Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2928: Fixed plan

"Besiege her, and cut off those who violate the order!"

The thousand yuan patriarch called. The hearts of those patriarchs froze, but when they saw that the patriarch stood still, there was no sign that these patriarchs came forward, and their hearts were loosened, and then they instantly realized that the patriarch did not want the patriarch to have more casualties, yes The lower-level cultivators must consume the human Tianzun.


The monk below rushed towards the sand dune. Qin Shuang looked up at the 46 Heavenly Sovereigns in the air, sarcasm flashed in his eyes, put away the bow and arrow, took out the fairy sword, and rushed straight down the sand dune into the army. in.

"Puff puff……"

The cultivators were beheaded by Qin Shuang, shouting and screaming suddenly upon the impact of weapons.

In the air, forty-five celestial lords gathered together, and Patriarch Qian Yuan whispered: "Let’s go down to the sand dune over there, and when the human monk starts to escape, we will quickly take the pill and kill her."

All the gods nodded one after another, this is the old-fashioned strategy, and only this kind of cruel heart can become the patriarch.

Even if the human monk only consumes half of his strength, forty-five Heavenly Sovereigns here are taking pills and possessing vitality. She wants to get rid of them and escape. As long as you entangle the opponent, you don't have to fight for life and death, and continue to consume the opponent, there is only a dead end for convenience.

Even if one or two thousand low-level cultivators died, it was worth killing this human Tianzun in the end.

This is a late Tianzun.

Do not!

At least it is the late Tianzun, maybe it is the peak of the late Tianzun. Killing a human race at the peak of the late stage is more worthwhile than killing one hundred thousand human races.

"Swish swish..."

Forty-five Tianzun fell on the sand dunes, and each Tianzun held a pill in his hand, ready to take it at any time. Staring at the Qin Shuang below, watching Qin Shuang slaughtering their clansmen, their faces did not change.

"Puff puff……"

Qin's double robe was flying, hovering like a crane dance, and a long sword like a windmill. The thousand-yuan monks in a circle were beheaded. With the help of circling, she saw the forty-five Heavenly Lords on the sand dunes in the distance, and immediately understood the thousand yuan in her heart. The plan of the patriarch.


Qin double figure fell to the ground, long sword waved, one by one thousand yuan monks fell. As if there was no insight into the mind of the Qianyuan patriarch, he continued to kill the Qianyuan clan.

This time, there is no Qianyuan Tianzun to entangle Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang kills happily, but the face of Qian Yuan Patriarch on the sand dune has become more and more gloomy, Qin Shuang kills too much.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.


Four hours have passed since this, doesn't this Human Race Tianzun know that he is tired?

Is her strength unlimited?

Over 20,000 people have been killed. The desert below my feet is no longer visible, it is blood red.


The more so, the more patriarch Qianyuan dare not take Tianzun to besieged Qin Shuang. Because the more the Qin Shuang is like this, the stronger the Qin Shuang's cultivation. At this time, he was almost certain that this Human Race Heavenly Sovereign was the peak of a late Heavenly Sovereign.

Such a cultivation base, if it were outside the depleted land, let alone they have forty-five Heavenly Sovereigns, or forty-five, he would turn around and flee without hesitation.

Because among their forty-five heavenly venerables, he is the only one who has the sixth-level celestial veteran, and three tianzun's fifth-level. Such a group of Heavenly Sovereigns, killing a late-stage peak of the Heavenly Sovereign at the periphery of the depleted land is a joke, and killing them is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

This is drying up, otherwise he has escaped.

It was precisely because of the exhausted land that Tu Tianzun's peak mind rose in his heart.

Have the opportunity!

There is a great opportunity!

Not to mention that Qin Shuang has consumed more than four hours, but it has not been consumed. In the depleted land, their forty-five celestials have a chance to slaughter a peak of celestial celestial beings. Now Qin Shuang has consumed more than four hours. The opportunity is greater. The more the Qin Shuang kills underneath, the more the Qianyuan Clan will die, the more Qin Shuang consumes. When they besieged Qin Shuang, the casualties will be smaller.

In his opinion at this time, Qin Shuang was dead.

The one who is sent is how much they will die at that time. Therefore, as long as Qin Shuang does not escape, he will not issue an order to besiege.

It costs more to trade a low-level monk for a piano pair!

worth it!

Qin Shuang must die!

He couldn't imagine that if Qin Shuang did not die, but left the depleted land and killed everywhere in the Thousand Yuan Continent, who else could do Qin Shuang?

A Tianzun's late peak, outside the depleted land, is an invincible existence. It’s a nightmare for the thousand yuan family if you don’t know when it will appear or when it will disappear.

Therefore, this place is the opportunity for the Thousand Yuan family to eliminate their nightmares!

No matter how heavy the casualties are, Qin Shuang must die in exhaustion.

Patriarch Qianyuan realized this problem, and the other Tianzun also realized this problem, and their expressions became more solemn.

"Puff puff……"

The Qin Shuang below was still killing crazy, but his heart became more calm.

"time to go!"

At this time, the strength of the piano has been consumed to nearly eight levels. It's dangerous if you don't leave.

"Old town!"

Qin Shuang shouted in his heart, and Zhen Lao immediately poured half of the gourd monkey wine into Qin Shuang's stomach, and a strong immortal power was generated in Qin Shuang's body.

Far away!

Qin Shuang's figure suddenly disappeared in place. The Qianyuan patriarch on the sand dune suddenly turned his head, and after taking the pill by mouth, his figure disappeared, and the remaining forty-four Tianzun also took the pill. As soon as he leaped up, he heard a thunderous roar in the distance, and then saw the patriarch Qianyuan's figure flying back upside down, the blood was spilled, and he fell on the sand dune with a thud.


The forty-four Heavenly Sovereigns looked into the air vigilantly while calling their patriarchs, with a look of horror in their eyes. They thought that the patriarch was not the opponent of Qin Shuang, but they never thought that the patriarch could not stop even one move.


Patriarch Qianyuan jumped out from the sandpit, his face pale, and his eyes looked in the direction where Qin Shuang disappeared with fear.

"She must die, otherwise the Thousand Yuan Clan will be in trouble!"

All the gods were awe-inspiring in their hearts. They understood what the patriarch meant. If Qin Shuang were to go out of the exhausted ground, it would really become a nightmare for the Qianyuan Clan, and Qin Shuang must die in the exhausted ground.

The patriarch glanced across the heavens and said: "If you want to kill the human heavenly sovereign, I am afraid that not only will it be necessary to die tens of thousands of people, but we also have a few, or even a dozen, fallen. Are you ready?"

"For the sake of the race, after death!" All the heavens shouted in unison.

"Okay!" the patriarch said condensedly: "We don't know the exact number of the depleted human race gods, but it will not exceed fifteen. At that time, the remaining gods on our side will siege and kill the human gods."


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