Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2892: Red hole

"Always try!" Qin Shuang had already made up his mind at this time: "If I succeed in the test, then you seniors will have a direction. What you have to do in the future is to separate the soul from the soul, and then you have a holy level Experience, specialize in Yuanshen, and expand the jade of Yuanshen, will be able to return to the fairy world."

There was a movement in the Three Saints' hearts, and Situ Tao nodded and said: "Okay, you can try it. If you have any requirements, you can come to me."

Xia Fenfang said, "Qin Shuang, Wangxiangshan, do you know?"

"I know, it's 30,000 miles east from this."

"We are thirty-nine saints, the secret joint forces opened up a pseudo-little world there. When a saint of the Niu clan dies next year, the two of us will go there and start studying the shadow world. All saints of the fake death will gather in the future. There. If you come to me for something in the future, just go to Wangxiang Mountain and release your breath, and I will feel it."

"Thank you senior!"

After asking some questions about his practice, Qin Shuang left and returned to his Xianyue Peak. Sitting cross-legged in the wooden building, Qin Shuang thought about his direction.

"Do you want to weave the rules to improve your own cultivation?

Forget it!


At a lower cultivation base, Tiandao's attention should be smaller. If I raise my cultivation base to the peak of Tianzun, maybe one-tenth of Yuhua will be squeezed by the heavens here.

Besides, I don't have that time. The law of weaving is a time-consuming thing. It's been thirty years, maybe my body has reached the critical point of collapse in the black hole, so I should hurry up and get out as soon as possible. "

Qin Shuang decided to try to make the Yuanshen jade to one-fifth this time. If he could still bear it and was not overwhelmed by the power of this world, he would go to Baidong to take a look.

Year after year, the saints began to fall.

When only Xia Fenfang fell at the beginning, the human race had only sadness, not fear. However, waiting for the saints to fall one by one, and in twenty years, when eight saints fell, all the cultivators began to panic.

What if the saints are dead?

Without the protection of the saints, a huge number of beasts are bound to attack 27 races. How do they respond?

Qin Shuang didn't know these and didn't care about them. She is devoted to Yuhua Yuanshen. In twenty years, he finally turned the soul into a fifth.


Crescent moon peak.

Inside the wooden building.

Qin Shuang watched her primordial soul split a small crack, and she quickly managed to heal the crack. However, after about two quarters of an hour, there was a crack in the soul with a click.

Qin Shuang knew that in this world, turning one fifth of the soul into jade would have reached the limit he could bear. If you dare to refine a little bit more, this power of the world will squeeze your soul into a collapse, and die.

Now that it has reached the critical point of collapse, Qin Shuang needs to bridge the cracks from time to time. And every time the soul cracks, there will be severe pain. That is to say, if the Qin Shuang does not return to the fairy world this time, in the future in this world, she will endure this kind of pain forever, unless she is united in spirit and soul, and the world recognizes that she is a creature in this world.


Even if her soul is one, she will not be recognized by this world, because her soul was not born in this world, but the fate soul born in the immortal world. I am afraid that the unity of spirit and soul here will be more rejected by this world. Maybe she exploded with a bang at the moment when her soul was united.

"It's time to go to the white hole to try. I hope I can leave this world, otherwise it will be troublesome!"

Qin Shuang flew out of Xianyue Peak, and immediately felt two strands of profound knowledge locked her. Qin Shuang stopped. The next moment, She Huan and Situ Dao appeared in front of her:

"Is this going to try?"

"Well! Yuhua is one-fifth." Qin doubled his head.

"To the limit?"

"Yes, now every two quarters of an hour or so, the primordial spirit will break a crack, and I need to close it."

Situ Dao and She Huan moved their gazes. Every two quarters of an hour, the soul splits a gap. How much pain do they have to endure?

The key is not once, but every two quarters of an hour for the rest of my life.

At this time, the two of them also admired the piano pair newly.

"Let's try it." Qin Shuangdao.

"it is good!"

More than a month later, three people stood in front of the white hole. Qin Shuang looked at the white hole and said: "Two seniors, wait for my soul to crack in a while, and after I repair it, I will try to pass through the white hole. If I don't come back, I will succeed."

Situ Dao and She Huan nodded solemnly, now they are a little entangled. I look forward to Qin Shuang's success, but once Qin Shuang succeeds, there will be a lot of trouble.

How can it be so easy to peel off the soul?

I don't know if it can succeed. In the process of peeling, I don't know if danger can happen. Even if it succeeds, after tens of millions of years of nourishment of the soul, is it still the original soul?

As for once the Qin Shuang is determined to be successful, let the offspring strip the soul test?

There is no need at all.

Because the souls and primordial spirits of those descendants were born in this world, the primordial spirit did not come from the immortal world, I am afraid it is impossible to jade, just like the essence of this world.


Qin Shuang snorted suddenly, and the constructed body fluctuated. This is Qin Shuang's primordial spirit cracking again. Situ Dao and She Huan have seen it many times along the way, and they admire Qin Shuang in their hearts.

About half an hour later, Qin Shuang bridged the primordial spirit and said to Situ Dao and She Huan: "Senior, I'm going."

"Go ahead and wish you success."


Qin's figure flew up and rushed towards the white hole.

Outside the white hole.

Situ Dao and She Huan looked at Qin Shuang expectantly. In their vision, Qin rushed toward the depths of the white hole, and She Huan and Situ Dao gradually had more expectations in their eyes.


Qin Shuang's body began to break apart, but Qin Shuang was still flying forward. But at this time Qin Shuang's heart showed a trace of anxiety.

This time the body collapsed a little later, but Qin Shuang didn't feel too late, so could he still break out of the white hole?

It depends on the soul of Yuhua!


Qin Shuang's body collapsed, and the soul continued to rush towards the white hole.

"It has exceeded the farthest distance of our impact." She Huan's tone was surprised.

Situ Dao nodded and said: "Yes, I hope she can succeed."

Qin Shuang kept rushing into it quickly, but she could feel the thrust generated by the white hole getting stronger and stronger. Although she had already rushed past the deep distance last time, she felt more and more weak.


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