Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2914: return

Qin Shuang sighed and continued to merge.

Twenty thousand, thirty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand law chains.

The jade of the Qin Shuang Divine Soul reached four-fifths.

But at this time, the crazy killing thought in his consciousness seemed to have reached a critical point. One step further, it is likely that Qin Shuang's consciousness would collapse, becoming only aware of killing and completely losing his self-consciousness.

"That's it!"


Qin Shuang let out a long breath and opened his eyes. Crazy killing flashed in his eyes and was suppressed by Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang began to build his body.


Less than half of the body just constructed burst apart.

"What a powerful soul!"

Qin Shuang sighed, but there was no anxiety in his heart, but began to build his body again.





The body constructed by Qin Shuang constantly collapses, and every time it collapses, Qin Shuang deduces and improves. Having collapsed thirty times in a row, Qin Shuang finally managed to build a body.

Reaching out his hand, from the wooden building flew out a talisman containing a mysterious peach and a poisonous fruit, which was integrated into the body by Qin Shuang. The rest was left in the wooden building.

Last time, she each had a talisman for holding things, worried that she could not get out of the white hole, but she did not walk out last time, and the talisman for holding things broke. So this time she still only brought two, and the rest was kept in the wooden building. If you are unsuccessful, come back by yourself, you can still have some resources.

Without any hesitation, Qin Shuang stepped out of Xianyue Peak in one step, and his body disappeared in space. Take the teleportation array and head towards the white hole.

More than a month later.

Qin Shuang stood in front of the white hole, looking at the huge white hole.

The next moment, Qin stomped both feet on the ground, and his figure was like a meteor, lasing towards the white hole. The eyebrows raised, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes. The pushing pressure of the white hole is still there, but it has been reduced too much.

"The law of chaos works!"

Joy flashed in Qin's eyes, and he rushed toward the depths of the white hole, thinking.

It seems that this white hole is also a law, but I don’t know what law it is. But there seems to be the least pressure on the law of chaos.

what is the reason?

Is chaos too powerful, and the pressure generated by the white hole law is not enough for the chaos law?

Or is the law of white holes also included in the law of chaos?

The law of chaos is the origin of all laws?

Because of the high level of the law of chaos, did this suppress the law of white holes?

That being said, even if I can't get out this time, as long as I continue to practice the Law of Chaos, will I be able to get out?

However, if I continue to practice the Law of Chaos, I am afraid that the soul will be torn again, and I will become a puppet who only knows to kill and lose my mind!


Chaos was able to enter the sacred, and he didn't see him lose his mind and become a puppet who only knew killing.


Is it because I am practicing in the wrong direction, or is it because chaos was born in the chaotic world, and I was born in the fairy world, everyone has different origins?

Various thoughts in Qin Shuang's heart flowed quickly, and at the same time, he rushed into the white hole quickly.


The body she constructed began to collapse, and Qin Shuang grinned, it seemed that her gift charm could not be kept.


The body constructed by Qin Shuang shattered, and the two talismans also shattered. Four-fifths of Qin Shuang's soul has been transformed into jade, exuding the light of jade, rushing toward the depths of the white hole.

"It's already over the last deep distance! My soul can still hold on. Will I succeed?"

"His hiss..."

Qin rushed forward in both directions, and there were scratches on the soul. Although it hadn't cracked, it still made the soul pain. And the pressure is getting stronger and stronger, so the speed of Qin Shuang begins to decrease.


Qin Shuang disregarded his soul and began to have a crack, and rushed towards the depths of the white hole with all his strength.

"If I can't rush out this time, I may not be able to find a way to continue to practice the Law of Chaos. Now I have reached the limit of practicing the Law of Chaos. If I continue to practice, my soul will shatter and my mind will disappear.

So, this time I must succeed!

Crash! "

"His hiss..."

There are more and more cracks on the Qin Shuang's soul, the forward speed is getting slower and slower, the pressure of the white hole is increasing, and her soul is like a porcelain with dissatisfaction with cracks. Maybe in the next moment, it will be broken into powder with a bang.


It seemed to have penetrated a layer of membrane, and there was darkness before my eyes.


Qin Shuang was ecstatic, but then her face changed drastically. She was in the white hole, pushed outward by the law of the white hole. However, when he rushed out of the white hole and entered the black hole, he was sucked by the black hole. In an instant, she was sucked in by the black hole and returned to the white hole.


Qin Shuang hurried forward again, and passed through the membrane again, leaving a darkness before his eyes.


Several cracks appeared in her soul. However, Qin Shuang was prepared this time, after rushing out of the white hole, he still rushed towards the periphery of the black hole with all his strength. A huge suction power came from behind her, trying to **** her into the depths of the black hole.

Qin Shuang's gaze swept quickly, and there was a joy in her eyes. She saw a body whose clothes had long been twisted by the black hole, and the whole body was exposed, emitting a misty light like jade. Qin's eyes lit up.

This is... the Eucharist?

Qin Shuang couldn't believe it, and rushed towards his body. Like a stream of light, it enters into one's body and into the sea of ​​consciousness.


The sea of ​​consciousness buzzed, and the fairy sound was faint, if you welcome the return of your master.

A huge suction power appeared, trying to **** the spirit of Qin Shuang out of the sea of ​​knowledge. Qin Shuang also didn't care about exploring his body at this time, listening to the dim sound, quickly controlled his body, and rushed out of the black hole. In the process of rushing out, his eyes flowed, and he didn't see the body of Qianyuan Patriarch.


Qin Shuang rushed out of the black hole, stopped and flew straight into the distance. After flying out for tens of thousands of miles, I felt that the suction power on the back completely disappeared. Then I stopped. Looking back, the huge black hole has become very small in vision.


Qin Shuang exhaled, and there was pain from the soul.

"Old town!"

"Master, you are back!" The old town's surprised voice came.

"The old town is still there!"

Qin Shuang was relieved, but at this time she did not dare to enter the Demon Town Tower, because she had completely lost her way at this time, and she didn't know where to go. After thinking about it, I felt that my back was facing the direction of the black hole and flying straight should be the direction of the black screen. She didn't enter the town demon tower. Once in the town demon tower, the town demon tower would drift in the dark world. When she came out, she couldn't see the black hole and would lose her way completely.


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