Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2865: Panjia

"No, no need!" Pan Lei hurriedly waved his hand, he naturally knew what was going on, where Qin Shuang went to find the meeting ceremony.

"Go, I'll take you to see my grandpa."

"Father, I'll go too!" Pan Kuan said. He was very interested in Qin Shuang because he could see that Qin Shuang was different from them.


The group came to the backyard, passed through the gates, and finally came to a small garden. I saw an old man holding a hoe, weeding in the medicine garden. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he didn't look up, and he was still weeding seriously.



The old man didn't lift his head, but he hoeed a few more seriously before he lifted his head, and then the look on his face became stiff. He threw down the **** abruptly, and stood in front of Qin Shuang as soon as he fluttered. Then he sensed that Qin Shuang exuded a huge power, and he couldn't help taking a step back. A nervous expression appeared on his face. Qin Double Arch:

"Panhuo has seen seniors."

"Grandpa, this predecessor's name is Qin Shuang, who came in from the white hole."

Pan Huo suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of excitement on his face. After taking a few deep breaths, his excitement gradually calmed down and said respectfully:

"Senior please!"

A group of four had just entered the room and sat down. Before they had time to speak, the door was pushed open with a bang.

"Father!" An old man came in again.

Pan Huo's face sank, and he scolded: "What kind of style is it reckless? I haven't come to see Senior Qin!"

The man looked at Qin Shuang with excitement on his face, and hurriedly paid a courtesy to see him: "Panshan has seen seniors."

"Senior, this is my son Panshan." Pan Huo introduced.

Qin Shuang nodded, not touching his fingers this time. After Panshan sits down. Pan Huo Dao:

"Senior, I know that you are very curious about this place and have a lot of things you want to know. And I am also very curious about you and the white hole side. The younger generation first introduced you to the things here, you have If you don’t understand, you can ask me. Then ask the senior to tell the younger generation about the affairs of Baidong."

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

Pan Huo breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Qin Shuang was a vicious person, so he shot himself and others to death. After sorting out his thoughts, he said:

"We can now be counted as the natives of this world. But our ancestors are not. Our ancestors also came from the side of Baidong. But I don’t know the specific situation of our ancestors. Because it’s too long, billions Years have passed, it has long been submerged in history."

"You mean, your ancestors entered here hundreds of millions of years ago?" Qin Shuang couldn't help being surprised.

"It should be!" Pan Huo thought for a while and nodded: "It's all said, not billions of years, but it should be a long, long, long time ago. What happened in that era, no one knows now. Up."

Qin Shuang thought for a while and said, "Then do you know that when your ancestors came in from the white hole, they didn't have a physical body?"

"I don't know!" Pan Huo shook his head and said, "Anyway, I have never seen a monk with a flesh body. Never."

"Then there are only human races?"

"No!" Pan Huo shook his head and said, "There are dozens of suzerains, dragons, phoenixes, white tigers, blue cows and so on."

While listening to Pan Huo's narration, Qin Shuang speculated based on his narration.

Qin Shuang likes to read books. Starting from the Martial Artist Continent, that's it. Everywhere he goes, he reads books first. Not only the cultivation aspect, but also history and geography, as well as strange things and so on. Therefore, Qin Shuang knows the history of the fairy world very well. According to Pan Huo, their ancestors entered here, it should be the ancient times. In other words, it was the era when the emperor existed.

That era can be described as a great era, and heroes appeared in large numbers.

The dragon and the phoenix fight, the human race rises!

Wars were everywhere, shattering many places in the fairy world. It's just that Pan Huo doesn't know much, and it's very vague.

Qin Shuang didn't think that Pan Huo was deliberately hidden. It's normal not to know that such a long history.

Finally, Pan Huo said: "Our Pan family arranged for the human race to stay in the nearest place to the white hole. Our mission is to monitor the white hole, whether there are monks coming from the white hole, and our ancestors have been waiting here for generations."

"Is that there?"

Pan Huo shook his head and said, "No, my ancestors have never noticed it for generations. Only Senior, you come from the white hole."

Speaking of this, I was excited again: "Finally, my ancestors stayed here for generations and it was not in vain."

Qin Shuang's heart was on guard: "What if you find a monk coming in?"

Pan Huo also became nervous. He knew that if he didn't explain it well, it might cause Qin Shuang to make a sudden move. With a serious look:

"Predecessors, ancestors and ancestors have been handed down from generation to generation. To be honest, they are no longer hopeful. Many advices are getting simpler. Maybe at the beginning, there will be many advices, but generation after generation, under disappointment, those who dare to save Saved. I can only say what I know."

"Well, you say!"

"My father said to me very simply that once he found out that there was a monk coming from Baidong, he should treat him well, and then inform the lord of Baidong City."


"No!" Pan Huo looked at Qin Shuang nervously.

Qin Shuang thought for a while, and if you want to know more about this time, you must contact the high level of this world. As for the danger, where is there no danger?

Just be careful then!

However, one must understand how the body is constructed at this time?

The bodies they build are much higher than their own. You must learn so that you can mix into this world without being noticed. If he could learn it, Qin Shuang would not be too afraid of this world. The cultivation base of that city lord will not be very high, after all, the highest cultivation base in Baidong Town is the peak of the Immortal Emperor. If that city lord is malicious towards him, he has learned how to build a body in this world, he can kill the opponent and leave calmly. With the method of constructing the body, Qin Shuang will be more at ease without being noticed.

"Pan Huo, how is your body constructed?" Qin Shuang looked directly at Pan Huo.

"Building? Body building?" Pan Huo looked at Qin Shuang with a bewildered expression.

"Yes!" Qin Shuang nodded.

"We didn't build, we were born like this!"

"Born?" Qin Shuang said in surprise: "You don't have a physical body, how do you have children?"

"How can you not have a baby without a physical body?" Pan Huo was even more surprised than Qin Shuang.

"How... give birth?"

Qin Shuang looked dumbfounded, and said in his heart, although I have never had a child, I am also a woman, OK? Are you born like this?



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