Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2899: Evil thoughts are blood

"Swish swish..."

Countless figures flew from the direction of the holy city, flying towards the big sun. But before they flew to that area, the talisman had been exhausted, and the big sun in the sky began to dim and eventually disappeared.

"Here again!" At this time, the demon face of a Tianzun peak sank like water: "Didn't that person be killed last time?"


The demon yelled, and the demon shadows flew around. At this time, Qin Shuang was flying frantically against the ground. At the same time, he imprisoned the demon in his hand. From the time the demon was captured to the present, five breaths of time have passed, and Qin Shuang has been far away from 30,000 li. With his gaze, the front was sparkling, and Qin double's figure kept coming to the top of a large lake, and plunged into the water.


Qin Shuang's expression changed. Numerous strange fish in the lake swam towards her. Each fish was more than one meter long. It had a human face and made a cry of baby crying, making Qin Shuang a trace of trance. Sense of.

Qin Shuang ran the water escape technique, and the speed suddenly accelerated. Before the man-faced fish could catch up with her, they had already reached the bottom of the lake. The water escape technique was replaced with the earth escape technique, and he disappeared into the bottom of the lake in an instant, got into the soil, and went deep into the ground. Have been drilling thousands of miles. Qin Shuang stretched out a hand and patted continuously around, patting out a space of tens of meters. Then he sat cross-legged in the space, the power of the soul enveloped the demon, and probed for a trace.

That demon was only an immortal emperor. He was imprisoned by the piano, unable to move or speak. Can only glared at Qin Shuang, full of murderous intent. It's just that Qin Shuang completely ignored him and focused on studying his body structure.

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Shuang frowned slightly.

First of all, this body is not constructed, but innate. However, Qin Shuang was not surprised. Xia Fenfang's bodies are constructed, but their offspring are born with their bodies.

However, she believes that the demons in the shadow world should not be born from generation to generation, but a combination of evil thoughts. But this kind of birth is also born by nature, so naturally the body is born.

This kind of demon is completely different from the demon in the fairy world from which Qin Shuang came.

The demons of the immortal world have flesh bodies, the kind of flesh and blood body. But the demons in the shadow world can only say that they have a body, but not a physical body.

Their bodies have no flesh and blood, in fact, in Qin Shuang's eyes, this is still an energy body.


There was surprise in Qin's eyes. These demons had no bones, took evil thoughts as blood, and shadow world energy as flesh, forming a body, and there was also the sea of ​​consciousness, and the soul lived in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Qin Shuang frowned, this can't be imitated!

But if you don't imitate, once you take off your cloak, you will be exposed. Because my body does not emit evil thoughts. Just like the monks in the immortal world, say the bones of the immortal monks in the fairy world. This fairy wind is filled with fairy air. And these demons in the shadow world are filled with evil thoughts. Emanating from that blood, although there is an energy body covering it, there is also a faint lingering, so that the demon can be distinguished at once. This is their kind. But Qin Shuang didn't have such evil thoughts.

If Qin Shuang always wears a cloak, Qin Shuang feels that he can only keep walking in the wild, not to mention going to the city, even if he goes to places with many people, he will be suspected. Once he encounters a demon with a high level of cultivation, he will be forced to check himself. , Let yourself take off the cloak, that is a big trouble.

Qin Shuang thought for a while, his body shook, and the energy body he had constructed was dispersed. Eighty-five talismans and nine great sun-shining talismans floated towards the side, forming a stack.

At this time Qin Shuang's life and soul was exposed, she perceives the surrounding environment carefully, and a hint of joy flashes in her eyes. The shadow world is full of strong soul power. This is the holy land of the soul, and it is indeed of great benefit for the cultivation and promotion of the soul.

Maybe here, his soul can be transformed into jade.

However, what we have to consider now is not the question of Yuhua, but how to survive here without being discovered.

Qin Shuang began to construct his body with the energy of the shadow world, and after half an hour, Qin Shuang constructed a body. Slightly shook his head, this body is more in line with the shadow world, but it did not emit a faint evil thought.

This won't work!

She looked at the demon again, and the demon was shocked when she first saw Qin Shuang's initiative to collapse his body, and then used the energy of the shadow world to construct his body. But when he saw that Qin Shuang's body did not have any evil thoughts, his eyes showed sarcasm.

Qin Shuang ignored her sarcasm, but fell into deep thought. Afterwards, the power of the soul penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of that demon, into his soul.

Qin Shuang searched for a wave of messages, and the devil screamed with pain, but was blocked by Qin Shuang, his voice could not be heard. Only about a quarter of an hour later, that demon's soul collapsed under Qin Shuang's violent search. As his soul collapsed. His body also collapsed.

Qin Shuang was surprised, this was different from the fairy world.

Even if the spirit of the cultivator in the fairy world is scattered, the body still exists.

But obviously this shadow world is different, the soul and the body are extremely close, the soul is scattered, and the body collapses and dissipates.

Think about it, their bodies have no flesh and blood at all, just an energy body. It is no surprise that the soul is annihilated and the body collapses.

Qin Shuang stretched out his hand to grasp, and those evil thoughts flowed towards Qin Shuang's palm, gathered into a ball, and was caught by Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang recalled the memory that he had just searched from the soul of the devil.

In my memory, this body was indeed there from birth, and he had not traveled too far in his life, and he was active in the area around the holy city. This time a demon among them found a demon fruit tree, but the demon fruit tree was guarded by monsters, so the demon returned to the holy city to summon dozens of demons to kill the monsters and **** the demon fruit.

Demon fruit has a great auxiliary effect on the cultivation of demon. -

Qin Shuang didn't get much information, so his eyes fell on the evil thoughts in his hands. This group of evil thoughts is the blood of that demon, taking evil thoughts as blood, forming the main construction network of the demon body, and then forming the body with the energy of this world.

Qin Shuang thought for a moment, the power of the soul penetrated into the group of evil thoughts, and the group of evil thoughts was pulled out, like a blood vessel, began to envelope the soul of Qin Shuang, forming a human-shaped network. Then the strong astral power converged towards the Qin Shuang, and was continuously compressed by the Qin Shuang, connected to the evil thought network, and gradually a body was formed, exuding a faint evil thought.

Qin Shuangming's soul moved, but the constructed body did not move. A hesitation flashed in his eyes, and finally a firm look appeared, and one end of the blood vessels was inserted into the body of the soul.



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