Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2930: decisive battle

Qin Shuang left the tent, did not walk through the passage, but walked towards the magic array. The magical array is huge, and the space it covers is enough to accommodate more than tens of millions of people in Qin Shuang's eyes. In other words, this phantom array is enough to form a huge battlefield.

Qin Shuang walked into the phantom array without hesitation, and immediately his vision changed, and various demons flooded in. Qin Shuang let out a sigh of relief, his heart a little solemn.

The illusion here can't affect her, because her state of mind has reached the peak of her Heavenly Sovereign, and the spirit and soul are one, four-fifths of the jade. But not for others. According to Qin Shuang's estimation, the seventh or eighth floor of Tianzun will be affected by the magic array.

Moreover, this phantom array was too big, formed naturally, and had a very high grade. If Qin Shuang is given a certain amount of time, Qin Shuang feels that he can study this illusion and even use it. But there is no time for her to study. Therefore, Qin Shuang decisively left the magic array and returned to the tent in the oasis. Eleven Tianzun looked at Qin Shuang expectantly, Qin Shuang shook his head, and disappointment appeared in the eyes of the eleven Tianzun. Nie Tongdao looked at Qin Shuangdao solemnly:

"Sect Master Qin, that's what I think. I led nine Heavenly Sovereigns and half of Human Races to guard one passage, and you brought a Tianzun's fourth floor and half of Human Races to guard another passage, how about?"

Qin Shuang nodded. She knew in her heart that the other Tianzun and half of the human race had bought her time to recover.

Nie Tongdao nodded his head when he saw Qin and said with a sigh of relief: "This is a battle of annihilation. In this battle, our human race may be completely annihilated, or it may have wiped out the more than four million monks who are in the depleted land. , Including their patriarchs and dozens of Heavenly Lords. Everyone, this is a battle to death. Are you ready?"

"Ready!" Each Tianzun looked firm.

Qin Shuang stood up, walked out of the tent, and walked towards a passage.

Inside the tent, the fourth floor of Tianzun whispered towards Nie Tongdao: "Brother Nie, is Sect Master Qin worthy of trust? Give her a tunnel? If she leaves..."

"Speak carefully!" Nie Tongdao waved his hand: "Sect Master Qin can come to help us, it is already a favor. Moreover, she can kill the thousand-yuan ancestor, which is the strongest combat power in our side. Qianyuan ancestor has the seventh-tier heavenly ancestor. Combat strength, Sect Master Qin can kill him, so he has the strength of the eighth level of Tianzun.

Letting you go to the channel of Sect Master Qin is when Sect Master Qin's strength is too much, you will put me on the top to fight for Sect Master Qin's breath recovery time. If you can't stand it, let the people fill it up. To be honest, I'm not worried about Sect Master Qin's side, but worried that Sect Master Qin's side will fall first on our side. Everyone, do your best, don't guard the passage on the side of Sect Master Qin when the time comes. On the contrary, we will fall and let Sect Master Qin laugh, even if you die. "

Qin Shuang came to the entrance of the passage and followed Yuan Tong's three disciples behind her. Qin Shuang stood at the entrance of the passage, looking ahead, and said softly:

"The three of you must be careful. Once the Thousand Yuan Clan enters the magical formation, it will be a melee. At that time, you should not get too close to me, because there must be Tianzun around me. Tianzun of the clan killed him casually.

You rely on the edge of the illusion to fight, once you are on the verge of extinction, when you are threatened by your life, you rush into the illusion. "

"Is there no danger in the illusion?" Yuan Henqing asked.

"It will affect your state of mind. If no one saves you, you will die in the illusion. But being a teacher will find you in the illusion. Don't worry."

"Yes, Master!"

"I am not worried about the two of you, I am worried about Chuchen. As for her reckless temper, I am afraid that she will be able to kill and forget everything."

"Puff..." Yuan Tong and Yuan Henqing both laughed.

"Master..." Zhang Chuchen acted like a baby.

"Did you make a mistake?" Qin Shuang whispered, "You will follow your brother and sister..."

Having said that, Qin Shuang was a little tired, and instead of telling her, he said to Yuan Tong: "You will stare at her a little bit then."

"Yes, Master!"

"Go ahead, don't stay by my side. My side is dangerous."

Qin Shuang sat cross-legged at the entrance of the passage, no longer speaking, sitting there silently. The three disciples glanced at each other, then turned and left.

Yuan Tong and Yuan Henqing looked calm. They had also experienced countless times of wandering on the verge of death in their lives, without fear in their hearts. And Zhang Chuchen was eager to try, making Yuan Tong and Yuan Henqing look helpless.


There was a sound of footsteps, and Ji Xiang, the fourth floor of Tianzun who was assigned to the channel of Qin Shuang, came to Qin Shuang's side, and sat down cross-legged, and said softly:

"Sect Master Qin, how do we arrange here?"

"Let's talk at that time!" Qin Shuang opened his eyes and said: "We don't know how the Thousand Yuan Clan will target our channel, so we can't deal with it. However, rest assured, I will give you enough time to go. response.

At that time, I will block at the passageway, and you will arrange a response. "

"Good!" Ji Xiang nodded, then stood up: "I'll make arrangements."

After half a day. Ji Xiang returned to Qin Shuang's side and sat down, and said softly, "Sect Master Qin, we have allocated about 700,000 monks here. Let’s not talk about the monks who follow the rules. There are about 30,000 monks above the rules. There are only two of us in Tianzun, twenty-eight earthly respects, and one hundred and sixty-five human respects. The immortal emperor is about 3,000, the immortal emperor is about 5,000, and the rest are all immortal kings."

Qin Shuang nodded, this strength was already very strong. But this is the elite of the entire Thousand Yuan Continent Human Race, and the Thousand Yuan Continent is not comparable to the Barbaric Continent. After being exhausted for so long, the weak die, and the strong must be left behind. Therefore, Qin Shuang is not surprised.

"That's what I think. If the Thousand Yuan Clan is charging a monk with a lower rule, let those human races with a lower rule guard the passage, and the monks above the law can rush through the passage, and let the human race of the same level guard it."

"No need!" Qin shook his hands and said, "No matter what level of monk the thousand yuan clan is, I will guard it at the beginning. When I consume more than half, I will follow your plan. Tianzun hits the passage, it is up to you to buy time for me."


Qin Shuang stopped speaking, and closed his eyes again. Ji Xiang stood up and went back to make arrangements again.

One day.\n

Two days.

The earth began to shake, like thunder. Qin Shuang opened his eyes and looked at the opposite side.

The dust is flying.

The Thousand Yuan family has arrived.

Behind Qin Shuang, an individual stood up, holding a weapon in his hand, murderous aura.

"Back!" Qin Shuang stood up and backed slowly.


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