Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2958: Into formation

When hundreds of millions of monks from other continents fell on the Barbaric Continent, the Qi Luck and Immortal Qi that they returned originally did not belong to the Barbaric Continent, but they were absorbed by the Barbaric Continent and suppressed by the Pseudo World. The Qi Luck and Immortal Qi of the Barbarian Continent will increase, and there will be a qualitative breakthrough.

Of course, Qin Shuang didn't know what effect a qualitative breakthrough would have, because he had never done this before. But it will definitely be a good effect.

These are the basic effects of this large formation. The essence of a large formation is to kill the enemy, and it cannot be just this auxiliary effect. The great formation Qin Shuang worked so hard to deduced, naturally, was not just these auxiliary effects, although these auxiliary effects were amazing, unimaginable for all monks. However, Qin Shuang also put most of his energy on killing the enemy.

Once this great formation is opened, it will suppress the strength of the monks entering the great formation. Regardless of only one layer, it will directly determine life and death.

The wonderful thing about this great formation is that it will automatically recognize the monks who have absorbed the luck of the Barbarian Continent, that is to say, all the cultivators on the Barbaric Continent will naturally absorb the Qi of the Barbarian Continent. Luck, and when you have the Qi Luck of the Barbaric Continent in your body, you will be considered by the Great Array to be your own, and will not suppress your own cultivation.

This is just the effect of automatic operation after the large array is turned on. On the nine altars, if someone presides over the big formation, the various killing formations in the big formation will attack the foreign monks.

Qin Shuang began to refine the altar. These nine altars require a lot of precious materials, even materials that the entire fairy world does not have. Fortunately, the materials obtained from the decomposition of the weapons on the ancient star in the town demon tower were barely enough. Qin Shuang spent nine years in the Town Demon Tower, one altar a year, and finally succeeded in refining nine altars.

After coming out of the retreat, I learned that everything was arranged very securely by Lie Tianxing and others. He rode Hua Taixiang and left Tianxingzong.

For the entire Barbaric Continent, today's Qin Shuang already knows it very well. When you put it on the altar, put it in one place, and the monks who put it will make a corresponding map. Therefore, when all the altars have been put out, the map of the entire Barbaric Continent will be collected in the Skywalk Sect.

Of course, over the past three hundred years, the landforms of the Barbarians have also changed, and many dangerous places, Jedi, and even forbidden places have been born. But the general topography will not change. This is enough for Qin Shuang.

She has made sufficient preparations and knows where to put the flag. It is a time-consuming process to deploy a large array covering the entire Barbaric Continent. Fortunately, she had already determined the node of the big formation in advance, and there was also a space beast that smelled too fragrant.

As soon as Hua Taixiang left Taixu Zong, according to Qin Shuang's instructions, he plunged into the space node. The next moment, he appeared at the node of a large array. Qin Shuang raised his hand, and shot the flag. After exiting, Hua Taixiang plunged into the space node again and disappeared in place.

The flowers are too fragrant, and the Qin Shuang's array is extremely fast. However, even so, it took Qin Shuang three full years to complete the deployment of nearly 100 million flags, and the rest is the deployment of nine altars.

Six months later.

Qin Shuang finished setting up the nine altars, eight of the nine altars were in all directions of the Barman Continent, and the ninth was in the center of the Barman Continent.

At this time, Qin Shuang was standing on the ninth altar.

A huge formation flag was taken out of the storage ring and inserted into a reserved hole on the altar. The strong wind blew and the formation flag was hunting.

Qin Shuang stood in front of the formation flag, looking at the formation flag with both eyes, and then a series of formation patterns flowed out of her eyes and concealed in the formation flag.


At this moment, with the altar under Qin's feet as the center, the space began to rippling slightly, as if a stone was dropped on the surface of the lake, and the space rippled with ripples, shaking in all directions.

The ripples are formed by a series of patterns.

A huge beam of light rose from the altar and went straight into the sky.

"Look, what is that?"

At this time, some people walking on the streets in the city saw the pillar of light, some monks who hunted monsters in the wild saw the pillar of light, some monks who picked herbs and ore in the wild saw the pillar of light, Some people in the sect or family who had a drink on the road saw the light pillar, and countless people saw the light pillar, and their expressions changed slightly. They didn't know what that light pillar meant? Don’t know if it means misfortune?

Some monks flew straight up and flew in the direction of the beam of light, and some greeted their friends to come out to see this vision.

In their view, this is indeed a vision.

That beam of light is not a simple beam of light. There are countless mysterious patterns flowing in the beam of light, which are brilliant and brilliant.

As the pattern ripples rippling around, wherever it passes, it seems to light up the fire of life. The patterns appear on the ground and brighten up. That is, the array flags are activated, and the array flags are activated. The formed array patterns are connected together, like the same light curtain, rising from the ground, circle by circle, the Barbarian Continent begins to light up from the center to the edges in all directions, and there are countless array patterns in the light, which makes people feel Dazzling.

Some monks were shrouded by this kind of light curtain halfway through the flight, and the whole person seemed to be living in a dream. One by one looked at the splendid surroundings.

One hour and one hour passed, and the formation patterns were connected very quickly. From sunrise to sunset, the formation flags of the entire Barbaric Continent were activated, and the nine altars rushed towards the nine pillars of light. The barbaric continent in the dark night is like a huge blooming firework.

At this time, some monks had flown around Qin Shuang. When they saw that there was Qin Shuang standing on the altar, their hanging hearts were let go, but a stronger curiosity emerged. When Qin Shuang was silent, they did not dare to speak out, looking at Qin Shuang quietly.

After the last formation flag was activated, the formation pattern began to hide into the space one by one, and the beam of light began to slowly fall. The barbaric continent returned to the night.


At this time, every monk in the Barbarian Continent, including the Barbarian Clan, has a feeling in his heart, that is, he is more closely connected with this continent, and his understanding of the way of heaven seems to have increased by a level. Just tonight, Countless monks have achieved breakthroughs.

This is how their luck is linked to Barbaric Continent.

Qin Shuang retracted the formation flag. At this time, the great formation only had two functions: suppressing the air transport and suppressing the strength of the monks from other continents entering the barbaric continent. There would be no other effects. If you want to run the other mazes of the big formation, kill the formation, sleepy formation, etc., you need to have a monk holding the formation flag to lead the formation.


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