Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2920: Tianzun third floor

Seven days later, Qin Shuang stood in the desert, his eyes falling at his feet. There was a smile in his eyes.

"right here."

Qin Shuang's figure disappeared and dived under the desert. Soon, she fell into the once space again. But this time, she did not panic at all. With a thought, he entered the town demon tower, and then opened the town demon tower, frantically absorbing the dense basic law threads in the space.

Within a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang heard an angry roar, and then the Town Demon Tower was thrown out with a strong force. With a thought, Qin Shuang came out of the town demon tower, felt it, and the attraction disappeared. Qin Shuang sighed in his heart.

Forget it!

I came to grab it twice!

The figure moved towards the desert, and the figure loosened, appeared on the desert, distinguished the direction, and flew away. After flying thousands of miles, he felt that kind of suction was born again, Qin Shuang shook his head and laughed blankly.


The wind blows up layers of sand and dust. Qin Shuang's heart moved, and he entered the town demon tower, looking up at the basic law silk bound by the town old man in the sky.

It should be able to make me break through to the third floor of Tianzun!

Three days later.

In the calm desert, a place of dust suddenly flew, and Qin Shuang's figure appeared on the desert.

The third floor of Tianzun!

More than three million laws and chains have made her stronger. And the result is just as she speculated, her cultivation level has been improved, further suppressing the law of chaos, making her feel less emotional in killing, almost completely controlled. However, she also tried and couldn't break down the chain of chaos. She analyzed it for a while, and she understood. There may be two speculations why Xu Ziyan and the others were able to get rid of the law of chaos in the body.

One is, because they are saints, they have the means of saints. I am not a saint now, and I can't know that method. Another possibility is that they are directly capturing the chaos law silk in the fairy world and weaving the chaos law. Rather than using your own laws to merge into the laws of chaos like yourself. Therefore, they can get rid of it, but they cannot.

This law of chaos is derived from the fusion of pianos and pairs, and fused into a law, the law of chaos. In other words, the law of chaos in the Qin Shuang Divine Soul now is a whole. It is impossible to decompose at all, even if you want to disassemble it into a basic chaotic law wire, it is impossible.

Qin Shuang came up with a way, that is, to remove the law of chaos from the soul, put it into the demon town tower, and let the demon town tower decompose it. It should be possible to decompose the law of chaos into various laws again. But in that case, Qin Shuang's cultivation base has really fallen, and I don't know how long it will take if I want to cultivate again.

At the level of Tianzun, every level up requires a chain of a million laws. With Qin Shuang's current speed, it would take more than two thousand years to raise a level, and now it would take more than twenty thousand years for her to cultivate to the peak of Tianzun at the third level. And it's still retreat, under the condition of the law of weaving chains all the time.

The most troublesome of these is to capture the basic law silk between heaven and earth. This cannot be captured in the town demon tower. There are not so many in the town demon tower, and if you capture it in the town demon tower, you will destroy the town demon tower. The arrest was broken, so Qin Shuang could only practice outside, which required a lot of time.

This speed is already very fast, and other Tianzun can't reach this speed. Because other Tianzun still needs to spend time on accumulating immortal power, the chain of weaving is only part of it. And Qin Shuang can complete this process in the Town Demon Tower.

What is more time-consuming is to polish your body and let your body meet the requirements of each level. Otherwise, the body cannot sustain the cultivation base and will collapse. It takes more time to improve the strength of the body than the chain of weaving. However, Qin Shuang doesn't need it, because her current body has reached the first level of the Saint Level.

Then there is the promotion of the soul, which is the solidification of the soul. If the level of solidification is not reached, the soul will also be broken by the law, and the solidification of the soul is also a big problem. Qin Shuang also doesn't have this problem now, let alone solidified, she has turned four-fifths into jade.

Finally, there is the problem of the growth of the soul, that is, the comprehension of the great path of heaven and earth, the comprehension of the state of mind. Only by comprehending a certain level of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, can the primordial spirit grow further, and when the primordial spirit grows up, will there be more space to accommodate more law chains. This is the most difficult problem.

Therefore, every step of Tianzun's ascension has a number of levels, and some levels can be polished by time, such as the law of knitting chains, accumulating immortal power, and enhancing the strength of the body. But the solidification of the soul and the improvement of the state of mind, it really can't be achieved by time.

Too many Tianzuns have been stuck in the early days of Tianzun all their lives, and finally their lifespans are exhausted and fall. Therefore, Qin Shuang can break through to the peak of Tianzun in more than 20,000 years. This is not just a question of speed, it is already a miracle.

However, Qin Shuang still felt slow. Because now she is in danger. The Hundred Clan War is about to begin, and there is no time for her to practice slowly. It is no longer possible to cultivate to the peak of Tianzun before the start of the war. Therefore, if she wants to survive the war, she can only improve her combat effectiveness on the existing basis.

This is the reason why she stayed away from the sect and kept challenging. Only by constantly challenging the strong can she increase her combat effectiveness, and after the start of the war, she has more hope of surviving.

Qin Shuang drank the monkey wine continuously and flew quickly and exhaustedly. She wants to find the human race here.

"It is estimated that the current human races have not yet fully gathered, right?"

Qin Shuang glanced downward while flying. She flew unscrupulously and glanced unscrupulously. Because in the depleted land, no one will fly high in the sky, that is, she who has a town demon tower and continuously provides her with rich fairy vitality, and there are people with monkey wine, dare to waste resources like this. fly. Therefore, no one pays attention to the air. No one would have thought that someone would fly in the air.


She saw a team of a thousand yuan family appeared below, about a hundred people. It seems to be searching for traces of the human race. His eyes fell on his hand and shook his head. If this is outside the depleted land, he will slap the monk of the more than one hundred thousand yuan family to death. But here is a dry place. Even if you can rely on your own law and energy to release the Taoist law, once it is released, it will immediately decompose and cannot form its power.


Qin Shuang's figure swooped down, the fairy sword in his hand flashed, his figure flashed in the crowd, and the monks of the thousand yuan family were beheaded. In less than ten breaths, Qin Shuang stopped, and behind her were more than a hundred corpses.


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