Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2681: another world

Qin Shuang constantly released all his abilities, but none of them were useful. I watched myself flow towards the depths of the black hole, and glanced at the thousand yuan ancestor not far away. The situation was the same as my own, flowing towards the depths of the black hole in a spiral curve.

Moreover, Qin Shuang could feel that this black hole had extremely strong strangulation power, the deeper it went, the stronger the strangulation power. That is to say, he has the strength of Tianzun's pinnacle, and he is still wearing the Skyline Armor, and he does not feel too much pressure. But Qin Shuang could see that the body of the thousand-yuan ancestor had begun to seep blood.


Qin's eyes condensed, and she saw not only traces of blood, but also traces of black erysipelas and impurities on the body of the thousand-yuan ancestor.

Suddenly, this kind of strangulation power, while strangling the body, also had the effect of tempering the body. The final result depends on how strong the black hole's strangulation power will be, and how strong the monk's body will be. If the final result is that the strength of the body is not equal to the strangulation power of the black hole, it will be twisted into dust by the black hole. If it can withstand the strangulation power of the black hole, this is an excellent place for body quenching.


Qin Shuang immediately put away the Skywalking Armor, lost the protection of the Skywalking Armor, and the intensive strangulation power hit his upper body. Pain hits my heart, but the body of Tianzun Peak can withstand this strangulation, and the erysipelas and impurities are tempered and eliminated.

Qin Shuang's heart is a joy, if he can completely remove the erysipelas and impurities in his body, he will be able to restore the semi-holy body. With a semi-sacred body, he is much safer, and perhaps with semi-sacred power, he can compete for the power of this black hole.


A trace of black erysipelas and impurities were discharged from Qin Shuang's body. Although it was painful, he could feel his strength recovering. This made Qin Shuang's heart happy and began to have time to study this black hole.


Qin Shuang's heart was suddenly startled, and she discovered that a kind of power had suddenly emerged from the black hole, repelling her body, and repelling her body to continue deepening inside.

This can't help but surprise Da Xin. As long as she doesn't go deeper, she studies slowly and can always find a way to get out of this black hole.


Why is there a repulsive force?

This black hole is still spinning, and it continues to generate suction!

However, Qin Shuang hadn’t waited until Qin Shuang began to think about it. It’s just that these few thoughts had just surfaced, and huge fear emerged in her heart, because she felt an irresistible huge suction force, directly entering her sea of ​​consciousness, pulling her own. soul.

"Qiang Qiang..."

The sky armor on the soul of the soul was instantly repelled by the huge tugging, and bounced off the body of the soul, and then without letting Qin Shuang think about it, the soul of the soul came out, and with a swish, it turned toward the black hole like a meteor. Moving away from the depths, I heard the screams of the thousand-yuan ancestor.

Only for an instant, Qin Shuang felt a dazzling white light, and the whiteness could not see anything, and the eyes that stabbed the soul did not dare to open, and hurriedly closed. Just like this, Qin Shuang's soul is very uncomfortable.

It feels just for a moment, without the white light. Qin Shuang opened his eyes and saw a landscape. Turning his head, he saw a huge white hole spinning in the air. Then I saw a Yuanshen being thrown out of the white hole, looking exactly like the Qianyuan Patriarch.

Qin Shuang didn't even think about it, but just threw it out. This thousand-yuan ancestor almost killed himself...

Do not!

Now that I am almost dead, I don't know what I am in now.

How can Qin Shuang not hate?

The thousand yuan ancestor hadn't reacted yet, he was sucked into the heaven and earth millstone. Without the body, the heaven and earth millstone directly grinds his soul, causing his soul to begin to crack.


Another shadow rushed out from the light hole, and Qin Shuang was taken aback. He turned around and looked around, but found that it was his own soul. Can't help but be surprised:

"You also came in like this?"


Before she finished her words, the thousand-yuan ancestor fought so hard, and unexpectedly rushed out of the big millstone of heaven and earth, but there were already more than a dozen cracks on the soul.


Fating Soul didn't even think about it, so he threw a big grinding wheel at the thousand yuan ancestor, and sucked the thousand yuan ancestor in again. At this time, whether it was Qin Shuang's soul or life soul, they were a little weak.

Today's Great Grinding Disk has integrated eleven attributes. Although it has not yet reached the perfect state, it is also a little overwhelmed by the soul and soul. That is, each can only be released once.

However, the thousand yuan ancestor is even more miserable.

After desperately trying to get out of one world grinding wheel, he did not expect to be sucked into another world grinding wheel. And at this time, his heart was full of fear. He doesn't understand why there are two primordial spirits of piano pairs?

The most important thing is that he tried his best to rush out once, but he couldn't rush out a second time. The whole soul began to collapse.


A chain of laws burst out from his soul. But Qin Shuang could only watch and sigh. At this time, she was just a soul and soul, without knowledge of the sea, no realm, and no demon tower, so she couldn't collect these law chains. Otherwise, you can keep the decomposition and re-knit, saving a lot of time.


When the soul and soul saw the collapse of the soul that accompanied the thousand yuan ancestor, and the rich profound power radiated, the soul and soul were overjoyed. Each opened his mouth and sucked, and the profound power returned to the sect like ten thousand streams, absorbed into the body by the soul and soul.

The profound strength of Yuan Shen and Ming Hun finally increased at a speed that made Qin Shuang excited.

Nine point nine seven... Nine point nine eight... Nine point nine nine...

"Huh..." Qin Shuang exclaimed, "Just a little bit!"

Qin Shuang finally understood the profound power of Qianyuan Patriarch this time. The monks of the same rank have a big gap in strength. On the one hand, it is because of the different essence of power, on the one hand, because of the number of attributes, on the other hand, because of the different levels of understanding of the heavens, and the other is the discovery this time, that is, the density of the profound power is also different.

She found that the profound strength of the thousand-yuan ancestor was much looser, far less solid than the profound strength of Qin Shuang. Therefore, the mysterious power of the sixth level of Tianzun has been created, and the mysterious power of Qin Shuang has not been perfected.

Of course, Qin Shuang also knows that from liquefaction to solidification, the more difficult it becomes, the more profound it takes to refine the liquid and finally transform it into a solid state.

Don't look at Qin Shuang now that there is only a small amount of uncured left, but it is more difficult than all curing before.

"Are you here?" Qin Shuang's Yuanshen asked after absorbing the profound strength of the thousand-yuan ancestor.



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