Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2940: Ice lotus fairy

"She also realizes that her cultivation level has improved too fast, and only then has she challenged the strong and tempered herself." Tai of the Giant Continent

Tianzun smiled and said: "I am also curious about her cultivation."

Xu Qinyang thought for a while and said: "She has no attribute cultivation base.

Fleeing, it is estimated that it should be the fifth floor of Tianzun. "

"Breakthrough is too fast, if you are giving her a thousand years, wouldn't it be equivalent to our cultivation base?"

Sky Ice Continent.

Eight months of the year are winter, and the temperature is not high for the rest of the year.

A figure is walking on an ice field.

It is the Qin Shuang who has just arrived in Tianbing Continent!

Look at your body while walking.

"Cultivation base Tianzun's fourth-level peak, the sacred body is about to reach the third level of the sacred level. But I have a feeling that when my sacred body reaches

There should be no more breakthroughs at the three-tier peak of the Holy Rank.

The silver blood seems to have reached the limit of my transformation!

I hope that this duel with Tian Bing Tianzun will enable my eucharist to reach the top three levels of the holy level, and then I should retreat.

The next yoke was hit. "


Qin Shuang exhaled and was frozen into a cloud of white mist.

"Ice Palace!"

Qin Shuang stood on an iceberg, looking into the distance, a huge ice palace appeared in the distance. In the sun, it refracts

Bright light.

She did not fly straight to the ice palace, but still walked towards the distant ice palace step by step. She wanders all continents, it is not critical to challenge the strong, but also to experience the environment of all continents. The environment of each continent has evolved from its unique way of heaven, and realizing the unique way of heaven of each continent has made Qin Shuang's understanding of the way of heaven full. Although the cultivation level has not been improved much, and he is constrained by the number of chains of the weaving law, the mood of Qin Shuang is different. Especially after the unity of spirit and soul, her understanding of the way of heaven fits more closely.

She saw people, and they really looked like people. This is the Ice Race. They are basically the same as humans. Their limbs and features are no different, except that their skin is very fair, like ice jade, and their hair is white. In fact, they Another feature is that each foot has six toes and each hand has six fingers.

Those people also saw Qin Shuang, their expressions were slightly startled, but they did not panic, or fled, or yelled, or came up to kill Qin Shuang like the monks on other continents before. They followed Qin Shuang silently, and some people walked towards the Ice Palace a little faster.

"Is the Ice Race so calm?"


Suddenly there was a baby crying in the sky. Qin Shuang looked up and saw a big white bird flying in the sky.


It is said that eating the meat of this bird can make people feel calm and resist the demons.

She paused, turned her head and arched her hands to a monk who was following her:

"Friends, Fairy Binglian lives together?"

The ice clan man gave his hand and said politely: "Entering the ice city, the biggest palace is the ice palace, where the ancestors lived."

"Thank you!"

Qin Shuang turned around and continued to walk towards Bingcheng. When he was close to Bingcheng, he saw the walls of Bingcheng and the gates of the city were full of Bing Clan people, their eyes focused on Qin Shuang's body.

Qin Shuang understood now why these people were so calm. Because she saw self-confidence in the eyes of these ice people, extremely self-confident.

Now Qin Shuang is no longer an unknown person, but has spread his reputation on the continent. She fought and took pictures to spread across the continents of the Hundred Races, and the monks of the Hundred Races also knew through her challenge process that Qin Shuang was only here to challenge the strongest of each continent. Regardless of victory or defeat, they will leave. Will not shoot against other monks.

Of course, the premise is that others have not shot towards Qin Shuang.

The meaning expressed by the self-confident eyes of the Ice Clan was very obvious. They believed that even if their ancestors could not kill Qin Shuang, they would definitely be able to defeat Qin Shuang. Therefore, they are not flustered, nor angry, and they will not verbally abuse and siege. On the contrary, he was a little excited. It was impossible to see a monk in this realm fight against each other once in a lifetime.

You know, their ancestors have not shot for a long, long time.

And our ancestor is the pinnacle of Tianzun, okay?

Not bad!

Qin Shuangxian has begun to challenge the peak of Tianzun. For more than two hundred years, she has been on the way, weaving the law of chains, and challenging at the same time. Although it is not as effective as the retreat, she has slowly raised her cultivation to the peak of the fourth floor of Tianzun. This kind of cultivation level can’t actually challenge the peak of Tianzun. Even if she has all attributes now, her basic strength is equivalent to the eighth-layer peak of Tianzun. It’s okay when the cultivation base is at the lower level of Tianzun. Her understanding of heaven and fighting experience , Coupled with the stunts she comprehended, it was possible to reach another level. However, at the later stage of Tianzun, which Tianzun has no experience in the latter stage? Which Tianzun has not experienced countless life and death struggles in his later period? Which Tianzun did not have a deep understanding of the way of heaven in his later period? Which Tianzun didn't have his own unique skills in the later stage?

Therefore, Qin Shuang would fight with Tianzun's Ninth Floor at most, and it was still at a disadvantage, let alone the peak of Tianzun.

However, Qin Shuang couldn’t help her. The Hundred Clan was almost the same, and there were less than 20 Hundred Clan Continents left, and the most powerful people in these Hundred Clan Continents were the pinnacles of Tianzun and the old Tianzun. peak.

Today, Qin Shuang has become a figure in the entire fairy world after three hundred years of challenges, and her every move has attracted the attention of the entire fairy world. It can even be faintly compared with the Hundred Clan Wars that still occurred.

It's not that no one has suggested that, taking advantage of Qin Shuang to challenge the Hundred Clan, and stand alone, just gather a few Tianzun peaks and kill Qin Shuang, so as not to watch Qin Shuang grow up.

However, these proposals were all thoughts that came from the minds of monks at a lower level, and for these monks above the late Tianzun, they didn't have this thought at all.

Do you think these gods have no self-esteem?

Do you think these gods have no face?

People dare to challenge it alone, but you make a bunch of gods to besiege and kill others. In the future, there is a lack in your heart. How can you practice?

Even after the battle of a hundred races broke out in the future, they defeated the six sacred grounds and obtained the inheritance of the holy rank, and there is a lack of heart, how can they break through the holy rank?

Besieging Qin Shuang, where is it important to be holy?

not to mention……

The proud Tianzun Pinnacle doesn't think he can't kill Qin Shuang.

The ice palace is huge.

At this time in the back mountain of the Ice Palace, because of the hot springs, the climate is pleasant, and there is also a sea of ​​flowers. Stabbed to death a young woman who was pruning flowering branches. A man was weeding the grass with a hoe:

"Ancestor, the flowers you plant are so beautiful, they are different from other places."

Fairy Bing Palace smiled gently: "Do you know why?"


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