So what are you brewing these wines from? You should have plants here, otherwise how would you brew them?"

Several people in the wine jar looked at each other, and their faces became strange, and finally the wine jar said:

"These wines are all made with the blood of monsters. The first treasure of this monster is their Yuan Dan, followed by their blood. There are very few odors. If you treat it, you can make wine. The taste is not bad. But the rest You can’t eat them anymore. Eating them means looking for abuse."

Speaking of which, the wine jar looked at Yu Yuan and others and said: "Give a happy talk, is there any?"

Yu Yuan, Bai Sheng and An Dong's faces appeared embarrassed. Originally, after defeating the Qianyuan clan's attack, they got a batch of food from the Qianyuan clan's storage ring. However, they decided to follow Qin Shuang to find the Qianyuan Patriarch, and left all the food in the camp, but only brought some medicine. There is no special product in the mouth of the wine jar in the storage ring.

As for Sha Feng, it is even more gone!

Seeing the faces of several people in Yu Yuan, the wine jar knew that there was no drama, sighed, and said to Qin Shuang:

"To be honest, to a few of them, no one will deliberately bully them. They are low in strength and hunt in the outer periphery of the dark world, and there is no conflict with everyone. But, as you said, the rules here are no rules, everything Respect for strength. Once a day, which monk is in a bad mood, give them a slap and shoot them all dead.

However, if you have a specialty on the surface, take it out and invite all the monks to have a meal. Let these people recall the taste of the past. When they are more honest, no monk will take care of them.

This is the sentiment!


Qin Shuang nodded and understood. Invite everyone to have a meal, and that's a lot of love. And Yu Yuan's strength does not conflict with the monks here, so they will be safe.

Yu Yuan has no special products on the ground in their storage ring, but Qin Shuang does!

Since Qin Shuang once stored tens of thousands of monster beast meat in the town demon tower, and later used it, Qin Shuang has developed this habit. Once the monster is hunted, it will be handed over to the town elder to clean up. Talisman, alchemy, refining, and array materials are stripped off, processed, and stored. The remaining meat is also stored in the storage box. Therefore, Qin Shuang really does not lack these, and has accumulated for hundreds of years and saved a lot.

As for Lingmi, how come?

Agar corn!

Some are!

According to the time flow rate of Zhenyao Tower, the fertility of agar pulp corn is managed by grimace tree monsters, and the growth environment inside the Zhenyao Tower, this agarose corn grows wildly like wild grass, and piles up like a mountain.

"How many monks are there?" Qin Shuang asked.

"It's about a thousand years old. After all, not many people can find it here. They all came in by accident. Maybe there are other places to enter in this dark world. But at our entrance, there are more than a thousand monks. ."

"Then haven't entered the dark world now, how many are left here?"

"Not many!" The wine jar shook his head: "That's more than three hundred, and everything else has entered the shady."

"Then please tell everyone about the wine jar, I'll treat you. The monster meat and spirit rice are enough."


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