Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2886: Shadow world

He looked away from his hand and looked up to the opposite side. Qin Shuang felt a chill rushing from his tail vertebrae to his scalp in an instant, and his entire scalp was numb.

No one on the other side, Xia Fenfang disappeared.

A woman in a black dress and black dress was facing her back, walking towards the third floor, and the door that had just been broken was intact as before. Where is there any trace of broken?

Qin Shuang felt terrified, took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and shouted at the back figure:

"Senior Xia, is that you?"

"Qin Shuang...Qin Shuang..."

Qin Shuang felt a voice that was suddenly far and near, calling her name vaguely, not really, but it seemed to be Xia Fenfang's voice.

The body constructed by Qin Shuang fluctuated, and the soul shook violently, and a trace of pain was born in the soul.


In the soul of the soul, Mingxun opened his mouth, and a high-spirited melody sang from her mouth.

Long Fengming!

Qin Shuang Yuanshen was clear, and there was a flower in front of him. The opposite Xia Fenfang was looking at her with concern, calling out:

"Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang..."

Seeing Qin's eyes clear, Xia Fenfang breathed a sigh of relief: "Is it all right?"

Qin Shuang stared at Xia Fenfang on the opposite side, then moved his eyes upward, past Xia Fenfang, and looked towards the third floor. There was no figure in the black dress and black dress at this time, but the door on the third floor was intact and closed.

Qin Shuang suddenly had a feeling, and that feeling was very strong.

The woman in black dress and black dress was standing behind the door and looking at herself.

Qin Shuang felt like he had fallen into an ice cave: "Senior, do you remember the door you smashed just now?"

"That door?"

Xia Fenfang suddenly turned his head, and in her vision, the door was still broken.

Her eyebrows twitched, and circles of fluctuations spread from her body.

The space visibly gave birth to a wave of waves. The wave fell on the ground, spread to the surroundings, spread to the wall, and then spread along the wall. In an instant, all the places in the cave were covered by the waves. .

Qin's eyes flashed, although she didn't know this kind of fluctuation, and it was the first time she saw it. But it is very familiar, because this kind of fluctuation contains two kinds of energy.

The power of the soul and the power of the soul.

It's just that these two energies are not separated, but merged.


Fluctuation was taken back by Xia Fenfang, and the cave fell silent.


Qin Shuang let out a long breath, and the creepy feeling disappeared. Qin Shuang's face was a little pale, and his blood color gradually recovered.


"It's getting better and better."


"The Devil!"

"The Devil?"

"It should be called that way!"


Xia Fenfang looked at Qin Shuang and said, "You shouldn't lie to you about this. You said before that there is also a demon world in the fairy world."

"Yes, why? There was no demon world in the ancient times?"

"No! But there are demons. The demons at that time were very weak, not as weak as the human races. No race regarded the demons as the same thing. Because everyone knows that the demons are not born by nature, but because of the hundred races. Born of negative emotions.

When we entered the white hole, there was no demons in this world. But as we entered and time passed, we gradually discovered anomalies. "

"The demons appeared?"

"Yes, nor is it!" Xia Fenfang said thoughtfully: "It is not the demons that appeared first, but a shadow world."

"Shadow World?"

"Well, it seems to be a projection of this world, we can't get in. It's just that a gap appeared by accident, allowing us to see some scenes inside.

It's dark. "

Qin Shuang immediately thought of the inner world he saw through the crack of the door.

"In the beginning, we didn't know what kind of world it was. Because there were too few gaps. They were too short, often just an instant. When it appeared, there might be no people there at all, so naturally there is no one. People see. When there are people, the cracks are too short to have a closer look."

"We didn't take it too seriously, thinking it was an occasional space crack.

However, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, a million years later.

What appears is not a crack. Sometimes when you open the door in your own home, the original corridor outside the door becomes a dark world. And the stay time began to get longer. Someone entered but never came out. Those who didn't enter saw the scene inside, just like the scene of the world here, just like the projection of the world here, but the world over there seems to always be dark. "

Having said that, Xia Fenfang raised his head and glanced at Qin Shuang: "So we call it the shadow world, which means projecting the world."

"What happened later?" Qin Shuang's voice was a bit dry.

"Even at this time, we didn't find any living creatures inside. However, after another million years, we discovered that creatures began to appear in the shadow world."

"They came out to attack you?"

"They don't seem to get out."

"Can't get out? I just saw someone very like you, but in a black dress and black dress."

"That is their back projection."

"Back projection?"

"Yes, they can also project to our side, but their projections do not have any substantive attack power in this world, and at most have the ability to confuse monks. For example, make monks in a trance and enter the shadow world by themselves."

"However, although they can't walk in completely, they can stick out part of their body, such as pulling your arm."

"Huh..." Qin Shuang exhaled, and understood the reason in his heart, so he no longer feared. But then his face changed:

"Senior, you said before that when the Shadow Realm first started, there were no creatures in it. Now that there are creatures, that is what you call the Demon Race?"

"Yes, we speculate that they were born from our negative emotions."

"Then... they can project from their birth to now, confuse the cultivator, and then to be able to show part of their body, then, will they come out of the shadow world completely in the future?"

"I don't know!" Xia Fenfang shook his head and said, "But we found a more serious problem."

"what is the problem?"

"In the beginning, it was just a crack, and now it can cover a certain room. When you open the door, you will walk into the shadow world. What does this mean?"

Qin Shuang thought for a while, his face suddenly changed color: "Coincident?"

"Yes, it is coincidence." Xia Fenfang's expression became serious: "Maybe at some point in the future, this world and the shadow world will completely coincide."

"Then... what will happen?"


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