Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2921: Accompanying

Qin Shuang turned around, headed towards the corpses, bent over to put away the storage rings. She doesn't use it, but she has a large sect, and she doesn't have many resources.


With a movement of Qin's eyes, she saw a chain of laws quietly sinking from under the body.

"Is this sucked by that gluttony? I ignored it before!"

Qin Shuang's heart moved, and a stream of light came out around the body.


The town demon tower zoomed in and the gate opened wide, and the corpses of the thousand yuan family were instantly collected into the town demon tower.


An angry roar faintly came from the depths of the earth, but the gluttonous glutton seemed to smell the Qin Shuang, and only roared, there was no movement.

With a move, Qin Shuang entered the Town Demon Tower and looked at more than a hundred corpses on the ground. Reaching out and grabbing it in the air, it was not exhausted in the town demon tower. Qin Shuang grabbed more than a hundred storage rings in front of him, and then threw them to the town elder who appeared, and asked the town elder to sort and store it.

Looking at the corpses of more than one hundred thousand yuan family members, Qin raised his eyebrows, and thoughts appeared between the eyebrows.

For the human race, there are actually only three races in the world.

Terran, Demons and Demons!

This Thousand Yuan Clan is a Monster Clan to the Human Race. If it weren't for the Hundred Clan that hadn't been torn apart with the Human Race, at least it was an alliance state on the surface. The body of the Hundred Clan was a treasure to the Human Race.

You can refine tools, make symbols, refine alchemy, and arrange formations, so there is nothing that you can't use.

The Qin Shuang now dare not use the body of the Thousand Yuan Clan to refine various treasures. Once discovered, they gave the Hundred Clan an excuse. However, when the six sacred places of the Hundred Clan go to war, everything will be changed. At that time, the Hundreds were the resources of the Humans, and the Humans were also the food of the 100s.

The body of the thousand yuan family cannot be used, but that doesn't mean that others cannot be used. Moreover, what Qin Shuang fancy is not from the thousand yuan family, but the chain of laws in their bodies.

The Qin double probe grasped.


From within dozens of bodies, a chain of laws was caught. Those who did not have a chain of laws might have been sucked away by gluttony, or it might be a monarch who was not a law monk.

"Old town, break these chains of laws into law threads for me, and store them."

"Yes, master!"

Qin Shuang left the town demon tower, thinking in his eyes.

"Perhaps this exhausted battle with the Thousand Yuan Clan will allow me to break through to the fourth floor of Heavenly Venerate.


It is impossible to break through. The Thousand Yuan family are all spatial attributes, and their laws are all spatial laws. It's just a law, I can't weave a chain of laws. However, the laws of space are the most difficult to capture. I store these laws of space first, which can also speed up my knitting speed. "

Qin Shuang volleyed in the void and flew quickly in the air.

One day later.

Qin Shuang found traces of the human race in the air. It was a team of tens of thousands of people, marching on the desert, pulling a long line. There are old people, middle-aged people, young people, and children.

Not bad!

There are old people!

There is no old man for a cultivator, even if he looks like an old man, he is still a child. However, at this time there was an old man in the team below. This is the nourishment of losing the celestial vitality, and the human body begins to truly age.

If the human race continues to be trapped in the depleted land, all will eventually die.

This is a race dispute!

Qin Shuang's figure fell downward. She fell very slowly and did not appear suddenly in the crowd. She did not know these people, and was afraid to scare them. When she fell to less than 100 meters from the ground, Someone finally found her.


The people on the ground immediately became nervous, and then discovered that it was Human Race, their nervousness was slightly relaxed, but they were still on guard. Qin Shuang floated in the air and looked at the crowd.

A somewhat aging old man ran towards this side, came under the Qin Shuang, and said to the Qin Shuang in the sky:

"Which senior came?"

Qin Shuang glanced at him, he was a person. The figure fell downward and fell in front of the person. Everyone around showed their weapons, watching Qin Shuang warily.

"Are you the leader?" Qin Shuang asked.

"Yes, senior is?"

"Qin Shuang!"

The old man's face changed, and the faces of those around him also changed, and then he was ecstatic with admiration and disbelief. The old man’s lips trembled a little:

"But the senior who killed Qianyuan Patriarch?"


"Meet the senior!" The old man bends down deeply.

"Meet Senior!" The surrounding monks all bend down excitedly, and then the news spread quickly, all shouting excitedly:

"Meeting seniors!"

"Let's talk!" Qin Shuang said softly.


Qin Shuang stepped forward, and the old man followed behind. The monks straightened up one by one, and the long line began to move forward, winding like a dragon. But the atmosphere changed, it was a mood of hope.

"Are you receiving news?"

"Yes! We are gathering towards the Oasis of Hope."

"Oasis of Hope?"

"Well, that is an oasis in the depths of the depleted land. The human base has always been there."

"Always there? Haven't been discovered by the Thousand Yuan family?"

"No, the surrounding environment there is very bad, and there is a mirage-like illusion all year round, so it has not been discovered. This time I got the news that the senior will lead the human race out of the depleted land, Hope Oasis issued a summoning order and scattered around the depleted land. The human races are now converging towards the Oasis of Hope."


At this time, in the depleted place, a group of tens of thousands of people was besieging and killing a group of monks of the thousand yuan family.

"Break through, break through." A leader of a thousand yuan clan shouted: "Go back and report to the patriarch, the human race has a big plan."

"Puff puff……"

One by one the thousand yuan family fell, they were very brave. But here is exhausted, everything can only fight like a mortal. How can one kill a hundred against tens of thousands?

In the end, only a hundred corpses were left.

"Run, run!"

In the other direction of the Exhausted Land, a team of hundreds was fleeing, with tens of thousands of people chasing and killing them. From time to time, the monks of the thousand-yuan family fell down, but in the end a dozen people escaped.

In the entire depleted land, such wars broke out from time to time at this time. The Thousand Yuan Clan sent countless teams of hundreds of people to explore the habitat of the human race. In the past, they encountered the human race and the small team of human scouts, but now they have encountered a huge team of at least tens of thousands of people. They realized that something serious had happened to the human race, and they flee and broke through desperately. Report this matter to his patriarch.



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