Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2927: That person is here again

"Puff puff……"

If you can't kill it, you can't kill it! Qin Shuang fell to the ground and rushed to kill in the army of the thousand yuan clan.

In the sky, fifteen gods gathered together again.

"How to do?"

"I see her strength is declining."

"It is estimated that in one hour, his physical strength will be exhausted, and that time is the best time to kill her."

"But... at that time, how many people will we have to die?"


After a moment of silence, seeing a piece of the clansmen being harvested like crops by the Qin Shuang, the faces of the fifteen Heavenly Sovereigns were gloomy.

"We can't let the human race kill like this!"

"We can wrestle with her so that she doesn't have the energy to kill me and other people."

"Fifteen of us are all Tianzun, and she just beheaded one of them. It was an accident. As long as we are careful and don’t aim to kill her, we are just fighting and entangled. She can’t kill us. The 15 of them can completely consume her. The last touch of strength."

"it is good!"

"that's it!"


Fifteen Heavenly Sovereigns approached Qin Shuang from all directions. This time they were not fierce, some were just cautious. Slightly touch and leave, fight the Qin Shuang.

This made Qin Shuang also embarrassed. There was really no chance to kill these fifteen. At any rate, they were also Tianzun. They were really serious and careful. In this exhausted place, Qin Shuang has nothing to do. Moreover, these fifteen Heavenly Sovereigns seemed to have woven a net, giving Qin Shuang almost no chance to kill the other thousand yuan clan.

"time to go!"

At this time, Qin Shuang had no less than 30% of his strength left, and if he continued to fight, he might have really died here. If Qin Shuang was just a Saint-level body, without other means, he would really die here this time. Fortunately, Qin Shuang is not, she still has methods.

"Old town, monkey wine!"

Hearing Qin Shuang's call, the well-prepared Elder Zhen immediately poured half of the gourd monkey wine into Qin Shuang's stomach. The immortal power in Qin double body increased sharply.

Qin Shuang suddenly smiled at the opposite Tianzun, and that Tianzun's heart jumped, and a kind of anxiety rose instantly. Just about to escape, he saw Qin Shuang's figure disappear before his eyes.

Far away!

Qin Shuang stepped forward, and the person had already rushed out a hundred miles away, and the head of that Tianzun suddenly fell to the ground.


The blood spurted out like a fountain.


Qin Shuang's body and mind flew into the air, and instantly disappeared into the distance.

The fourteen Tianzun stared at the direction of Qin Shuang's disappearance, and then looked down at the dead Tianzun. The body suddenly became cold, if only Qin Shuang was to kill them...

The fourteen heavenly veterans ran towards the army. At this time, the vitality in their bodies had been exhausted, and they were not willing to take the pill any more. They ran all the way to the army and said the matter to the patriarch, the face of the patriarch Qian Yuan. He couldn't help being solemn, and asked in a solid voice:

"What kind of cultivation do you think she is?"

"It should be the late Tianzun!" Where have these Tianzuns have the opportunity to see the power of the saint? Therefore, all of them recognized the late Tianzun of Qin Shuang.

Patriarch Qianyuan couldn't help but frowned and said, "When did a human race of the late Tianzun period appear in the exhausted?"

"Maybe it's from outside?"

Patriarch Qianyuan contemplated his eyebrows for a moment, and his eyes flashed sharply: "No matter where she comes from, no matter what cultivation level she is. Next time you meet her, besiege."

The fourteen gods couldn't help but their eyes flickered, and the thousand yuan patriarch looked in his eyes, and his heart was stunned.

It seems that these fourteen people are already scared, what kind of cultivation is that human race? How powerful? Will all fourteen gods have fear in their hearts?

At this time, Qin Shuang had gone thousands of miles away, and his figure entered the town demon tower, which turned into a gravel and fell into the desert. Qin Shuang entered the town demon tower and asked the old man to cook while she herself went to take a bath. The exhaustion of strength is not something that can be restored by cultivation, and cultivation can only restore vitality, and strength can only be restored slowly.

After eating a meal, Qin Shuang lay down on the grass and rested in his heart.

He had stopped the Qianyuan Clan for half a day and killed more than 15,000 cultivators, including three Heavenly Sovereigns. After a while, I will intercept them again, and I will probably be able to stop them for a day. It would be better if you could kill a few more Tianzun.


The dust is flying.

The Thousand Yuan family began to move forward again, leaving Qin Shuang, and less than a quarter of an hour passed. A war has just subsided, and the army has just begun to pull out. On the side of the Chinese Army, the patriarch had just made the decision to besiege Qin Shuang. No one would have thought that Qin Shuang would kill again so soon.

The fourteen Tianzuns all clearly felt that the consumption of Qin Shuang was not small, and it was absolutely impossible to restore the previous consumption without a day and a half.

Therefore, although the morale of the entire army is somewhat low, but the mood is relaxed.

"Ah..." The thousand yuan monk who suddenly walked in front let out a terrified exclamation.

The monks couldn't help but looked at that monk, and saw that monk stretched out his fingers and pointed forward tremblingly. The monks' eyes couldn't help but follow that monk's fingers. For a while, several monks were shocked. call. More monks were afraid, and the fear was permeating the front army.

On a sand dune not far from them, Qin Shuang was standing on the top of the dune at this time, looking at them calmly.

"Hurry! Hurry!" someone exclaimed, and then someone shouted: "That human race is here again!"


The whole army was in some riots, and one voice sounded: "That human race is here again!"

The voices came and went one after another, and instantly passed to the Chinese army.

Patriarch Qianyuan's face suddenly sank.

what is this?

Look down on the thousand yuan family?

This has just passed a quarter of an hour, come again?

"All Tianzun will kill the enemy with me!"

Forty-six celestial lords all took the pill, and then flew in the air. After a few breaths, he flew over the front army and looked at Qin Shuang on the sand dunes. Patriarch Qianyuan stared at Qin Shuang, who stood there quietly, unable to see his cultivation. But at this moment, Qin Shuang smiled, and suddenly a bow and an arrow appeared in her hand. Very fast, bow and arrow.


I couldn't hear the sound of the bowstring at all, and the speed exceeded the speed of sound.


The head of a Tianzun was pierced by an arrow, and his figure fell towards the ground. At this time, I heard a bowstring sound.

Patriarch Qianyuan narrowed his eyes. At this time, he believed that the human monk opposite was definitely the late Tianzun, maybe the peak of the late Tianzun.

Such a monk, if she is outside the exhausted land, there is absolutely no hope of besieging her, she can run away at any time.

But here is exhausted!


I am very grateful to Taixu Zong Hao Xu Nianzu (700), Zi Yan is like a dream (200) for the reward!



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