Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2887: Suggest

"do not know."

"Is this world dominating and covering the shadow world? Or is it dominating the shadow world and covering this world?"

"do not know."

"You... didn't study?"

"This happens rarely, or in other words, rarely occurs in the monks' residential area. Therefore, our research is limited."

"In other words, your research on the shadow world is still at the preliminary stage?"

Xia Fenfang looked a little embarrassed: "It's not a preliminary stage."

Qin's eyes lit up: "Deeper?"

Xia Fenfang's face was even more embarrassed: "It's not the beginning, it should stay on the surface."

Qin Shuang is so angry that he wants to curse, how many tens of thousands of years have it been?

The shadow world has begun to try to cover this world, so your research stays on the surface?

Is this waiting to be completely covered by the shadow world and then destroy you?

The atmosphere between the two people became awkward, and neither of them spoke, and there was silence. Half-hit, double piano:

"The demons in the shadow world can project it, can you project it?"


"Huh..." Qin Shuang let out a sigh of relief. This time he spent a long time thinking about it. After more than half an hour, he said:

"Is it possible to assume that this world originally had no shadow world. Because the beasts here are instinctively living. Good and evil blend. The formation of the shadow world and the appearance of the demons are because of your arrival.

The reason why the Shadow Realm and the Demon Race did not appear at the beginning is because you were all fighting for survival at that time, and your heart was also a blend of good and evil. You want to cultivate, not your mind. What is needed is strength, not longevity. Therefore, at that stage, there was no shadow world, and no demons.

However, after you have appeared at the Saint Level, and the spirit beasts here can no longer threaten you, you will gradually become comfortable. Especially after the soul is born, the soul is united, and the offspring can be born. Those of your offspring, without the crisis that you just came to this world, they enjoy a life of ease from birth. So the direction of their cultivation has changed.

They began to cultivate long lives, not cultivation bases. Therefore, they have to cut off their own evil and only keep their own good. Such evil only remains between the heavens and the earth, accumulating more and more, and perhaps naturally forming the shadow world. Or there was a shadow world, but the shadow world was originally closed, but it was opened by these evils. In other words, these evils can shuttle into the shadow world, or they are sucked into the shadow world by the shadow world.

They accumulate more and more in the shadow world, and the shadow world is a fertile ground for them, so the demon was born. "

Xia Fenfang sat there blankly, stood up abruptly, grabbed the Qin Shuang, and disappeared into the cave in an instant. When he reappeared, he had already appeared in the cave of Situ Dao, and then XuanKuan entered She Huan's cave and shouted:

"Brother Huan, come to Senior Brother Situ."

Situ Dao stared at Xia Fenfang in a daze, but then calmed down without asking, waiting for She Huan. She Huan came in soon:

"Fragrant, what's the matter?"

"Qin Shuang, repeat your analysis just now."

Qin Shuang repeated his analysis just now. Both Situ Dao and She Huan fell into contemplation. After a while, Situ Dao sighed:

"It should be correct."

The four people in the living room were silent, their expressions extremely solemn.

Now that all four of them understand, the more the monks in this world are like now, slashing evil and cultivating good, the shadow world will become more and more manifest, eventually covering this world. At that time, no one could predict the result.

"Have we cultivated the good and the wrong? Should we go to the evil?" Xia Fenfang was a little depressed.

"If we cut the good, I'm afraid there will be a shadow world, and a kind of good race will be born to cover us. There is an old saying: The world knows that the beauty is beautiful and the evil is. Already."

"Good is yang, and evil is yin." She Huan thoughtfully said, "We have already lost the balance between yin and yang. We were wrong."

"The atmosphere has become established!" Xia Fenfang sighed.

"That has to be changed." She Huan gritted his teeth.

"How to change?" Situ Dao sighed: "Order them to kill the beasts? Will they do their best? You should also understand that to drive the monks to do something, the command is the least efficient. The highest is the survival crisis, and the next level is Driven by interests.

Do we have an existential crisis now?


Are we driven by interests?

Some resources are not exhausted. What interest do you use to drive them? "

"Senior, there is really no way to enter the shadow world? If we can kill the demons in the shadow world, we should be able to ease the current state."

"I really can't get in!" Situ Dao shook his head.

Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "If this continues, there is no problem for the time being. What about ten thousand years? Million years, tens of millions of years, or hundreds of millions of years?

At that time, there will be more and more cultivators in this world, and more and more evil deeds. If it can't be stopped now, it will be too late at that time. "

"Qin Shuang, what would happen if something like this happened in your fairy world?"

Qin Shuang also has a headache, this is different from the fairy world. The monks here almost have no desires and desires, and the cultivation resources are too much to use up. It is not good to say that even without the resources, under such a strong mysterious power environment, the realm can be steadily improved. What's more, if you leave the city and walk outside, maybe you can pick up resources?

"Senior, do you know what happened in the shadow world now?"

"There are few people who know, because the chances of the shadow world appearing are very few, at least very few now. Most of them appear in no man's land."

"How about advertise this news?"

"It's useless!" Xia Fenfang shook his head and said, "Of course, after a long time at ease, your vigilance will become dull. Maybe you will get nervous and cheer up when you first hear it. If you find that the shadow world is extremely rare, you will slack off. The culture that has been cultivated over fifty to six million years cannot be changed by a small threat."

"Then it will be bigger." Qin double said.

"How big?" The Sansheng looked at Qin Shuang.

"You and the sages of other races will study. If other sages can realize the danger of the shadow world, you can spend a few years or ten years to die. You must have a reason to die. All monks and beasts believe. Then you gather together to study the shadow world.

In this way, when the spirit beast hears the news of your successive deaths, it may probe for many years. When they finally decided that you saints were really dead. The spirit beast has no scruples, and will definitely begin to declare war on your 27 races. It should be a temptation at first, when they are further certain that you are all dead. An all-out war will break out.


Thank you djp1123 (100) for your reward!



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