Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2897: Induction Divide

After half a day, Qin Shuang began to make the amulets again. Naturally, it was a success once, but only three times in and out.

"Still too little, what's the difference?"

"By the way, blood is also different."

Qin Shuang began to study blood again, and then tried again, and the talisman had been able to enter and exit ten times.

not enough!

Qin Shuang continued to study, and after a flash of three months, Qin Shuang looked at the eighty-six nunwu symbols in front of him, his face was not very good. One thousand and eight hundred talisman papers, constantly tested, and constantly collapsed, in the end only these eighty-six pieces remained. Moreover, each talisman can only enter and exit twenty times. In other words, each containing talisman can only store twenty talisman...


Qin Shuang's heart moved, one input and one output counted once. In fact, each talisman could be opened forty times before it collapsed. However, I did not take out a talisman at once. I can take out ten talismans at a time, isn't that enough to store more talismans?

A smile finally appeared on Qin Shuang's face. He got up and went to find Shang Hai again. When Shang Hai heard that she was able to make talisman, he happily took Qin Shuang to the treasure house, and let Qin Shuang make a good rune paper. After negotiating the price, for every master-level talisman made, 10,000 profound crystals are given to the Qin Shuang. For every ten talisman made, Qin Shuang can intercept four, and six go to the holy city.

Qin Shuang began to retreat, constantly making Fulu at Xianyuefeng. In half a year, 10,000 talismans were made, 100 million profound crystals were made, and 6,000 talismans were given to the holy city, and he left 4,000.

After thinking for a while, I took out a talisman containing objects, put in a hundred talisman talisman thunderbolt, a hundred large sun shining talisman, a hundred meteor fire rain talisman. Then put the remaining eighty-five talismans and 3,700 talismans in the wooden building.

Xia Fenfang's Dongfu.

Qin Shuang came to the living room once again, scanning through the Xuan Sense and found no abnormalities. He opened his mouth and spit, a stream of light appeared, and the soul of life appeared beside Qin Shuang.

Ming Hun sat cross-legged on the ground and began to separate his soul.

Ming Hun's body began to tremble, and gradually it trembled more and more intensely. The tearing pain caused the breath of Ming Hun to continue to decline.


About half an hour later, Ming Hun opened his mouth and vomited, and a Qin Shuang with only thumbs was spit out. Only the realm of the fairy king. And the cultivation base of Minghun also dropped from the peak of Tianzun to the tenth floor of Tianzun.

Ming Hun began to practice with closed eyes and resumed cultivation. And that little life soul started to build the body. The body she built is not big, only one foot tall. After constructing the body, he looked at Qin Shuang's soul. Qin Shuang took out the three-hundred talisman talisman. Xiao Mingxun stretched out his hand, and the talisman for holding objects flew to her chest, and the constructed body split a gap, put the talisman for holding objects inside, and then closed.

"Xiaominghun!" Qin Shuang looked at the Xiaominghun said: "Remember, you entered this time only to inquire about the news and to sense the environment inside. Everything is based on investigation, and then return safely. Try your best. Don’t fight inside. It’s best to avoid fights."

"Understood!" Xiao Minghun nodded.

In this way, Qin Shuang's soul, Ming Soul and Xiao Ming Soul did not speak. Just waiting quietly, the atmosphere is a bit solemn. Qin Shuang was not even in the mood to derive Dao Fa.

After six days, the sound of footsteps came again, and the soul of Qin Shuang, Ming Hun and Xiao Ming Hun suddenly opened their eyes, looking for fame.

I saw a woman in a black dress and black dress appearing on the second floor, walking towards the third floor. Soon, he came to the room before the third floor, opened the door, walked in, and then closed the door.

Qin Shuang Xuan Knowledge transmitted sound to Xiao Ming Hun: "Xia Ming Hun, I will open the door for a while, and I will hold the woman firmly, and then you will take the opportunity to rush in from below, and run as far as you can. ."

"Yeah!" Xiao Ming Hun nodded.


As soon as the three figures floated, they landed in front of the door. Qin Shuang stood in front of the door, Ming Hun fell on her left shoulder, Xiao Ming Hun was only one foot tall, standing beside her calf.

Qin Shuang pushed open the door by a third, making it dark inside.

Qin Shuang put his right hand in.


Qin Shuang felt his hand being held, and then vigorously tugged in. Qin doubled backhands to hold the opponent, and also vigorously tugged towards the outside. At the same time, Xuanzhi Chuanyin shouted:



Xiao Mingxun rushed into the crack of the door, and a scream came out from the crack of the door. The hands holding Qin Shuang no longer wanted to pull Qin Shuang in, but wanted to get rid of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang firmly grasped each other and dragged them outward.

The situation reversed!

In the past, the opponent pulled the Qin Shuang, and the Qin Shuang got rid of it. Now it is Qin Shuang pulling each other, and the other party wants to get rid of.


Qin Shuang's hands lightened, and then he heard a screaming scream going away, looking down, holding a dark hand in his hand, the other party broke his palm and chased the Xiaomingxun.


The dark severed hand turned into black smoke and dissipated in space.

Qin Shuang looked up at the shadow world.


The dark shadow world suddenly lit up, the sound of thunder, and countless screams. Afterwards, the shadow world quickly disappeared, and Qin Shuang restored the appearance of the original room before his eyes.

"Oh, I was hunted down!" Qin Shuang's face was ugly.

Ming Hun sat on Qin Shuang's shoulders, closed his eyes and said, "Not dead yet."

"Do you feel it?" Qin Shuangyixi: "Can you see the scene through it?"

"No!" Ming Hun said, "But if she dies, I will be traumatized."

Qin Shuang is speechless, can't feel it, then close your eyes, what kind of pretense?

This wait is twelve days.

This day.

Qin Shuang suddenly turned his head, looked at the living room downstairs, and saw that a shadow appeared in the living room downstairs at the door, and the shadow gradually expanded.

The shadow world appeared.

"I feel the soul is divided!" Ming Hun said suddenly.

"What's the situation?" Qin Shuang hurriedly asked.

He said nothing, closed his eyes. Qin Shuang didn't speak any more, knowing that he was sensing the Xiaominghun, even communicating with Xiaominghun. Only a trace of anxiety appeared in his eyes. She didn't go downstairs to provoke the Shadow Realm. She only hoped that the Shadow Realm will be opened for a longer time this time, so that Ming Soul and Xiao Ming Soul would have more time to communicate. Once the shadow world is closed, communication is cut off.

After more than two quarters, the shadow world retreated. Qin Shuang hurriedly said, "Fate Soul, how?"

Ming Soul shook his head and said: "The distance is too far, the message is not clear. It seems that Xiao Ming Soul is lost and can't find this direction. It is very far away, when the shadow world opens, she determines the direction. Running here. But the shadow world is closed again."



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