Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2934: Siege

"Swish swish..."

The densely packed monks rose from the ground to the sky, from all directions, rushed towards Qin Shuang. Let Qin Shuang's arrows take care of one another, and soon the oriented monk approached Qin Shuang, causing Qin Shuang to lose her range.


The bow and arrow in Qin's hands disappeared, and a fairy sword appeared instead.

"Puff puff……"

Qin Shuang hovered, beheading the thousand yuan monk who was close to him, and fell to the ground. At this time, the human races also began to take pills, and the ten human race Tianzun divided into ten directions and rushed towards the thousand yuan family.


With a wave of Patriarch Qianyuan, the remaining thirty-five Heavenly Sovereigns also took the pills one after another, chasing Nie Tongdao and the others. However, the ten Heavenly Sovereigns of Nie Tongdao did not fight against the Heavenly Sovereigns of the Qianyuan Clan at all, and rushed into the group of monks of the Qianyuan Clan, fleeing and killing.

The melee began, millions of monks collided with each other, a large number of corpses were formed instantly, and the desert was stained with blood.

In less than two quarters of an hour, hundreds of thousands of monks died.

"Swish swish..."

"Boom boom..."

Suddenly a great suction force was generated, and this great suction force was not the monk's body, but the immortal power in the monk's body. The rate of absorption is ten times faster than before. Just an instant, after taking the medicine, the immortal energy generated in the body was completely absorbed, and the monks in the sky fell towards the ground like dumplings, and Qin Shuang was no exception.

"Asshole, gluttonous ran here."

Qin Shuang understood in an instant that it was the gluttonous glutton who sensed that there was a large amount of celestial energy and blood energy, ran to the bottom of the battlefield, and began to absorb the celestial energy and blood energy.

The previous gluttonous absorption range was aimed at the entire depleted land, but now it is only aimed at this battlefield. It can be seen how powerful is the suction?

Even taking the pill, it lost its effect.


Qin Shuang landed on the ground, and the surrounding eyes were blank, because the monks who fell from the air had not yet risen from the ground at this time. Qin Shuang quickly took out the bow and arrow, bending the bow to set the arrow.



Thousand Yuan Tianzun, who was chasing the human race in one direction, fell to the ground.


The monks of the Thousand Yuan Clan's eyes turned red, and he surrounded Qin Shuang and killed him. The bow and arrows in Qin's hands were put away again, and he took out the long sword to fight.

The field of vision was already filled with monks of the Qianyuan family, and there was no way to see the situation outside the encirclement. Qin Shuang followed the direction he had remembered before, and slew in the direction of the nearest Tianzun of the Thousand Yuan Family.

"Puff puff……"

From midnight to dawn, the two battlefields have merged into one, and there are shouts of killing everywhere. During the period, Qin Shuang killed three more Heavenly Lords, and there were only 31 Heavenly Lords of the Thousand Yuan Clan left, but she didn't know how many Human Heavenly Lords were left, or they were all dead.

"Are all dead?"

Qin Shuang looked at the figure of Patriarch Qian Yuan in a killing. Also saw several thousand yuan Tianzun's figure. At this time, they were outside the circle of besieging Qin Shuang, but did not participate in the fight, but focused on Qin Shuang.

"Is this preparing to start besieging me?"

While fighting, Qin Shuang turned with his figure, looking around. Found that only ten Tianzun stared at him outside.

"Nie Tongdao and the others shouldn't have all been killed yet, otherwise there won't be only ten deities staring at them. I must attract more deities, and I can't wait any longer, the human casualties are too great.

How to do it? "

"Puff puff……"

Kill the enemy with a sword, thinking quickly in my heart.

"Since the Thousand Yuan Clan lists me as the number one target, it has the intention of killing me and will never allow me to escape. Now those heavenly venerations are not directly confronting me, they want to consume me with low-level cultivators. These celestial lords have achieved the results of beheading me with the least casualties.

So, what if I escape now?

These low-level cultivators can't stop me, those heavenly veterans must end up personally. "

Qin's eyes lit up: "Then I will run away for them to see."

Qin Shuang discerned the direction, and rushed straight in the direction of the passage. With the fairy sword in his hand, no one could stop her at all, and a blood path was instantly killed, approaching the direction of the passage extremely fast.

"She wants to run!"

Patriarch Qianyuan's eyes changed: "Come on, fight her! Hold her."

"Boom boom..."

Ten Tianzun rushed towards Qin Shuang from all directions. These ten heavenly veterans came to Qin Shuang's area, but they just wandered around. They definitely did not directly collide with Qin Shuang, but ordered those low-level clansmen to violently attack Qin Shuang and consume Qin Shuang.

"Still put pressure on them!"

Qin Shuang's figure suddenly sprang out, and with this burst of power of the saint, he instantly came to a Tianzun You Dou and slashed out with a sword.

Qin Shuang's speed was too fast, too fast for the other party to escape, and raised the fairy sword crossbar in his hand.


The long sword flew away, Qin Shuang's long sword slashed down, splitting the head of the Tianzun.

"Old town, refine an axe for me, no other effects are needed, just heavy and sharp."

"it is good!"

Elder Zhen responded. There was no more than ten breaths in the past, Qin Shuang suddenly waved his hand, and the long sword in his hand shot out like an arrow.


A long sword pierced through the heart of a Tianzun and fell to the ground. At the same time, Qin had a giant axe in his hands. With the power of the holy rank, he picked up the giant axe, and in a short time, the monks flew upside down, and his body was divided into two sections in mid-air. Qin drove out in the direction of the channel in both directions. Patriarch Qianyuan shouted:


"Boom boom..."

The giant axe in Qin's hands exploded the air and slashed at the opposite patriarch Qianyuan. The Qianyuan patriarch was also very helpless at this time and could not fight. When the fight continued, Qin Shuang rushed all the way to the passage.

You must stop the opponent, and at the same time stop the opponent, can you be able to fight.

Three Heavenly Sovereigns, three Immortal Swords, a giant axe that slashed into the air!


Just the sound waves of the weapons intersecting, caused countless low-level cultivators around Qiqiao to spray blood and fall to the ground.

"Tattattattack..." The three Tianzun faces of the Qianyuan Patriarch changed suddenly, and their stature continued to retreat.

"How strong? It must be the peak of Tianzun's late stage!"

The three Heavenly Sovereigns didn't have the experience of close hands with the Saint Grade, otherwise they would know that this was definitely not the power of the Heavenly Sovereign's late peak.


On both sides and behind Qin Shuang, a number of fairy swords slammed. Qin Shuang had to turn around to respond to the enemy, breaking the rhythm of continuing to chop and chop the three Heavenly Lords of the Qianyuan Patriarch.



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