Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2898: Divorce

"What else is there?"

"There is no accurate information. It is too far apart and the information is too vague. It seems that the shadow world is very suitable for the soul and can improve the state of the soul. It is too vague, and the perception is not clear."

Qin Shuang pondered for a moment and said, "I hope Xiao Mingxue can determine the direction this time, when the shadow world appears next time..."


Ming Hun suddenly screamed sternly, his body shook violently, and cracks appeared.

"Fate Soul..."

Qin Shuang just yelled two words and realized something, his face became very ugly. Looking at Mingxun quietly, there was a look of worry in his eyes.

About ten breaths, the cracks in Fating Soul's body began to heal, and as it healed, her breath continued to drop. When everything was restored, the realm of Life Soul had fallen to the early days of Tianzun. Ming Hun opened his eyes and sighed:

"The little soul is dead."

Qin Shuang nodded, Xiao Ming Soul should have been found on the return journey and then killed.

Yuan Shen and Ming Hun were silent for a while, before Ming Hun said: "Yu Shen, I want to go in and take a look."

"You... are too dangerous!"

"It's not dangerous. The only way to divide the soul is the cultivation base of the immortal king, so it is dangerous. But I am Tianzun, and the danger should be much smaller. And there is a refined talisman, I will bring it in this time.

I must go in.

On the one hand, the inside is suitable for the soul to survive, and maybe I can break through to Yuhua inside. On the other hand, maybe we can find a way back to the immortal realm there. In the third aspect, even if there is no way back to the immortal realm, once I become jade, the two of us can join hands and maybe be able to pass through the white hole.

No matter how you want to try, you can't stay here for the rest of your life, and you can't advance your cultivation. "

Qin Shuang's primordial spirit thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, you will return to the peak first."

"of course!"

Three months later, Life Soul returned to the peak of Tianzun. Qin Shuang installed more than three thousand talismans into eighty-five talismans, Mingxue constructed the body with mysterious power, and collected 85 talismans into the constructed body. And put the cloak and mask that were built into a talisman.

At this time, two piano pairs appeared in the living room, one with the power of the soul flowing on the body, and the power of the soul flowing on the other.

Day by day, the door of the living room began to turn black, and the shadow world appeared again.

"I'm going!" Ming Hun Qin Shuang rushed towards the Shadow Realm without waiting for the Shadow Realm coverage to stop.

"Be careful!" Yuan Shenqin cried out. Ming Hun Qin Shuang has disappeared.

Ming Hun Qin Shuang rushed into the shadow world, did not dare to release the power of the soul to explore the surroundings, and looked around.

no one!

However, I felt that the body I had built seemed incompatible with the surrounding environment. Hastily took out the cloak, mask and ten talismans from the talisman. Putting on the cloak and the mask at the same time, put ten talisman in the big sleeve. The cloak and mask isolated her body from the surrounding environment, and the repulsive force disappeared.

Qin Shuang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked around seriously, and then flew in a direction that he thought was safe.

While flying, thinking about it, my body must be very different from the original inhabitants here, that is, demons, otherwise I won't be rejected here. If it weren't covered by this cloak, I'm afraid that once you encounter the demon here, you will be recognized immediately. Presumably this is how my distracted soul was recognized.

I have to find a way to rebuild my body...

"here is……"

Qin Shuang's expression moved, and she felt familiar here.

"Isn't this the holy mountain?

Below is the holy city! "

Qin Shuang stood quietly on a big tree, hiding his body among the leaves, looking around.

Not bad!

Here is the holy mountain, and below is the holy city, she has not left the position of the holy mountain.

"Shadow World!


Are all the topography in the shadow world exactly the same as in the new fairy world? "

She narrowed her eyes slightly and saw that there was a flow of people in the holy city, everyone was dark. Wearing various styles of clothes, but also all black.

"No one in a cloak."

Qin Shuang couldn't help frowning: "I need to find a place where there is no one to rebuild my body. But how can I build it to be like the demon here?

I need to catch a demon! "

"Find a safe place first."

Qin Shuang began to recall the landforms around the holy mountain, and then flew in one direction.

After half a day, Qin's eyes were joyful, and the landform here is indeed the same as Xinxianjie. The valley in front of him was discovered by Qin Shuang while wandering in Xinxianjie. Qin Shuang has a habit, no matter where he settles, he will first explore his surroundings. When she first discovered this valley, she discovered it when she explored the surroundings.

"It's time to catch a demon.

Can't go to the holy city.

I remember that there was a village five hundred miles away. There are dozens of families there, and there should be a projection of that village in the shadow world, right?

The people in that village should be slashing evil, right? If slashing evil, there should be demons formed by evil thoughts?

Go check it out! "

Qin Shuang walked carefully towards the village all the way, did not dare to fly high, just flew close to the ground. Did not dare to explore the power of the soul, only able to observe the surroundings with eyesight.

Turning the foot of the mountain in front, and walking for more than a hundred miles, you should reach that village.


Qin Shuang turned around the foot of the mountain, but his figure suddenly stopped. Opposite her, more than 40 dark demons appeared. I don't know why these demons appeared here. What are they doing here?

At this time, the demons on the opposite side also saw Qin Shuang, and each of them looked suspicious.

Qin Shuang was clearly standing opposite them, but they couldn't feel Qin Shuang's breath at all. If you close your eyes, you will not perceive the existence of Qin Shuang at all.

He wears a black cloak and a mask.

The shadow world has never seen anyone dressed like this!

Cover your body, wear a mask, what is this going to do?


The forty monsters on the opposite side suddenly became vigilant. Qin Shuang was also a little helpless at this time. In her memory, there were no high-ranking monks near this village in the New Immortal Realm. Presumably, the evil thoughts they slashed out would become demons, and their cultivation base would not be very high.

However, the cultivation base of the 40 or so demons in front of them is not low. There are more than a dozen deities, this is definitely not the devil in that village, ghosts know how they suddenly appear here?


The thoughts of both parties were completed in an instant, and Qin Shuang threw a large sun shining talisman to the opposite without hesitation.


A big sun appeared in the sky, and the sun's rays lased towards the forty magicians. The bodies of those demons started to melt and smoke as soon as the sun appeared, and when the sun's rays hit their bodies, they collapsed and left. Qin Shuang's figure swept past the edge of the opposite demon group, grabbed a demon smoothly, and flew away quickly.


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