Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2913: Law of Chaos

This result is unbearable for Qin Shuang.

"Am I really going to get there?"

Qin Shuang was struggling, and she thought of a possible solution to the problem, which was to practice the Law of Chaos. There have been two inheritances of the law of chaos, one from the spirit world and the other from the fairy world.

However, both inheritances were failed inheritances. The monks who practiced the Law of Chaos eventually lost their minds and became killing machines.

This result, even if Qin Shuang did not die, had no thoughts, and his own consciousness, it would not be something Qin Shuang could bear. And Qin Shuang didn't know whether he could heal the soul after practicing Chaos Jue, and whether he could pass through the white hole. If you can’t, you will be enchanted again...

However, if he does not practice the Law of Chaos, Qin Shuang really has nowhere to go now.

She thought for nine days, but still didn't make up her mind. This was the first time that she had such a difficult decision.

"Xu Ziyan's sacred cultivators once practiced the law of chaos, and found that they couldn't control it, and now they are eliminating the law of chaos in their bodies.

What does this show?

This shows that even saints cannot practice the Law of Chaos, can I practice?


However, after they have practiced the Law of Chaos, they can find that the direction is wrong, and they can also get rid of the Law of Chaos. Although it takes three thousand years, this shows that as long as they don't practice the Law of Chaos, they can still be controlled.

What I urgently need now is to leave this world so that there will be no repulsive force, and my soul will no longer be torn. Because I returned to my world. And I got a physical body, and the soul can continue to transform into jade. At that time, I can spend thousands of years to eliminate the law of chaos.

Try it! "

Qin Shuang finally made up her mind. In fact, she had nowhere to go and had to go this way.

The practice of the two laws of chaos flowed in Qin Shuang's consciousness. She began to analyze the two inheritances, and then re-derived them, fusing the two inheritances into one.

Three months.

Qin Shuang was very cautious, and repeated the deduction nine times in three months, deducing a technique that she could achieve the ultimate.

"This is my limit!"

Qin Shuang breathed out a long breath and began to exercise energy and adjust his breath.

Three days later, Qin Shuang returned to its peak and began to practice the Law of Chaos. The law of chaos she practiced was not about breaking down her own chain of laws, capturing the laws of chaos between heaven and earth and weaving the laws of chaos. Because this is the new fairy world, there is no chaos law, unlike in the fairy world, 60% of the space is shrouded by the chaos law, and there are a lot of chaos laws to capture.

Not here. Therefore, the law derived by Qin Shuang is to thoroughly integrate the twelve laws in the chain of laws.

The previous law chain was woven from twelve law wires. But each kind of law silk still has its own attributes and has not merged. Qin Shuang has a bold conjecture. If all the laws can be completely integrated, will a new law be born?

Is that the law of chaos?

This was not what she had imagined out of thin air, it was because she had thought of the chaotic vein. At the beginning, he collected the chaotic veins into the demon-suppression tower, and the demon-suppression tower broke the chaotic veins into immortal veins.

What does this show?

This shows that the law of chaos can be decomposed into eleven laws. Of course, Qin Shuang didn't know if it had broken down twelve kinds of laws, including the Soul Law. I thought that the Qin Shuang at that time still couldn't see the Law of Soul.

However, even if only eleven laws are decomposed, this shows that the law of chaos should be the true origin of the eleven laws. So, if you have eleven...

Do not!

Now the twelve kinds of laws are reversely merged, will they merge into one rule?

Is that the law of chaos?

Qin Shuang began to merge a little bit, and she still didn't know if the exercises she deduced were successful, and whether the twelve laws could be truly integrated.

One day.\n

Two days.

Three days.\\n

Although Qin Shuang closed his eyes, there was a hint of joy between his eyebrows.

A law lock was completely integrated, and the magnificent law lock turned gray, exuding a chaotic atmosphere.

The Law of Chaos!

Qin Shuang instantly determined that the law lock was the law of chaos. Although she had not practiced the law of chaos, she had seen the law of chaos. At this time, the law lock in her soul was exactly the same as the law of chaos.

Only at this moment, Qin Shuang felt that she had become stronger, and a crack appeared in the body she had constructed, and she could not withstand the power of the law of chaos.

The divine soul has begun to jade a bit again. Does this mean that the divine soul will not tear again?

Qin Shuang began to continue to merge. With the success of the first law lock, Qin Shuang let go of the courage, no longer cautious, and the speed of fusion began to accelerate.

One day.\n

Qin Shuang merged a whole chain of laws, and within this day, the soul of Qin Shuang did not tear again, and the jade of the soul increased a little.

"It was effective, and there was no intention of killing, and there was no tendency to lose his mind.

Why is that?

Could it be...because I am the unity of spirit and soul, and Xu Ziyan's holy monks do not have unity of spirit and soul? "

Qin Shuang quickly threw away the idea, because he couldn't figure it out, anyway, the current situation was a good thing for him. Then just continue to jade.

"It's fast!"

Qin Shuang discovered that when his first complete law chain was successfully fused and turned into the law of chaos, when the law chain was merged the next day, the speed was doubled.

"That chaotic law chain has an effect on my fusion law." Qin's eyes showed a pensive color: "Does that mean that every time a law chain is merged, there will be an increase? And it is an increase on the original basis. Times?

This is really the case. I want to integrate all the laws and chains, I am afraid it will not take three months. "


The speed of Qin Shuang's fusion law chain is getting faster and faster. As Qin Shuang thinks, every time a whole law chain is fused, the speed of fusion will double again.


The body constructed by Qin Shuang had completely burst, and only one spirit fell on the ground, sitting cross-legged, the breath of the spirit was changing, becoming more obscure and stronger.

The chains of the laws are like meridians, and the shining chains of laws turn gray. The jade of the soul has increased slightly.

Hundreds, thousands, ten thousand...

Qin Shuang felt that although his current cultivation base had not increased, his strength had definitely doubled.


When Qin Shuang's law of fusion exceeded ten thousand chains, the killing obsession began to emerge in her consciousness. Although it was still weak, it contained crazy thoughts.

"Still can't hide!"


I am very grateful to Taixu Zongzhen Xu Ziyan (9800), Ziyan is like a dream (1900), and book friends 160711032953951 (100) for their rewards!



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