Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2931: Channel fight

"Sect Master Qin?" Ji Xiang's expression changed.

"Nothing!" Qin Shuang smiled faintly: "Give me a range of 500 meters."

Ji Xiang's eyes lit up. The passage is only more than two meters wide. If Qin Shuang is really an archer, she can definitely block the passage before she runs out of strength or runs out of arrows. Moreover, it is a blockade with no casualties, in exchange for no casualties, large casualties of the enemy.

"Keep the formation and retreat slowly." Ji Xiang shouted.

Everyone started to back away slowly, in no hurry, because the Qianyuan clan was still far away, don't even see the dust flying, when the Qianyuan clan came over, it was at least an hour later.

An hour later.

The army of the thousand yuan clan came three kilometers away from the magic array. Then dozens of monks took the pills and flew into the air, flying around the natural phantom array on the periphery, while exploring. In this way, it took a day, and the Thousand Yuan family finally determined that this large formation occupies a very large area, and there should be a huge space inside, otherwise the human race will not live in it freely.

Moreover, the rank of this large formation was very high, and hundreds of monks had been sent in, but none of them came out. The immortal formation master in the clan also studied for a day, and according to the immortal formation master, they could not crack this formation. At least within a hundred years, it cannot be cracked.

They naturally found those two passages, at the very front of one passage, standing their old acquaintances, Nie passage, who had been fighting with them for a long time, on the fifth floor of Tianzun. But there was no one in front of the other passage. Through the straight passage, they could see that it was about 500 meters deep in the passage, and Qin Shuang was standing there.

At this moment, the monks of the Thousand Yuan family understood, because they had seen the Qin Shuang arrow technique. That kind of arrow speed and power,

Even Tianzun is unstoppable. I am afraid that just rushing over the distance of 500 meters will kill countless people.

Now there is only one way left for them, which is to break into the large formation from the passage and wipe out all the human races. It is impossible for them to wait here for a hundred years, and besides, for those immortal formation masters, a hundred years may not be able to crack this natural formation.

But this road also has options.

One is that regardless of the channel of Nie channel, he will attack Qin Shuang channel with all his strength. One is to fully attack the Nie channel channel, regardless of the Qin Shuang channel, the third is to fight both channels together.

For the current Thousand Yuan Clan, killing Qin Shuang ranked first, and Extinct Human Clan ranked second.

Attack Qin Shuang alone?

No way!

Some people will be left behind Nie Channel, and then some of their power will be transferred to Qin Shuang's channel. And if the Thousand Yuan clan suddenly hits the Nie channel again, and there are people who are left by the Nie channel blocking, there will be time to transfer people over again, because the channel is too narrow, the Terran can block the channel for a while with very little power.

While attacking Nie Channel with all his strength, Qin Shuang was still there.

But you shouldn’t be entangled in the passage for too long. The passage is simply a terrain where one man should be the gate of the house. If the delay is too long, the thousand yuan family will lose a lot, but the human race has very little casualties. The most important thing is that it is impossible to encircle Qin Shuang in all directions.

The flames of war must be burned into the big array to form a melee. This time it was possible to form a siege on Qin Shuang, instead of facing Qin Shuang in one direction in the channel.

Therefore, the patriarch of the Thousand Yuan Clan quickly made a decision, forty-five Heavenly Lords, but only sent five Heavenly Lords to Qin Shuang. Forty Heavenly Lords all attacked Nie Channel. What they have to do is to contain Qin Shuang, do not expect to open the channel on Qin Shuang's side, and try their best to open up the channel on Nie Channel.

Forty Celestial Lords should be able to break through the passage on the Nie channel in a not too long time, and then lead the army to directly break through the passage and enter the open space inside. In this way, Qin Shuang's guard will no longer have any effect. Qin Shuang must withdraw from the passage and return to the inner space. In this way, the melee began. The opportunity to kill Qin Shuang came.

Of course, on Qin Shuang’s side, it’s not showing up. Instead, they will fight desperately on the Qin Shuang channel, using the lives of low-level Qianyuan Clan monks to constantly attack the channel. If Qin Shuang is strong enough to guard the channel independently, it is The best result. In fact, Qin Shuang must also be at the top. If she is not at the forefront, the five Celestial Lords will quickly break through the passage.

However, when the Qin Shuang was at the forefront, the Tianzun of the five thousand yuan clan would not step forward, and would only order the low-level clansmen to continuously attack the Qin Shuang, and consume the Qin Shuang with the lives of the people. Foreshadowing the final killing of Qin Shuang.

It's dark.

The silence inside and outside the array indicates that tomorrow's battle will begin.


A touch of white appeared in the sky and began to drive out the darkness.

"Boom boom boom..."

A muffled voice sounded. It was the footsteps of more than four million troops. Forty heavenly veterans led two million monks to the passage where Nie Channel was stationed. Five Tianzun led two million monks to the passage where Qin Shuang was stationed.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Qin Shuang stood up and stared at the entrance of the passage 500 meters away. Only this passage presents a desert scene. On both sides of the two-meter-wide passage, it is as tall as a rock wall. From the beginning, the above scene is constantly changing.

For a while it is a desert, another is an ocean, another is a forest...

That is the magic array, once you enter, you will get lost in it.


Dense footsteps approached, and there were already dense figures outside the passageway. Standing behind Qin Shuang, Ji Xiang showed a trace of tension in his expression. Behind him, there was a trace of tension on the faces of the monks, but more of them were absolute, a desperate absolute.


The first battle started was Nie Channel, and Tianzun played directly. For Tianzun, even if he only used the power of his body, the two-meter-wide channel could only accommodate one person, and it was impossible for two people to advance side by side.

Patriarch Qian Yuan rushed in first, and Nie Channel rushed over from the opposite side. The two monks fought together instantly.

The sixth floor of the Qianyuan Patriarch Tianzun, and the fifth floor of the Nie Tongdao Tianzun. This similar cultivation base is outside the depleted land, and it is not possible to tell the winner for a while. What's more, in this exhausted place where Taoism cannot be released?

But Patriarch Qianyuan had never thought of killing or severely injuring Nie Channel with the power of a single person. In the narrow passage, almost all moves have lost their effect, there is only power, only power collision. Patriarch Qianyuan's plan was to chop with all his strength and consume Nie Channel's strength in the shortest time. Then there will be other Heavenly Sovereigns to take over, forty Heavenly Sovereigns will face ten Heavenly Sovereigns, and take turns. The Human Race's Heavenly Sovereigns will hardly have any recovery time, while the Thousand Yuan Clan has relatively sufficient recovery time. In one day at most, it would be able to drag down the ten Heavenly Sovereigns of the Human Race and pierce the passage.


Thanks a lot to Taixu Zongzhen Xu Ziyan (500) for the reward!



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