Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2889: Improved comprehension


The footsteps still sounded. She saw the back of a woman in a black dress and black dress, but she could only see below the hips, not the knees. And it's gone below the knee. The black-clothed woman moved her two thighs without seeing her calf, and her figure gradually disappeared from Qin Shuang's vision.

Qin Shuang stood solemnly at the gate, the sound of footsteps disappeared, and the figure of the woman was gone. However, the space in front of you has been divided into layers, forming a double-layered space.

Qin Shuang hesitated for a while, stretched his hand into one-third of the world's space, then bent his arm and dived into the upper mouth space.

Qin Shuang's heart jumped without any hindrance, her hand easily passed through the junction of the two realms on that level, but something strange happened.

Her hand that penetrated into the shadow world disappeared, and she couldn't see her own hand. In one-third of this world, she could see her arm, and above her wrist, she disappeared at the junction of the two realms. She looked through the upper-level perspective, but she couldn't see her hand either.

Qin Shuang retracted his hand, and that hand appeared in Qin Shuang's eyes again. Qin Shuang frowned and looked at the upper space.

"Would you like to go in and take a look?"

Qin Shuang couldn't make up his mind for a while, and took another step forward, clinging to the two floors, his eyes fell on the upper space, the walls of the cave.

What is the difference between black jade and white jade?

Qin Shuang stretched out his hand and reached into the upper shadow world to stroke the black jade.

However, when her hand penetrated into the upper space shadow world, she could no longer see her hand.


Suddenly, she felt her invisible hand being grabbed by the other hand. Pull in vigorously.

"Come again!"

Qin's feet took root in the ground and pulled back vigorously, but this time the hand strength inside seemed to be very strong, and Qin's figure was about to enter the shadow world.


Qin Shuang's eyes showed an absolute color, and his hand suddenly exploded. Down from the elbow, the arm exploded. The pulling force disappeared instantly, and Qin Shuang quickly took a step back.

The shadow world gradually faded, and the sun appeared. In less than a breath, the shadow world disappeared, and the cave mansion returned to its original appearance, as if nothing had happened before.

Qin Shuang stood there with his brows twisted. At this time, the warning signal in the cave was still thinking about it, and Qin Shuang couldn't hear it. But when the shadow world disappeared, the sound of the signal became harsh.

With a flick of Qin's sleeves, the warning circle returned to calm and the warning signal disappeared.

"This shadow world is really secretive!"

Qin Shuang stood at the door, asking if he wanted to go in. Without consent, entering a saint's cave house is no different from seeking death.

But now she is very worried about Xia Fenfang, if she goes to a meeting with other saints, it doesn't matter. If it was shrouded in the shadow world, it would be troublesome.

Qin Shuang quickly arrived in front of Situ Dao's cave and touched the warning circle. After a while, there was no response, and the warning circle was restored. He went to She Huan's cave and touched the warning circle without any response. This actually let Qin Shuang breathe a sigh of relief.

It is impossible for the three saints to be covered into the shadow world together, it should be the three saints who went to a meeting with other saints.

Qin Shuang returned to Xia Fenfang's cave and closed the door of the cave. Then I returned to Xianyue Peak, took out the cloak from the cabinet in the wooden building, put it on, and put on the mask. Then he took out a jade medal and put it in his arms. That is Xuan Jing Card. In this world, there is no storage ring, so all travels use this kind of Xuanjing card, which can be exchanged for Xuanjing at Xuanjing Commercial Bank. Xuanjing Trading Company was jointly established by 27 races.

After preparing everything, Qin Shuang left Xianyue Peak and left the holy city. Flew towards the ape clan closest to the human habitat. She put aside the gathering of the saints and the shadow world, and planned to use the shortest possible time to read the library and homesickness monument of the other 26 races.

Everything went well, and the ape clan was very kind to Qin Shuang's arrival. Allow her all the cheats on the fourth floor of the Ape Clan Library. After that, he took care of Qin Shuang and didn't let Qin Shuang line up, so that Qin Shuang was the first to enter the homesickness monument of the apes. It can be seen that the ape tribe saints had specially ordered them when they returned from the human habitat.

Qin Shuang embarked on a journey of a hundred races, although there were only 27 races, the monks here also called them a hundred races.

Qin Shuang stayed in each race for about three months.

I spent about a month in the library of books, and I spent about two months in the Homesick Tablet. When on the road, sort out and comprehend the inheritance gained.

There are also a large number of Jing Beast areas between each race. When crossing these areas, Qin Shuang also fought fiercely with Jing Beasts. Some battles ended quickly. The strength of Jing Beasts and Qin Shuang were too different. Big. Some battles lasted for a long time, the real strength of the two sides was similar, and sometimes Qin Shuang fleeed all the way. The body she constructed was blown up several times.

In the past three years, Qin Shuang has only traveled to eight races and eighteen races. Her life and soul still showed no signs of jade, but the soul was jade by one percent.

The profound strength here is really too strong. Once the first step of jadeization begins, then it is just the accumulation of quantity. It is much easier, but the harder is the first step. It is the jade with big rice grains. If there is no first step, without the beginning of the jade with the big rice grains, it means that it has not crossed that threshold, let alone the rich profound power, or buried in the pile of profound crystals, it is useless.

Qin Shuang's true cultivation level has not been improved, and she is still on the second floor of Tianzun. She has no time to weave the law chain, and all her time and energy are spent on combing and comprehending this world. To sort out and comprehend the inheritance and homesickness of various ethnic groups.

In the same way, she still didn't integrate the life soul and the soul. Now that she can jade the soul alone, she still has not decided to unite the soul and soul, because she doesn't know what will result in that?

If you allow yourself to stay on the Saint level forever after breaking through the Saint Level, it will be miserable.

However, although she did not have the unity of spirit and soul, and did not have the law of weaving to improve her cultivation base, her real combat power had increased a lot, almost doubled.

The inheritance of a hundred races and the comprehension of the homesickness stele have greatly helped Qin Shuang, especially after the Yuanshen began to transform into jade

Raise quickly. At the beginning, it was not as good as the December fruit, but when she turned 1%, it was equivalent to taking the December fruit.

The most important thing is that the effect of December fruit can only last for one year, and it decreases month by month. But now Qin Shuang is like eating a December fruit every month, and his comprehension is always twelve times the previous one. This made her extremely quick to understand the inheritance of a hundred tribes and the inheritance of homesickness tablets. Although she only comprehended the nine races with the addition of Human Race, she gradually had her own insights and directions for Dao.



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