Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2839: Hurry for hundreds of years

Maybe the real sanctification is when the blood turns silver?


Only Qin Shuang could hear it, but it roared like thunder.

A hint of surprise flashed in Qin's eyes, and his consciousness quickly sank into his body, sinking deep into his spine.

The space gave birth to slow fluctuations centered on Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang's body faintly emits a silvery white light, and the light ripples around, rippling out of the garden, and rippling towards the entire town.

Circle after circle...

Under the night sky.

All the plants seemed to be infused with huge vitality, growing crazily upwards, that is, the weeds grew scornfully, and the height exceeded the house.


There were monster beasts around cautiously approaching, a pair of eyes shining in the night sky, and they lay quietly around the town, absorbing the energy of the space.

At this time, the humans in the sleeping town slept better. Every breath is inhaled into the body, and it feels refreshing.

Qin Shuang's consciousness reached the center of her spine, and she saw the broken chains.

Mustard sees you!

The inside of the shackles is very wide, like a world. When consciousness enters the other world, it seems to enter a lake, but the lake is full of silver liquid.


The silver liquid in the lake sprayed out like a fountain, entered Qin Shuang’s spine, and ran out of Qin Shuang’s body. They began to change Qin Shuang’s blood, and Qin Shuang’s blood began to evaporate, as if in a steamer. , The vigorous vitality radiated from Qin Shuang's body, radiating to the entire town. The monster beasts surrounding the town greedily absorbed it.

There was pain in the body, Qin Shuang didn't care, she knew it was a necessary experience brought about by a qualitative change. She perceives this change carefully.

With the slightest pain, the blood in the body began to change drop by drop. It was no longer red, but changed to silver. As the silver blood increased, Qin Shuang felt a force generated in the body.

Blood is like mercury!

This is the power of the true saint!

It is not just the blood that has changed, but the entire body that has changed!

Qin Shuang could feel that the red blood was turning into silver little by little, and the silver blood was changing his body little by little. Her body is getting stronger a little bit.

I don’t know what state my body will reach when my blood turns silver.

Qin Shuang lay motionless on the chair, as if asleep.

The whole town fell asleep!

Sunrise and sunset, sunset and sunrise...

Three days passed.

Qin Shuang’s blood has completely turned silver, but the power of that blood is still changing her body, her body

The body is still improving.

"It's time to leave!"

At this time, Qin Shuang was able to control the breath of blood in his body, spreading the vitality of the entire town back into Qin Shuang's body like a low tide.

"Roar..." The demon beast's unwilling roar came from outside the town.

"Go!" Qin Shuang snorted softly.

The monsters retreated with sobbing. Inside the house, a pair of eyes opened, followed by surprise sounds:

"Dad, I broke through!"

"Brother, I broke through!"

The mayor was a fairy, his expression was taken aback, and he hurriedly got up and went out to the outside of Qin Shuang's garden. At this time, Qin Shuang was standing outside the door with his positive and negative hands, and hurried forward to salute:

"Sect Master Qin, what do you call the younger generation to come over?"

"I'm leaving!"

"You... want to leave?"

"Yes, you want to report the news that I am leaving, so that Fellow Daoist Nie and the others will send someone to the town."

"Yes!" Zhenzi's eyes appeared reluctant: "When are you... leaving?"

"Go now!"

When Qin Shuang stepped on the void, his figure flew towards the sky, but disappeared in an instant.


Qin Shuang rushed into the starry sky, discerned the direction of the interstellar, and flew towards the ice and fire continent.

Qin Shuang found another passage at the bottom of the big silver lake in his body, but the passage was still locked by a shackle. Qin Shuang didn't rush to hit the shackles. She thought of a question. Once the shackles were broken, there might be new power to transform her body. But now his body has not been completely transformed by this silver blood. So, can your body withstand the transformation of new forces?

If you can't bear it, your body might burst with a bang!

Therefore, she decided to attack the shackles after she had transformed her body. However, she knew better that relying solely on blood to transform her body would be a very slow process. So she needs to temper her body both inside and outside.

How to use external forces to temper yourself?


High intensity battle!

Shangyuan mainland.

Taixu Zong.

The Great Heavenly Sovereigns of the six holy places gathered again.

"The interstellar has stopped a lot recently." Yun Tianzun said.

Xu Qinyang nodded and said, "Hundreds of years have passed. The Hundred Clan should have been connected, and now it is making a decision, the interstellar will naturally disappear."

"What decision will they make?" Wutianzun asked.

Xu Qinyang shook his head: "Now we are very passive and can only wait for them to make a move."

The six great heavenly veterans couldn't help sighing. No race was as powerful as them, but the combination of a hundred races is not what the six holy places can handle at present.

There are holy monks, and they are not afraid of the unity of a hundred races. The strength of their six sacred places far surpasses the hundred races. But without the Saint Level, they are just a bit higher than the other hundred races, and they are not so terribly powerful.

The Six Heavenly Sovereigns fell silent for a while, and Wu Tianzun suddenly smiled and said: "In these years, I have often heard news from Little Friend Qin."

"Three hundred years ago, I heard that she killed the thousand-yuan ancestor and thousand-yuan patriarch and saved the human race on the thousand-yuan continent." Da Ri Tianzun smiled and said:

"At that time, I was very surprised. Even though the thousand-yuan ancestor was only on the sixth floor of Tianzun, he had the strength of the seventh-layer Tianzun. Sect Master Qin was able to kill him. In this way, Sect Master Qin also has the strength of the seventh-level Tianzun at least. .

However, I didn't expect that over the past three hundred years, Sovereign Qin had surprising news one after another. She actually challenged the strong from continent to continent, from challenging the eighth floor of Tianzun to the ninth floor of Tianzun. It's just that she heard that she was defeated and even besieged on several continents, but finally escaped. "

"Hahaha..." All six Tianzun laughed.

Pu Guang Tianzun said: "However, she has also made a name for herself. Now no continent dares to look down upon Sect Master Qin, or the Barbaric Continent. What kind of cultivation do you think she is now? Her cultivation has improved too quickly. "



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