Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2924: Break the Armies with One Sword

"Boom boom boom..."

It sounded like a muffled thunder. It was the sound of more than four million monks stepping on the desert. The dust was flying, and the vanguard was less than 500 meters away from Qin Shuang. At this time, the leader of the vanguard unit was an immortal king, looking up at Qin Shuang standing on the sand dunes.

"Someone! Just a person, or is there an ambush behind the dunes?"

"Stop!" He raised his hand and shouted.

The team stopped, and he immediately ordered a thousand-yuan monk to rush towards the back. Then an order was given, and a team that had left the hundred people approached the Qin Shuang on the sand dune. Go and test Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang smiled faintly, inserted the fairy sword on the sand dune, and then took out a bow.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

The bowstrings sounded intensively, like large beads and small beads falling on a jade plate, Qin Shuang's arms pulled out afterimages in the air, and the power of the holy level made her speed very fast. Every time she draws a bow, it is a string of four arrows.

Just one person, he shot out thousands of troops.

"Puff puff puff puff..."

The monks of the thousand yuan family fell to the ground, and their vitality was quickly lost. These people were not law monks, and Qin Shuang did not release the town demon tower to absorb the law chains. In less than five breaths, a team of 100 people were all Lie on the ground and become a corpse.

The leader of the Immortal King narrowed his eyes, and he could see that even he could not stop the arrows of the piano pair!

Too strong!

The point is, I don't know if there are ambushes behind the huge sand dunes. If there are ambushes, these people are not strong in cultivation, so they just fill the pits.

For a while, the scene freezes. Qin Shuang was alone on the sand dunes, and five hundred meters away from the opposite side, was a team that could not be seen by the Qianyuan Clan.

Qin Shuang is not in a hurry, she is here to delay time. When the immortal king on the opposite side saw that the Qin Shuang was not moving, he naturally did not dare to move, and prayed that the Qin Shuang would not move, and waited until the patriarch's order came. In the current situation, he could not be the master.

The team of more than four million monks is too long to fly without the jade slip. The exchange of messages is very time-consuming. After waiting for more than an hour and a half, a Tianzun rushed over. Qin Shuang couldn't perceive that person's cultivation base. The reason why he was able to determine the opponent's Heavenly Sovereign was because the opponent's speed and strength in the exhausted ground became the basic rules for judging a monk's cultivation base.

The Tianzun came to the side of the immortal king, looked towards Qin Shuang on the sand dune, and shouted to the immortal king beside him:

"What can I ask? Now we are going to crush the human race with the momentum of thunder, even if there is an ambush behind the sand dunes?

where is this place?

Here is dry land, here is a desert, there is nothing but sand. Could the human race still be able to attack? Water attack?

Our strength is stronger than the human race, regardless of whether he ambushes or not, we just want to push horizontally or crush. Four million monks crushed the past.


kill! "


The boundless team began to move again, approaching the dunes.

"Swish swish..."

An arrow shot out from the sand dunes, and the monks were fully prepared and waved their weapons to call the arrows, but Qin Shuang’s arrows were too fast and too powerful.

The bow is the best immortal weapon, and the power is the power of the sage. When the two are superimposed, the speed of the arrow shot simply exceeds the reaction of the monk of the thousand yuan family. What's more, these monks are not law monks.

"Puff puff puff puff..."

One by one, the monks fell to the ground, and they were actually blocked by Qin Shuang and a bow.

"Encircle!" the Tianzun shouted.

The monks of the Qianyuan clan began to diverge, and some of them continued to approach the Qin Shuang on the sand dunes. The army began to bypass the sand dunes from both sides, and then saw that there was no ambush behind the sand dunes. Even that Tianzun was shocked.

Just one person?

Dare to face four million monks by one person?

And they are all surrounded at this time, are they still there?

If you don't escape, then die.

"Offensive!" The Tianzun shouted loudly.

The monks of the Qianyuan family rushed towards the Qin Shuang on the sand dune from all directions. It is impossible for Qin Shuang to take care of all directions with one person and one bow. Qin Shuang has never thought of this. She still only shoots in one direction, that is, the direction of the Qianyuan Clan. In the other directions, the monks of the Qianyuan Clan quickly approached the top of the sand dunes, while in the opposite direction, the monks of the Qianyuan Clan were still blocked under the dunes.


The monks of the Qianyuan Clan in other directions had already smashed onto the sand dunes and rushed towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang didn't look at them, but with a thought, he put away his bow and arrows.


He pulled up the fairy sword inserted beside him.


The teacher stomped on the sand dune, and his figure jumped down under the sand dune. He landed on the ground and slew towards the endless army of monks of the thousand yuan family on the opposite side.

"Qiang Qiang..."

"Puff puff……"

Her power is so great that no one can stop her with a sword. To die, to die.

Her speed is too fast. From the sky, the piano pair is like a pair of scissors, cutting a piece of cloth quickly. A blood line appeared in the desert.

"This person's Tianzun!" a monk of the thousand yuan family cried out in horror. The sound came and went, spreading rapidly.


The conductor Tianzun chased Qin Shuang, his face was green.

The opponent is just one person, and there are many cultivators to stop him, but as if entering the no one's realm, the speed is still extremely fast, and he can't catch up!

"My Tianzun is on the third floor, how many floors is Tianzun? How fast is she?"

He was not surprised by Qin Shuang's strength. Now that Qin Shuang rushed into the team, the monks' realm was very low, and they were really weak and they were not law monks. If you replace him, you can also use one sword at a time, and no one can stop him.

But is this really invincible?


This is a depleted place, it will be consumed, there is no vitality in the body, and all the energy is consumed. The power of qi and blood recovers the slowest, and once it is exhausted, it is a lamb to be slaughtered. Therefore, in his opinion, Qin Shuang is looking for death. Just stand there and kill you, how much can you kill?

fifty thousand? Still one hundred thousand?

Exchange one hundred thousand illegal monks for you, it's worth it!

How many gods do you have?

You can kill us, our Heavenly Lord can also kill your human race. But you are besieged here, we will completely kill all of your human races.

Therefore, to be able to besieged and slayed a Terran Celestial Venerable here, even if it loses 100,000 illegal monks, it is worth it.

He started calling loudly, his voice spreading far away, he was informing their patriarch. In gathering the gods of the thousand yuan family.


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