Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2935: good news

The giant axe collided with several immortal swords. Some monks couldn't hold the immortal sword and flew away. Qin Shuang's figure had already bullied in and cut off the opponent with one axe. Patriarch Qianyuan's face changed color and he opened his mouth and let out a long howl. Then he shouted:

The remaining four Tianzun quickly gathered with the patriarch of the Thousand Yuan Clan, and the seven Tianzun joined forces to resist Qin Shuang's attack.


Qin Shuang kept splitting the giant axe, and the seven swords joined forces to resist the giant axe. The seven Heavenly Sovereigns are still backing, unable to stop the power on the Qin Shuang's Great Axe, but in this way, Qin Shuang can't kill them like before.

"Boom boom..."

One figure jumped into the air, drew an arc in the air, fell to the ground, then jumped up again, and ran towards Qin Shuang.

Eleven figures are eleven gods. Falling around Qin Shuang, Chief Qian Yuan shouted:


Eleven Tianzuns plus seven Tianzuns from the previous thousand-yuan patriarchs, adding up to 18 Tianzuns, happened to be divided into six groups, occupying six directions.

Patriarch Qianyuan's expression stabilized, and he shouted: "Fight, don't let her escape the way. Tianzun will look at the monk and fight to death."


Countless low-level monks rushed to Qin Shuang, while six groups of eighteen monks were watching the battle outside. When Qin walked through the two-way channel to kill, he would pass the encirclement, and he would meet a group of three. The two sides confronted each other, although Qin Shuang was able to repel the other three, but could not kill the other with one blow. And the other five teams will immediately join forces to attack. With the piano double counterattack, the six groups will retreat again, driving the low-level monks to rush to her.

Qin's eyes swept across the eighteen gods, and now there should be twenty-eight gods left. So there should be ten Tianzun not coming. It is impossible that the Tianzun of the Human Race did not die. In this way, the remaining ten thousand-yuan Celestials were also killed by the Human Race. Almost half of Tianzun has been attracted to me now, which should greatly reduce the pressure on Nie Channel.



The battle continued, but Qin Shuang's heart gradually sank.

People who can survive the exhaustion of being chased by the thousand yuan clan are undoubtedly strong. And the monks of the Qianyuan Clan who chased after entering the depleted land were undoubtedly strong. So the battle scene is very tragic. However, the number of monks in the Thousand Yuan Clan was more than twice that of the Human Clan, and he was still at a disadvantage at this time. If this continues, there is no doubt that even if you survive, the human race will be extinct.

I don't know what happened to my three disciples?

Qin Shuang's heart wasn't too worried about his three disciples at this time. Under his own influence, these three disciples attached great importance to body training, and the strength of their body far exceeded his own cultivation. Moreover, it was not yet the final moment. Her three disciples should have spare energy and no accidents would happen. She was afraid that at the end, the three disciples would consume too much, but it would not have time to enter the fantasy formation.

I don't know if these three listened to their own words, the fighting place should be closer to the phantom array. Yuan Tong and Yuan Henqing should have no problem, just as Zhang Chuchen, this reckless disciple, Qin Shuang really didn't know what to do.

"Puff puff……"

Qin Shuang has killed a cultivator, his face growing gloomy. At this time, her strength had been consumed by 70%.

"Can't go on like this!"

However, every time Qin Shuang wanted to break through, he would be blocked by the Eighteen Heavens. She never killed a Tianzun again, although she killed countless low-level cultivators, Qin Shuang was increasingly in a difficult position.

The scorching sun has hung in the sky, and the war has continued for half a day. Qin Shuang felt that his strength was gradually being overdrawn. The two sides added up to nearly seven million monks, and at this time only about four million remained. Both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Qin Shuang had already begun to consider whether he would enter the Demon Town Tower to recover first. However, at this moment, her heart suddenly jumped away.

"Too fragrant!"

The feeling that had been lost for a long time and the flower was too fragrant, at this moment I regained contact.

This must have been hundreds of years, since Hua Taixiang hadn't seen Hua Taixiang in that black century in the void, this was the longest time she had been separated from Hua Taixiang. She cut off the idea of ​​entering the Town Demon Tower, lest the flowers were too fragrant, but she could not be found.

She started to no longer break through in the direction of the passage, but slashed in place, but looked in one direction, which was the direction to perceive the fragrance of flowers.

"Patriarch, she won't run away." A Tianzun said to the Qianyuan patriarch.

"Her physical strength should not be enough." The patriarch's eyes were as wise as seas.

"Then shall we attack now?"

"Not urgent!"


A loud dog bark resounded across the sky, and a big dog rushed out of the passage.

"Sister!" Hua Taixiang saw Qin Shuang.

A bright smile appeared on Qin Shuang's face, not only because of the return of the fragrance of the flowers, but also because she knew that the Skywalker, Skywalker, Fire Thunderwing, and Linglong Proud Sky Sword were all awakened.

"The good news is coming together!"

"It's been so long, and it's time to wake up!"

Qin Shuang's smile became brighter, and he shouted at Hua Taixiang: "Help the human race!"

"Qiang Qiang..."

After falling into a deep sleep near the cave, the two lost

That kind of connection, but at this moment, that kind of connection was restored again, and it was rapidly approaching.

"The flowers are too fragrant!"

Qin's eyes lit up, counting

Then he heard a beep, and brilliance radiated from Qin Shuang's body.

Blue dragon helmet, fire phoenix armor, basalt army, unicorn arm, white tiger boots.

Pack the Qin double tightly.

Qin Shuang did not change weapons, still carrying a big axe, this kind of real battle, the big axe still works.


His right foot stomped on the ground, and his figure rushed towards the three closest Celestial Venerables. The giant axe in his hand slashed continuously, and the cultivators of the thousand yuan clan were smashed out, their bodies exploded in the air. After just a few ups and downs, he came to the front of the three thousand-yuan Tianzun, and the giant axe in his hand smashed down like a mountain.

Although the three Thousand Yuan Heavenly Sovereigns were solemn, they were not in a hurry, and the three Immortal Swords joined hands against Qin Shuang's giant axe. At the same time, the other five groups of fifteen Tianzun were rushing towards Qin Shuang at an extremely fast speed. This kind of offensive and defensive is already very familiar to them in this day's battle. The three Heavenly Lords blocked Qin Shuang's axe, and had to give up the three opposite to deal with their siege.

This is fighting, fighting until the piano's stamina is completely exhausted.


With a loud roar, the three thousand-yuan Tianzun stepped back, but there was no trace of panic on his face, but calm. Because they had seen from behind Qin Shuang and the left and right sides, the fairy swords of the fifteen companion Tianzun were less than half a foot away from Qin Shuang.


Thanks a lot to the book friends 20200621054231510 (200), the ice king (100), djp1123 (100), and Bai Zibing (100) for their rewards!



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