Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2952: Raid

Although their suzerain does not sit in the house, he has made a big name outside. A person challenged the continent of a hundred races alone, fought alone at the peak of the heavenly sovereign and left calmly. In the last battle, even being able to leave calmly between the two heavenly peaks, this made them proud of their own sovereign at the same time. worship. Especially some monks who joined the Tianxingzong after Qin Shuang left the sect, had never seen Qin Shuang, and their excited hearts seemed to jump out of their throats.

Seven days.\\n

These days the monks of Xingzong waited at the mountain gate for seven days, and the ancestor Wanhuan and Fairy Ice Lotus also waited for seven days, but the ancestor Wanhuan and Fairy Ice Lotus did not have the slightest impatience, and even the two of them sat there. After moving, it looks like two statues.

The eyelids of Ancestor Wanhuan and Fairy Binglian moved, Qin Shuang played Hua Taixiang and walked into the world of Ancestor Wanhuan. The ancestor Wanhuan still didn't move. He wanted to ensure the best outing, and let Qin Shuang make the shot when he was closest to them.


Hua Taixiang carried the Qin Shuang dangling to the foot of the mountain where the ancestor Wanhuan and Fairy Ice Lotus were. The distance of hundreds of miles is not only for Qin Shuang, it is no different from what is in front of him, but also for Bi Chongtian and others. So they also saw Qin Shuang, and their faces showed ecstasy, and they flew towards Qin Shuang, calling out in excitement:



A string of immortals suddenly broke out of the mountain body close to Qin Shuang, and when Qin Shuang saw Bi Chongtian and the others, his heart was also agitated, neglecting precautions, and was immediately **** by the string of immortals. One sturdy. At the same time, an illusory figure had appeared in front of her, stretched out a big hand, and grabbed Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang's arms were tightly tied to her body by immortal ropes, but her feet were still able to move, and she reacted very quickly with countless life and death struggles. As soon as the body shape is vertical, the body shape leaps towards the back.


The big hand changed from reality to a big hand that has always been as big as a cage, and then it turned into a virtual reality, inserted into the ground, shrouded the Qin double within the five fingers, the earth was broken, a lot of dirt and gravel, crazy in all directions Lasing.

Qin Shuang felt his body stiff, and the five-finger cage actually had a restraining effect. The whole person was originally bound by the immortal rope, but now he was bound by the five-finger cage, and his body's room for movement became extremely small.

"It's careless!"

There was a flash of light in Qin's eyes, a very crisp thought moved, and the supernatural power of space was released instantly.

Fight to the stars!

This kind of space magical power is a kind of magical power similar to teleportation. The big hand of Wanhuan ancestor is shrinking rapidly. If you want to hold the piano in your palm, the eyes of Wanhuan ancestor have already shown joy, even now There was still some regret in my heart, and I shouldn't have promised Fairy Ice Lotus, I just had to come by myself.


His big hand suddenly shook, and the space was shattered by this grasp, but the face of Wanhuan Ancestor changed, because he felt that his big hand was very empty and did not hold anything. At this time, Qin Shuang had already Dou Zhuan Xing moved behind him, freed from the cover of the big hand, and also freed from that bondage. Although the upper body was still **** by the immortal rope, his feet had already returned to freedom. Kicked on the back of Wanhuan Ancestor.

too suddenly!

The ancestor of Wanhuan didn’t have time to transform the virtual into reality, so he was put on the back by Qin Shuang’s foot, and the whole person flew forward, like a projectile, one head crashed into the body of the mountain. There was a rumbling sound, and soon, the body of the ancestor Wanhuan passed by. A transparent hole was exposed.


Qin Shuang felt a pain in his chest and flew upside down, but in his eyes he saw Fairy Ice Lotus appear in his field of vision. He was kicked on the chest by Fairy Ice Lotus, his figure resembling a talented ancestor. Generally, it flies upside down like a projectile. And Fairy Binglian was chasing her towards her.

"Fairy Ice Lotus is here too!"

A panic appeared in Qin Shuang's heart, and the consciousness of divine soul spread out. She was a little worried, if there were a few more peaks of Heavenly Venerates of the same level as Fairy Ice Lotus, she would really be inevitable with wings.


Fairy Binglian suddenly threw his sleeve out. It turned out that Big Dog Hua Taixiang suddenly appeared on top of her head, bit her head in one bit, and was flew out by her sleeve. But Hua Taixiang disappeared into the air as soon as she was pumped into the air, then appeared under her body again, biting her legs towards her.

Space monster is really terrible!

Although it was impossible to hurt Fairy Bing Lian, Fairy Bing Lian was held back, and Qin Shuang had a momentary chance.

Qin Shuang had already withdrawn the consciousness of the soul at this time, and there was some self-blame in his eyes.

Although she has not yet understood the transformation of reality and reality, and has not successfully integrated the formations and runes into the realm, she has made some progress, so as soon as the consciousness of the soul is released, she understands that she has fallen into the ancestor of the illusion. In the world. If you are more cautious, with your current realm, you should discover the realm of the illusion ancestor in advance. And at this time she had seen Bi Chongtian and others rushing over, they were already in the realm of Wanhuan Ancestor. In other words, with our monks, Wanhuan Ancestor wanted to kill them easily.

Because this is the realm of Wanhuan ancestors, and Bi Chongtian did not have the strength of Qin Shuang.

"The ancestor of Wanhuan must be solved first!"

Qin Shuang made a decision in his heart instantly. Fairy Ice Lotus is very strong, but at this time everyone is in the realm of Wanhuan Ancestor, so Wanhuan Ancestor is the most terrifying.

The power of the soul gathered towards the eyes, Qin Shuang's figure was still flying back like a bullet, and the flowers over there were still entangled in Fairy Ice Lotus.


Arms grew on both sides of Qin Shuang's body, which was formed by the condensing of Xian Yuan Power.

Three hundred and sixty arms were condensed in an instant. One hundred and eighty Zhuxian crossbows flowed out from the storage ring and were held by one hundred and eighty hands. At the same time, one hundred and eighty hands on the other side held the crossbow arrow. , Swiftly landed on the crossbow arrows. At the same time, Qin Shuang's eyes that gathered the power of the soul had captured the ancestor of Wanhuan and locked it instantly.

At this time, the ancestor of Wanhuan had just penetrated the mountain, and then his complexion changed drastically. Qin Shuang was in his realm, so when he just awoke from the blow of Qin Shuang, he saw everything about Qin Shuang. Although he didn't know Zhu Xiannu, he clearly felt the crisis.


One hundred and eighty crossbow arrows have broken through the air.

too fast!

Too fast to dodge, the ancestor Wanhuan hurriedly changed from real to virtual, but the speed of the crossbow arrow was too fast, so that he had no time to completely change from real to virtual, the crossbow arrow had already arrived in front of him and penetrated his body.


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