Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2923: Intercept

"There is nothing to be afraid of." Qin Shuang shook his head and said: "There is no monk who does not want to enter the holy, and the holy person is not out now. After the many trials of the hundreds of clans, he suspects that something has happened to the saint. So, for the hundred clans, it is a rare opportunity If you fight for this opportunity, you may be able to have a chance to become holy."

"Then us?"

Nie Tongdao was hesitated at this time, a little confused, he was just a fifth-tier Celestial Venerable, although for most monks, he was a great monk above all. However, at the level of Tianzun, he can only be regarded as the middle level.

Human race originally had two saints, so the human race is the most powerful among the hundred races. In the same way, if something happens to the saint, the loss of the human race will be greater, and the heavenly sovereign will be at a loss as to where to go.

"The matter of the war is still far away. The first thing you have to solve is the immediate matter." Qin Shuang said earnestly: "The human race here can no longer stay in the depleted land. To stay in the depleted land, I am afraid it will not take a hundred years. The human race on the mainland will be completely destroyed."

"We also know that, so this time, we are determined to die to start a decisive battle. Either we are out of the exhausted ground, or we are all dead in the exhausted ground.

In fact, this is also an opportunity for us. If we are outside the depleted land, those of us are not the opponents of the Thousand Yuan Clan at all. Not only are they not as good as the Thousand Yuan Clan in terms of number, but also in terms of strength.

However, in depleted areas, the gap is not that big in terms of quantity, which is about two to one. The cultivation base of the Thousand Yuan family is twice that of ours. After all, the Thousand Yuan Clan cannot pull all the people into the exhausted ground.

In terms of strength, if we are outside the depleted land, there is a big gap between us and these thousand yuan clan. But in the exhausted land, no one can release Dao Fa, relying on pure power, the gap is narrowed the most.

This is also the Thousand Yuan family's anxiety. If they ignore us and just block the depleted land, after a few hundred years, it is estimated that we people will automatically die. Even if it is immortal, the number of human races will drop to a level that can't resist the thousand yuan family, and the strength is even worse.

Perhaps, they are just to destroy us before starting the war of hundreds of races. This gave us the opportunity to fight with them and the opportunity to use the exhausted land as a battlefield.

This is our last chance.

If you don't fight again, there will be no chance again! "

Qin Shuang nodded in agreement. Although the Human Race of the Thousand Yuan Continent was besieged and suppressed by the Qian Yuan Clan, the Human Race was still very sober.

"How is the strength of the Thousand Yuan family in the depleted land now?" Qin Shuang asked.

"Before their ancestors were in the town personally, and later you were killed by Sect Master Qin. Now it is their patriarch who sits in town personally. In order to minimize their losses, 70% of the great monks of the Thousand Yuan Clan have all entered the Exhausted Land. Strong."

Speaking of this, Nie Tongdao also looked sad. It was not that he hadn't weighed the strength of both sides. In his opinion, at this time, in a decisive battle with the Thousand Yuan Clan, 90% of the result was the complete destruction of the Human Race. The only difference was how many thousand Yuan Clan could be killed. Even with the addition of Qin Shuang now, he does not doubt this result.

No matter how powerful Qin Shuang is, he is only one person. Even if he is covered in iron, how many nails can he crush?

Qin Shuang's eyes lit up: "If we are here and we can kill the thousand-yuan clan in one go, wouldn't it mean that the strength of the thousand-yuan clan will be wiped out?"


"Okay, then a decisive battle!" Qin was bilingual and sonorous.

"Sect Master Qin, why don't you command this decisive battle!" Nie Tongdao said sincerely.

Qin Shuang waved his hand and said, "How do you command and command, I just kill the enemy. And I will leave here tomorrow and go around to see if I can kill some first."

"Master, we will go with you." Zhang Chuchen was eager to try.

"Alright!" Qin Shuang smiled, taking his three disciples out to practice, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Nie Tongdao invited Qin Shuang to participate in the conduct several times, but Qin Shuang refused. Finally, he had no choice but to arrange a place for the four Qin Shuang masters and apprentices, and then gathered the leaders of all parties to start a meeting and research.

The next day.\n

Qin Shuang took his three disciples and left the Oasis of Hope. Seven days later, Qin Shuang's four masters and apprentices returned with a little dignity.

Seeing Qin Shuang's solemn expression, Nie Tongdao's heart jumped, and he hurriedly asked, "Sect Master Qin, but what happened?"

"No!" Qin Shuang shook his head and said: "But it is precisely because it did not, that the matter was serious. Four of our masters and apprentices went out for seven days, but we did not find a monk of the thousand yuan family. This shows that the monks of the thousand yuan family already knew about us. At the very least, I should know that the Human Race is gathering here. Therefore, it is likely that the Thousand Yuan Clan is coming here. We are thinking of a decisive battle, I am afraid that the Qianyuan Clan is also thinking of a decisive battle."

Nie Tongdao frowned and said, "It seems that the previous plan will not work. We originally sent some people to attract a part of the thousand-yuan family, and then ambush them. It seems that they should have a judgment. At this time, we should It is all the cultivators of the Thousand Yuan Clan in the depleted land that have gathered together and are rushing towards this side."

"Which direction is their station?" Qin Shuang asked.

"True East!"

"Are we all here now?"

"There are two other ethnic groups, too far from here, about 300,000 people have not arrived, it is estimated that it will take three to four days."

"I'll go to see in the east direction." Qin Shuang got up.

"Master..." The three Yuan Tong stood up.

"You stay here!"

Qin Shuang walked out of the tent quickly, left the oasis of hope, walked out of the illusion, distinguished the direction, stepped on the void, and flew up in the sky, flying towards the direction of the east.

After flying for more than an hour, Qin Shuang saw the dust flying into the sky. It was more than four million monks walking in the desert, and the sand and dust they stepped out stretched the ground to the sky, without seeing the end at a glance.

The Qin Shuang flies, while the thousand yuan family walks with their feet. Qin Shuang estimated the distance he flew out. It would take about two days for the thousand yuan family to reach the Oasis of Hope.


Qin Shuang's figure fell from the sky and landed on a tall sand dune, looking at the army of more than four million miles away.

"There are still two tribes of the human race that need three to four days to reach the Oasis of Hope. The thousand yuan family also needs two days.

Stop it, and try the strength of the thousand yuan clan! "

Qin Shuang took out a fairy sword from the storage ring, she was not so worried about her safety. She knew that in this place of Exhausted Land, she could only rely on her own power, even if she had the power of Saint Grade, and that more than 4 million people stood there to kill her, she would be exhausted. She can't finish it. However, it is basically impossible for the Qianyuan family to besiege her. When she feels she can't stand it, she can fly into the air to escape. She has monkey wine and can quickly replenish the power of the immortal yuan.


I am very grateful to Taixu Zongzhen Xu Ziyan (1000), Ziyan is like a dream (500), and book friends 20200621054231510 (100) for their rewards!



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