Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2866: Ji Yue

"Just give birth like that!"

Pan Huo scratched his head, and with a woman, he was too embarrassed to elaborate. After thinking about it, he got up and fetched a blank jade slip. After sending the message, he handed it to Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang took the jade slip and looked at it once, but he looked a little confused. However, I know that the monks here have a special method of giving birth, but how can they be born in this way is very confused.

"Panhuo, don't you know if Fangshu Pavilion is inconvenient for me to see?"

"OK, no problem."

Panhuo directly agreed. Panjia has some so-called cheats that people don't show to others. However, the ancestors instructed to entertain the people in the white cave well, and once the mission is completed, there will be generous rewards, and Panhuo naturally doesn't care.

"That one……"

"I know!"

Qin Shuang naturally understood the meaning of Pan Huo and began to tell him about the fairy world. She knew what Pan Huo wanted to know. So it mainly talks about the history and illusion of the fairy world, as well as the mainstream practice methods of the fairy world.

This narration arrived in the evening, and the fire was set for a banquet. Qin Shuang is a little confused, how does Yuanshen eat?

However, she watched Pan Huo and the others eat very well. He picked a piece of fine beast meat and put it into the mouth of the soul. Naturally, it is the mouth of the constructed body, not the mouth of the soul. Then use the power of the profound to refine that piece of beast meat. A strong and pure mysterious power was refined from the essence of beast meat, and that piece of meat was refined into powder, which was excreted by Qin Shuang.

Qin's eyes lit up, a good thing! If I eat it every day, Qin Shuang feels that within a year he will be able to reach the perfect state of profound power.

However, she also saw that Panhuo's family eats differently from herself. They seem to have flesh bodies, they don't refine the essence of beast meat like they do, and directly expel the powder.

"We still have to understand the world as soon as possible!"

Qin Shuang had no idea of ​​eating, and Pan Huo also saw that Qin Shuang did not seem to have any interest, so he hurriedly finished eating, and took Qin Shuang to his home library, letting Qin Shuang watch by himself. He still left Panshan here to obey the instructions, and then he left and reported to the city lord of Baidong City through the jade slip.

Qin Shuang entered the Cangshu Pavilion, his eyes swept away, there were not many jade slips, it seemed that the inheritance of the Pan family was average. She casually sat down on a chair, and then spread out the profound knowledge, separating out a trace of profound knowledge, each of which entered into a jade slip and got up at the same time.

In this way, for the realm of Qin Shuang today, it is easy, but in less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang finished more than a hundred jade slips here, and then closed his eyes and began to sort out the knowledge in these jade slips.

In a flash, more than an hour passed.

Baidong Town.

At the beginning of a person who walked out of the windmill teleportation array, the flames waiting here immediately greeted him:

"Senior Ji!"

"Pan Huo, someone really came from the white hole?"

"Yeah!" Pan Huo nodded and said: "It's in my library now."

"Go, I want to see her."

"Senior Ji!" Pan Huo said while walking with Ji Yue: "The cultivator who came from the white hole has a very high cultivation base."

"How tall is it?"

"Should be taller than... you!"

Ji Yue frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"I think Senior Qin must be anxious to understand our situation now. If we rush to disturb him..."

"I know!" Ji Yue said immediately: "I'll be waiting for her in front of your library door, don't bother her."

"Senior Ji, I sent my grandson Panshan to serve the senior Qin in the library. Once the senior Qin comes out, my grandson will definitely notify me. So Senior Ji does not have to wait at the door."

"Alright! The two of us have a drink."

"Good!" Panhuo said cheerfully, "It's been a long time since I had a drink with Senior."

"Hehe, your kid has developed this time."

Qin Shuang opened his eyes in the library. The collection of books in the Pan family's library is too small, and most of them are cultivation methods, and there is no way to build the body. However, Qin Shuang also has some speculation directions through these cultivation methods, but it just takes time to deduce.

As for the understanding of this world is still very shallow, the records in these books let Qin Shuang know that there are almost no refining materials in this world, or there are only some low-level refining ores, let alone high-level ones, they are medium None of the order. Therefore, at this time, the vast majority of weapons were spirit weapons, and lower-grade fairy weapons were already top fairy weapons.

Therefore, there is no space fairy at all here, or even storage rings. Because most of the materials for refining storage rings are here, but the most critical material, Kong Mingshi, does not. Although there is only one hollow stone with the size of a millet grain, a storage ring can be refined, but there is no hollow stone here.

However, there is no problem in alchemy and talisman making. There are also various herbs here, but they are all related to the growth of profound power and the power of divine consciousness, and several pill prescriptions are also related to this aspect. medicine.

These pill formulas were unexpected gains for Qin Shuang. The most lacking pill formulas on the side of the immortal realm were the pill formulas to increase profound strength, but there was no shortage here.

There is no shortage of materials for talisman making, because there are fine beasts here. The skin and blood of fine beasts are the best materials for making talisman.

The formation road has received the influence of the material, after all, the formation road needs the formation flag to set up. Therefore, only mid-range formations can be deployed, and high-grade formations cannot be deployed at all.

Of course, you can set up a talisman array, and now in this world, the mainstream of the array is the talisman array.

Qin Shuang started with four pill formulas.

There are three kinds of medicines called Yuanshen Pills, but the herbs of the medicines are different from the Yuanshen Pills of the Immortal Realm, because there are no herbs in the Immortal Realm.

The three Danfangs are low grade, middle grade and top grade. The last pill is called a profound pill, but it directly increases the power of the profound.

After studying for half an hour, Qin Shuang felt that there was no problem in refining these four pills. Knowing what should be understood, Qin beckoned in both directions. Panshan hurried over:

"Senior, what's your order?"

"Does your home have a place for alchemy?"

"Yes!" Panshan little chicken nodded like a rice dumpling: "Senior, are you an alchemist?"

"Yeah!" Qin Shuang nodded, "Do you have the materials for refining profound pills?"

"Yes!" Panshan's eyes jumped with surprise: "Can you refine profound pills?"

"Is it amazing to be able to refine profound pills? Since your family has the materials to refine profound pills, it proves that your family also has alchemists who can refine profound pills."


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