Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2891: failure

Qin Shuang rebuilt his body. Leaving the white cave, headed to the holy city of human race in a gloomy mood. On the way, I heard that Xia Fenfang had fallen. She did not fluctuate at all.

She knew that this was a suspended animation, and the thirty-nine saints adopted her own suggestion. I am afraid that it will not take long for the thirty-nine saints to fall one after another, and then the battle between the monks and the beasts will begin.

But what does this have to do with yourself?

I just want to leave here.

When Qin Shuang returned to the Holy City, Xia Fenfang's grand funeral was over. Qin Shuang returned to the holy mountain to touch Situ Dao's warning formation. The door of the Dong Mansion opened quickly, and Qin Shuang walked in. I saw Situ Dao and She Huan sitting in the living room, Xia Fenfang's voice rang in their ears:

"Qin Shuang, I have opened up an independent space, hidden in it."

Qin Shuang understood that even if the saint couldn't open up a small world, there should be no problem in opening up a small space to hide.

Such hiding can only be discovered by the saints. But is there a saint in the beast?


So the beasts couldn't find it, and the sages of the twenty-seven races had all negotiated, and naturally they would not disclose it. After waiting for thirty-nine saints to suspended animation one after another, the war will break out.

Situ Dao waved his hand, planted a prohibition, and then said: "Qin Shuang, we have accepted your suggestion. Since 25 years ago, it has been revealed that the saint cannot be promoted, and began to suffer the backlash of the heaven and earth, and the saint is in crisis. The news. And in the past 25 years, this kind of news has been continuously spread, and the level of bad news has been continuously aggravated. Finally, from Xia Fenfang’s suspended animation, we are preparing to have all thirty-nine saints fall in one hundred years. ."

"In such a short period of time, all thirty-nine saints have fallen, will it be too fast? Will the beast believe it?"

"The problem is not big. We have been laying the groundwork for twenty-five years, and our thirty-nine saints have all become saints in hundreds of years. Now they have encountered the backlash of heaven and earth, and they have all fallen in a hundred years. Excessive."

"Yeah!" Qin doubled his head, then said: "Senior Xia, can you hear me?"

"Yeah!" Xia Fenfang's voice came from his ears.

Qin Shuang told Xia Fenfang the last time he went to Xia Fenfang's cave. Situ Dao and She Huan looked solemn, and things in the shadow world became more and more serious.

"I see." After a while, Xia Fenfang's voice came.

"Qin Shuang, what are you doing this time?" She Huan asked.

"That's it, my soul is one-tenth of the jade." Qin Shuang said softly.


Situ Dao and She Huan looked shocked, and there was a wave of fluctuations in the space, which was Xia Fenfang's shock.

"Yeah!" Qin Shuang nodded, "But when my soul was transformed into a tenth, I felt the world's repulsive force against me."

"Repulsive force?"

Now Xia's fragrance couldn't be hidden, Situ Dao waved his hand and cut the space of the living room into an independent space. Xia Fenfang walked out of the opened space and looked at Qin Shuangdao:

"Can you show it to us?"

Qin Shuang had already prepared in his heart for a long time, using the immortal power to turn the soul into a suit, and then the soul came out of the constructed body.

At this time, the head of the Qin Shuang Yuanshen was completely jade, and the neck was down, but it was still the same. Sansheng stared at Qin Shuang Yuanshen's head.

Very pure, Yuhua's head glowed with brilliance.

She Huan scratched her head and said, "Qin Shuang hasn't merged with soul and soul yet, but has turned into a soul? How did she do it? How could we not do it before?"

"I..." Qin Shuang organized a few words and said, "It should be that I have borrowed from the exercises of a hundred races, especially the reason for the avenue in the homesickness stele of the 100 races. I tried to strip the soul out of the homesickness stele. Look for it. A road that only repairs the soul, and then it is jade."

Situ Dao nodded and said: "She is standing on the shoulders of our thirty-nine holy ranks, comprehending a way. We didn't have shoulders to stand at the beginning."

Xia Fenfang nodded and said, "However, she was repelled. Does this mean that the world does not recognize the existence of Qin Shuang?"

Situ Dao thought for a while, a sorrowful expression appeared on his face: "I understand a little bit."

"What do you understand?" Everyone's eyes focused on Situ Dao's face.

"The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in this world should have restrictions on cultivators, and the limit of living creatures should be the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign. Otherwise, how can so many beasts without holy rank appear?"

"Then us?"

"Didn't we fail to break through to the holy level?

We are from the immortal realm, and do not belong to this world. If we want to break through the holy level, I am afraid that there is no chance. However, we have been here for too long, and the soul was born. And since our soul was born in this world, it is recognized by this world, and we are recognized as beings in this world.

However, our soul is not after all. So, in the end we broke through the holy level. But the first level of the holy level is already our limit. We are the fusion of two worlds, the soul represents the immortal world, and the soul represents this world. The fusion of the two worlds allowed us to break through to the holy level. "

"What about Qin Shuang?"

"Qin Shuang is not a holy level now. In fact, she is only a second-tier Tianzun. But she has gained too much of our understanding and inheritance. Although she has not broken through to the holy level, she has begun to jade the soul.

However, this is not a good thing. "

"Isn't it a good thing?" Qin's eyes winked.

"Yes, it's not a good thing!" Situ Dao nodded and said, "You can't go back to the original immortal world now, you can only stay here. It's okay if your soul is not jade. The heavens here cannot notice you. Once you are jade. If you do, Tiandao will notice you, notice that you are not a creature in this world, and will repel you. The stronger you are, the stronger the repulsion will be. If you continue to transform into jade, your soul will be squeezed by the power of the world Pressed into powder."

"Then...Will I become more jadeized and repulsive, and eventually I will pass through the white hole and return to the fairy world?"

The expressions of the three holy sages were shocked. After thinking for a while, Situ Road nodded and said: "It is very possible, but it is also extremely possible. Before you can get out of the white hole, the power of the world will explode your soul. ."

A tangled color appeared on Qin Shuang's face, and he half-talked: "Then I will try."

"Very dangerous." Xia Fenfang said.

Qin Shuang thought: "When the power of the world reaches the limit I can bear, I will stop."

"Cultivation will have a lot of surprises." Xia Fenfang said: "Maybe at that time, even if you don't practice, your soul will continue to turn into jade, what should you do?

Also, what should you do if you are overwhelmed if you are not sure about it? "


Thank you Xuan Yu Zheng Feng (200) for your reward!



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