Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2951: ambush

After more than three months, the group walked out of the passage. Qin Shuang waved his hand and said, "I am walking slowly, you don't need to follow me, go according to your plan."

Twenty monks respectfully saluted Qin Shuang, and the immortal emperor headed asked with a nervous expression:

"Senior, can juniors know your name?"

Qin Shuang smiled and said: "My name is Qin Shuang, and I'm the Sect Master of Tianxing Sect who you often mentioned about the dragon sees the head but never ends."

"Sovereign Qin!"

Twenty people grew their mouths in shock, and did not know to close them for a while. When they reacted, Qin Shuang and the big dog had disappeared before their eyes.

"We...we actually walked all the way with Sect Master Qin?"

"Moreover... Sect Master Qin has pointed us for more than three months?"

"No wonder I think that Sect Master Qin's instructions can be understood right away. It turns out that it is Sect Master Qin!"

"You said, what is the cultivation base of Sect Master Qin?"

"How can it be seen from our realm? But Sect Master Qin can't be measured by her cultivation level. She has challenged Fairy Ice Lotus and the ancestor of Wanhuan, and left calmly under the double-teams of the two great gods. I think it's almost the same. It should also be the peak of Tianzun, right?"

"Let's go to Tianxingzong and tell them that Sect Master Qin is back."

"Yes, go, go!"

A group of people hurriedly flew up into the sky and flew towards Sky Xingzong.

On the other side, the fragrance of flowers fell down, carrying Qin Shuang and looking at the direction of Tian Xingzong. It hasn't come back for more than three hundred years, and the fairy scent of Barbara Mainland has become stronger.

This is the first continent on all continents of the Immortal Realm to extinguish chaos beasts, and the first continent to put out the altar. After more than 300 years, all the laws of chaos have been decomposed, and it is also the first one without a trace of chaos. A continent with extremely rich fairyland laws and fairy vitality.

It can be said that in the entire fairy world, the continent with the most fairy flavor is the Barbaric continent.

Qin Shuang sat on Hua Taixiang's back, looking at the scenery passing by, happy physically and mentally.

Tian Xingzong.

Halfway up a mountain a hundred miles away from the gate of Tianxingzong Mountain, two people were sitting cross-legged at this time.

A man and a woman are the ancestors of Wanhuan and Fairy Ice Lotus.

The two of them have been here for twenty-seven years.

On the first day and night of coming here, the ancestor of Wanhuan spread his own world, covering the surrounding scenery, as if a picture scroll unfolded, and the covered area is exactly the same as the original scenery, just as vivid. , There is no trace of falsehood at all, but it is true no matter how you look at it.

When his realm stretched to the Tianxingzong's Guardian Array, and when it touched the Guardian Array, he was bounced back. This surprised him and was able to integrate the Array Dao and the Talisman Dao into the realm. Wanhuan ancestor, how could the realm of the formation path be low?

He took Jie back in an instant, and the Jie receded like a low tide. As soon as his world was put away, a monk from the Skywalking Sect rushed out from the mountain gate, flying into the air, and flying into the air. The ground search of the ground search, the ground search, searched for more than half an hour, and found nothing. Withdrawn.

The ancestor Wanhuan and Fairy Ice Lotus on the mountainside looked at each other, and Fairy Ice Lotus couldn't help but exclaimed:

"The cultivator of Tianxingzong is so vigilant! It stands to reason that the Barbarian Continent has no opponents at this time, but it can still maintain this kind of alertness. Tianxingzong is not easy."

"Yes, from this point of view, Sect Master Qin Shuang did a good job!"

The ancestor Wanhuan once again spread the world and said: "However, this has nothing to do with us. Our purpose here is to catch the piano pair."

His world stopped near the edge of the guardian formation.

At dawn the next day, the monks of the Tianxingzong came in and out, and there were also monks who came to visit. No one noticed that they had already stepped into the realm of a great Tianzong a hundred miles away from the Tianxingzong, and the monks of the Tianxingzong They also didn't realize that they had just walked out of the mountain gate and stepped into the realm of Wanhuan Ancestor.

The world of Wanhuan Ancestor and the real world are perfectly seamless. Those foreign monks walked into the realm without a trace, and then walked into the mountain gate of Tianxingzong from the realm without a trace. The cultivator of Tianxingzong walked out of the mountain gate and stepped into the realm, without the slightest feeling, flying out of a hundred miles, flying out of the realm, and did not notice the slightest.

It is-Qin Shuang can't do this, I have to say that the conversion of the virtual reality of the ancestor of Wanhuan is amazing.

"Swish swish..."

More than two dozen monks quickly flew into the realm of Wanhuan Ancestor, hundreds of miles away, and soon fell in front of the mountain gate of Skywalking Sect. The monk of Tianxingzong in front of the mountain gate bowed his hand to more than 20 monks in courtesy:

"Dear fellow Taoists, who do you want to look for?" Tianxingzong is not allowed by everyone. You may be attracted by a monk from the sect, or you have enough reputation and status to let Tianxingzong The senior officials came to greet. And among the two dozen people in front of him, the highest cultivation level was only the immortal emperor, obviously not worthy of the sect's high-level greet, only who came to find a senior.

The immortal emperor headed hurriedly returned the courtesy: "Friends, we are here to report."


"Yes, report the news, we have seen Sect Master Qin."

"What?" The disciples who guarded the mountain gate stayed for a while, and then became excited instantly: "Our Sect Master is back?"


"Where? Oh, wait a minute, we'll report."

The distance of hundreds of miles is almost no distance to the Great Tianzun, and his realm is close to the mountain gate. At this time, the two dozen monks are standing in his realm, so their conversation is heard by the ancestor Wanhuan. He had to be clear, his eyes moved, and he whispered:

"Qin Shuang is back."

"I'm back?" Fairy Binglian lifted up.


"Where?" Fairy Binglian swam around.

"We haven't arrived yet, those two dozen monks met Qin Shuang, and it is estimated that they have not returned for hundreds of years, and they are walking slowly."


Fairy Binglian sighed, and a trace of tension flashed in his eyes. Qin Shuang is related to their path to the sacred, and although Qin Shuang's cultivation level is much worse than them, but the real combat power is not much lower than them, especially the combat experience is very rich. And they only have this opportunity. If they miss this opportunity, Qin Shuang will be prepared, and it will be difficult to find such an opportunity again.

Wanhuan's ancestor was also nervous, but the two of them had repeated their plans many times in the past twenty-seven years. He soon calmed down and waited quietly for Qin Shuang's arrival.

One day.\n

Two days.

Three days.\\n

A large number of people gathered in front of the gate of Tianxingzong, all of them were cultivators of Tianxingzong. At this time, all the cultivators knew that their sect master who was not sitting in the house had returned, and they all looked excited.


Thank you so much I’m tired, fly (500), and a little bit Yao Yao (100) for your reward!



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