Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2912: Sit down

At this moment, Qin Shuang's heart was congested and left. She needed a catharsis. Her figure flew into the air, standing in the air, looking at the shadow monster projection on the opposite side like a sky curtain.

"Yes, Master!"

The luthiers on the front of the city immediately sat cross-legged, and the music of dragon and phoenix sounded. And those Fulu masters also took out a stack of Fulu from their backpack.

The sky curtain in the distance quickly approached, where countless shadow magic projections gathered. In the past two years, the war broke out every few days. Although Zhenshan City has not been lost so far, many monks of the hundred races have fallen. In every attack, the monk was confused, walked into Jiu'ai Mountain, walked into the shadow world, and died.


Qin Shuang could already see the shadow demon projections clearly, Qin Shuang let out a depressed breath and whispered:

"Just let you experience the Taoism of another world."

Qin's hands gathered in front of him, and countless rays of light gathered between his hands, instantly gathered into nine dazzling light spots, and the light spots circled and dazzled.

"Nine Days Yaokong!"

Qin doubled his palms, and nine light spots shot towards the opposite sky. With the lasing, the nine light spots quickly zoomed in, and finally, like nine bright suns, hung high in the sky.

"His hiss..."

Waves of Shadow Demon projection melted, and waves of Shadow Demon projection came again. Just as darkness is about to swallow light, but light is driving away darkness.

"Swish swish..."

Thirty-nine saints fell beside Qin Shuang, staring at the nine-wheeled sun in the sky in amazement. One by one, his eyes shrouded the bright sun, and his heart quickly deduced.

These people are all holy monks, who have a clear understanding of heaven and earth Dao Fa, and after just watching them for a while, they have an understanding of Nine Sun Yaokong.


One by one the saints flipped their palms to shoot, and each saint shot nine rounds of the big sun. In an instant, more than three hundred brilliant days appeared in the sky, and the shadowy magic projections of that day melted like ice and snow.

But there are still shadow magic projections flowing from both sides of the day, approaching Zhenshan City.

"Boom boom boom..."

The monks of light attribute, fire attribute and thunder attribute began to release Taoism.

"Boom boom boom..."

The monks of other attributes began to sacrifice talisman.

The war begins.

One day.\n

Two days.

Three days.\\n

Shadow Fiend’s projection receded and the war ended. Qin Shuang saw that in the past three days, many monks had been invaded by Shadow Demon Projection, and then controlled to fly away from Zhenshan City and plunged into Jiuai Mountain.

Qin Shuang's heart is heavy, and if this continues, the Hundred Clan will eventually perish.

"Qin Shuang, are you in one soul?"

Xia Fenfang came to Qin Shuang's side and looked up and down Qin Shuang. The other saints also looked at Qin Shuang curiously, and no one thought that Qin Shuang would give birth to souls so quickly. We must know that it took them millions of years before the soul was born.


Qin nodded. Although the three consecutive days of battle made her extremely exhausted, her depressed mood was vented.

"You seem to have some problems." She Huan came over and looked at Qin Shuangdao.

Qin Shuang knew that his breath could not hide these saints in front of him, so he smiled bitterly: "I don't know, after my soul is united, the repelling power of this world will be stronger. And my soul will always It was squeezed and cracked by this world and needed repair.

If I can't find a complete solution, I won't be able to practice in the future, I can only wait for death. "

"Why did you give birth to a soul so quickly?" the sage of the cow race asked.

"I don't know!" Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "Maybe it is because of the birth of the film world."

The saints thought for a moment and nodded one after another. Situ Tao said in deep thought: "In this way, because the shadow world was born, the soul you were born may also be different. This has caused you to be rejected by this world. This is not easy to solve!"

Qin Shuang also nodded hurriedly, she was afraid that these saints suspected that she would cultivate a life soul before entering this world. Now it seems that these saints did not think in that direction at all.

"What are you going to do?" Xia Fenfang asked with concern.

"I am going to travel around and see if I can understand the solution."

"Alright!" Xia Fenfang nodded.

"Qin Shuang!" The sage of the Feng clan flashed his eyes: "You said you are repelled by this world?"

"Yes!" Qin doubled his head.

"Then can you pass through the white hole?" There was a glimmer of expectation in the eyes of the sage of the Feng clan.

"I've tried it, no!" Qin Shuang said simply.

A trace of disappointment appeared in the eyes of the sage of the Feng clan. Then the disappointment dissipated. Think about it, these saints have studied for tens of millions of years, and they can't pass through the white hole. How long did Qin Shuang come here?

What is Qin Shuang's cultivation?

"Seniors, what happened to the separation of the soul?" Qin Shuang asked softly.

A smile appeared on the faces of the sages, and Xia Fenfang whispered: "The results have been researched. Last month, a group of Qi-refining monks successfully stripped their souls. How did we take these souls to the shadow world quietly? Entrance, let them dive into the shadow world to experiment.

They just sneaked into the shadow world for less than ten meters, and we sages rushed into the shadow world on the other side, and evacuated after 30 breaths, taking away these Qi-refining cultivators casually. Sure enough, as you guessed, the soul is not corroded in the shadow world.

What we have to do now is to continue to study, so that monks with a higher realm can be separated. When we can all do it, it's time for us to counterattack the shadow world. "

Qin Shuang was relieved, although the results of the research are only in the Qi refining period. But for the saint, as long as a hole is opened, the subsequent success is a matter of time.

The resolution of the curse of the shadow world is only a matter of time.

"Congratulations, seniors!" Qin Shuang's face showed a smile.

Xia Fenfang patted Qin Shuang's shoulders and said: "It is the direction you proposed, and you have contributed to it."

Qin Shuang smiled and said nothing. All the saints also understood Qin Shuang's mood at this time. Xia Fenfang sighed softly in her heart:

"How long are you going to stay in Zhenshan City?"

"Don't stay. I will go back to my cave. I need time to think about it."

"Well, you have a lot of thoughts. It's like separation of souls and souls. Qin Shuang, don't be depressed, I believe you, you will definitely find a way."

"Thank you Senior Xia." Qin looked at the saints: "Seniors, juniors won't stay here anymore."

"Go, we wait for you to be sanctified."

Qin Shuang returned to the sacred mountain of the human race again, and sat cross-legged by the pond on his own crescent peak for nine days. As she slowly opened her eyes, a violent struggle appeared in her eyes.

Sitting on the 9th, let her think again from all aspects. With her current situation and the environment here, she really has nowhere to go. From then on, I didn't dare to practice, I could only wait for death. And he was still suffering from the pain of tearing the soul every day.

This... is really better than death!


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