Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2888: Yuhua

At that time, your 27 races are in crisis of survival. They have no easy life, they must fight back. There is no more idle time to kill evil.

At that time, they cultivated strength, not longevity.

In this way, at the very least, the influence of the shadow world will not be further expanded and enhanced. And the saints gathered together to study the shadow world. Maybe there will be gains. This is a win-win plan. "

"But..." Xia Fenfang hesitated: "Maybe 27 races will be exterminated by the beasts. Now these monks have a realm of cultivation, but their combat power..."

Xia Fenfang smiled bitterly.

Qin Shuang said coldly: "Either they will be reborn from the ashes, or they will be completely destroyed. Or you saints will work out a solution to the shadow world before they perish."

There was silence in the living room, and for a while, Situ said: "Let’s count it up with the other saints first, this is not a matter of a race. And how to cheat death, you also need to find a reasonable reason. How can saints die so easily? And they are still dead one after another?"

This is not the matter of Qin Shuang, she just gave suggestions on how to operate those saints who accept or not. It has nothing to do with her.

"Senior!" Qin Shuang thought of his purpose: "I am here to ask some questions."

"Brother Daoist, you give Qin Shuang all the records of our saints who have studied the cultivation of the soul and soul. She has not born a soul now, and wants to study our original direction."

Having said that, she stood up and said: "I will go to the cave mansion and bring mine for you."

Situ Dao and She Huan were not thinking about pointing the Qin Shuang at this time, and She Huan also stood up and went back to the cave mansion to get those jade slips. Situ Dao went directly to his warehouse.

Xia Fenfang came back first and handed the pocket to Qin Shuang. After about a quarter of an hour, Situ Dao and She Huan came back one after another and each gave Qin Shuang a pocket. After Qin Shuang thanked them, they knew that the Three Sages wanted to communicate with the saints of other races, so they stopped staying and gave a gift.

Qin Shuang carried three bags, walked down from the mountain, and then flew back to his crescent peak. After entering his wooden building, he opened the talisman formation. The soul flew out of the soul, the soul and soul each took a bag and started the jade slip inside.

The primordial spirit separates ten thousand strands of profound knowledge, and the life soul separates ten thousand strands of soul power. Every strand is in a jade slip, and the cultivation base of the second floor of Tianzun makes the soul and soul very fast. It's over, the two sides exchanged. Finally, the jade slip in the third bag.

Three days.\\n

Even if the Qin Shuang was fast, it took three days. After that, Qin Shuang began to sort out and comprehend these jade slips. From time to time, the life soul communicates with the soul, discusses the Tao, and quarrels...

In this sort of combing, comprehension, communication, discussion and quarrel, Qin Shuang's soul is improving.

Not bad!

Only the primordial spirit is improving, not the life soul.

More than a month passed in a flash.

This day.

Qin Shuang's Yuanshen was in the middle of his head, and a ray of brilliance shot straight into the sky. As the darkness recedes, the first ray of sunlight breaks through.

On the top of Qin Shuang Yuanshen's head, there is a rice grain size jade.

It was just this jade that Qin Shuang felt that he was countless times stronger, especially his comprehension had been doubled several times, and he was close to the effect of taking a December fruit.

"Yuhua!" Qin Shuang opened his eyes happily, but then frowned, "Fate Soul cannot be improved."


Qin Shuang thought for a long time, but still couldn't find the slightest direction.

"Go ask Senior Saint."

Qin Shuang stood up, flew out of Xianyue Peak, landed at the foot of the mountain of Saint's Cave Mansion, and walked towards the mountain. While walking, he felt behind him.

Until she stood in front of Xia Fenfang's cave, she didn't have the feeling of being tracked here last time. He looked back unwillingly, and indeed there was none. Then he turned his head, looked at the warning formation of the cave mansion, and touched it with profound knowledge.

There was no response in the cave.

Qin Shuang touched again, but there was still no response in the cave.

"Is this meeting and discussing things with saints of other races?"

"should be!"

Qin Shuang frowned, and the Holy One is not there, where should he go?

Go back and continue to comprehend?

I feel that I can't understand anything. At the very least, it is impossible to further comprehend it in a short period of time, and it needs time to grind.

"The information is still too little, if you have more..."

Qin Shuang's expression suddenly changed, and she thought of the homesickness monument. She is just a homesick monument of the human race, the other twenty-six races

The homesickness stele has not been read yet. There are also the library of the twenty-six races. Except for the twenty-six races, which are placed on the fifth floor of the library, the advanced exercises belonging to the various races cannot be shown to the Qin Shuang, and the rest of the Qin Shuang can be viewed.

If this is in the fairy world, it is completely impossible to happen.

"The cheats of the twenty-six races should have a great reference effect for me, right?"

"Go and see those twenty-six race holy places."

Qin Shuang had a decision in his heart, so he turned and left.

However, she had just turned halfway, and she was stiff there. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Xia Fenfang's door to the cave opened slowly, and the cracks in the door were pitch black, but it seemed that there was a person standing inside.


Qin Shuang slowly turned around, staring at the black slit with a solemn expression.

"Is this staring at me? Xia Fenfang said that there is very little chance that the shadow world projection coverage will happen, but I have encountered it continuously."

She stared at the crack of the door. It seemed that there was an eye in the crack of the door, staring at her.


Qin Shuang was shocked, she found that the door was a little strange now. One-third of the distance from the ground to the top of the door crack, there is light in the door crack, and from one-third up, the inside of the door crack is dark.

"Only two thirds covered? The lower third and the upper two thirds are two worlds!"

Qin Shuang moved his gaze up and down, and finally made sure that his observation was correct.


The eyes in the door crack disappeared, and the sound of footsteps sounded, as if the person in the door crack was walking towards the cave. Qin Shuang gritted his teeth, stepped forward two steps, stood in front of the door, and reached out to push the door.


The door of the Dong Mansion opened, and Qin Shuang saw a strange world.

This world is divided into two layers.

The first floor occupies the lower third, with soft light, Qin Shuang can be sure, that is the ground in Xia Fenfang's cave, she knows that jade brick.

And more than one-third of the space is the second floor, completely dark. However, it can still be seen that the shape is like the passage of Xia Fenfang's cave, but the original white soft jade brick walls and ceiling have become black jade.


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