Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2860: How to do?

Qin Shuang tried his best to defend, while thinking quickly! There was a plan in mind quickly.

If you can't beat it, then you can only fight for the most basic things and control this long river of space!

For the application of the laws of space, Qin Shuang is certainly not as good as the thousand-yuan ancestor who has been immersed in countless years. He can play with these laws of space. But just the right to control this space law, Silk River, is the basis of fighting. The comprehension on the basis is only the understanding of control, and Qin Shuang is not weaker than the thousand-yuan ancestor.

In other words, even if it is weak, it is not much weaker!

Once vying for control, the thousand-yuan ancestors can't even control the law silk, how can they use law silk to attack Qin Shuang?

This is the only way for Qin Shuang to survive.


Qin Shuang no longer hesitated immediately, the mysterious power spread out rapidly, and the great space of space flowed in his heart, fighting for the control of every thread of space basic law.

The thousand-yuan ancestor hidden in the river of space law silk was releasing the magical power of a space hurricane, but the hurricane collapsed suddenly, causing the thousand-yuan ancestor to suffer a bit of backlash, and the sea of ​​consciousness gave birth to a trace of pain. This shocked his heart, and profound knowledge spread rapidly, checking the original.

Just a moment, it became clear in his heart.

This piano pair is too cunning. If you can't beat yourself by using the law of space, you will compete with yourself for this long river of space.

Take control. If this long river is controlled by Qin Shuang, not to mention that his thousand-yuan ancestor has become dangerous, it is that he will no longer be able to use this river to attack Qin Shuang.


The space shook, and the thousand-yuan ancestors began to fight for control of this river. The two heavenly masters have changed from fighting with the law of space to fighting for control of the long river of space.

The Qianyuan ancestor Sheng had a deeper understanding of space than the Qin Shuang Sheng, and the Qin Shuang Sheng was stronger than the Qianyuan ancestor in Xuanzhi. Therefore, after a battle between the two heavenly ancestors, they actually fell into a stalemate.

This kind of stalemate is the most dangerous. Once one party begins to show a slight weakness, it will be defeated and eventually strangled by the long river of space.

Therefore, the two celestial beings could not help but focus on fighting for control of the long river. The two celestial beings focused on competing, but formed a situation, that is, neither of the two people control the long river of space, the long river of space began to arbitrarily Flowing in the dark world, far away from their two familiar areas. Even if the two of them jumped out of the long river of space at this time, they couldn't tell the direction back. What's more, two people who are evenly matched, no one can jump out of this river at this time, and they are focusing on each other with all their strength.

Time passed day by day.

Qin Shuang and Qianyuan Patriarch both forgot about the time, Qianyuan Patriarch just instinctively took a pill after his vitality was exhausted. But Qin Shuang is much simpler, Zhen Lao took the initiative to come to Qin Shuang's stomach, and whenever Qin Shuang Yuan's energy was consumed, he would pour some monkey wine to make up for the Yuan's energy in Qin Shuang's body.

Finally, the thousand yuan ancestor woke up from this state of concentration, and then became flustered.

At this time, neither of them knew that the two of them had been drifting in the dark world for more than eight months. In other words, the thousand-yuan ancestor had taken the medicine for more than eight months.

The thousand-yuan ancestors have pill, and there are enough pill. As the ancestor of the Thousand Yuan Clan, how could it be possible to have a pill?

What's more, it is entering the depleted land, so there is enough medicine in the storage ring of the thousand-yuan ancestor. However, after taking the medicine for eight months, too much erysipelas and impurities have accumulated in his body, which has caused his cultivation base to fall to the fifth level of Heavenly Sovereign.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he was shocked to find that he had lost his way. The thousand yuan ancestor made a decision in an instant and shouted to Qin Shuang:

"Qin Shuang!"

Qin Shuang awakened from concentration, and then discovered that the condition was bad. She did not fall into the realm, because she has been drinking monkey wine, but she has also lost her way. She doesn't know where she is in the dark world now?

"Qin Shuang, did you find out too?"


"How about we stop?"

"You stop!"

Qianyuan ancestor fell into silence. At the same time, Qin Shuang began to pay attention to his surroundings, and then his brows couldn't help but frowned. She found that this spatial river was carrying herself and Qianyuan ancestors, flowing in one direction at an extremely fast speed.

Qin Shuang hurriedly turned his head, looking in that direction, a look of horror appeared on his face.

In her vision, she saw a huge black whirlpool with no borders.

The reason why it is said to be huge and borderless is not that this black vortex really has no borders, but because they are too close to this vortex.

The Dark Realm was originally dark, but this vortex was even darker and deeper, making it possible to distinguish it at a glance.

This black vortex is almost indistinguishable from the black hole in the void. And Qin Shuang and Qian Yuan ancestors have entered the range absorbed by this black hole, and the long river of space flows uncontrollably to the black hole, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

At this time, the thousand yuan ancestor also saw this black hole and couldn't help but immediately shouted:

"Qin Shuang, we give up the fight together."

"it is good!"

Qin Shuang did not resist anymore at this time. At this time, she believed that the thousand-yuan ancestor had no idea of ​​fighting. The two Tianzun began to slowly relax their control over the long river of space. With the beginning, both sides gained a lot of trust. Only in less than ten breaths, the two people collected the profound knowledge. But the spatial river still carried the two of them towards the black hole.



The two figures jumped out of the spatial river, but then they discovered that although the two of them jumped out of the spatial river, they could not get rid of the suction.

That huge black hole, the suction is too strong, and the two of them are too close to the black hole!

Qin Shuang and Qianyuan Patriarch kept a distance of kilometers away from each other, and their figures were already flowing toward the black hole like a meteor.

Qin Shuang looked serious, ready to enter the town demon tower at any time. But she knew that once she entered the town demon tower, she became completely passive, so she was still insisting that if her body could hold the black hole, she would not enter the town demon tower. And outside, she was able to break free.


Qin Shuang and Qianyuan Patriarch are constantly struggling to break free, but they are unable to break free from the suction of the black hole. The two people had already entered the edge of the black hole, and their bodies inevitably began to hover with the black hole, while circling, while entering the depths of the black hole mansion.

Qin Shuang's heart became anxious. This is not a question of entering the Demon Town Tower. At present, her body can withstand it. If she enters the Town Demon Tower, she won't even want to break free.

How to do?


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