Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2959: Void Battlefield

These nine altars are closely related to the Barbaric Continent, and layers of formations are automatically generated to wrap the altar. Except for the Qin Shuang, people without formation flags cannot get close to the altar. Yiqin Shuang's current formation realm is a holy monk, and it is impossible to get close to the altar.

"Sect Master!" Bi Chongtian, Lie Tianxing and Hai Zhen greeted him: "This is..."

Qin Shuanghan smiled and said, "I am setting up a big array."

"This big formation..." Bi Chongtian said excitedly: "I feel that the entire Barbarian Continent is enveloped?"

"Not bad!"

The monks around were excited. Whether it was a monk from the Skywalking Sect or not, they learned a few years ago that a great war was about to break out, and it was a war against seven continents by a hundred tribes. The most important thing was that the other six were holy places. They are not barbaric mainland. Before Qin Shuang came to the Barbaric Continent, it was only the worst continent. Although the strength of the Barbaric Continent has improved qualitatively in the past few hundred years, they were driven out by Qin Shuang except for the monks of the Skywalking Sect. In the Barbaric Continent, after hundreds of years of experience outside, self-confidence has been established, but the monks of other forces are still weak. Hearing that a war of hundreds of races is about to break out, everyone is panicked.

However, now they heard that Qin Shuang had deployed a super large formation, covering the entire Barbaric Continent, and their panic disappeared immediately. Because they have seen the guardian formation of Tianxingzong, there were many immortals who came to attack, and they did not break the formation of Tianxingzong. So, once the great formation of Qin Shuang was opened, they would have protection. .

"Sect Master, that big formation is the same as Zongmen's big formation?" Hai Zhen also asked excitedly.

"What do you want?" Qin Shuang said with a smile: "How big is the Skywalking Sect? And how big is the Barbaric Continent? How can a defensive shield covering the entire continent be placed inside?"

The hearts of those monks sank again, it turned out that they couldn't be like the Great Formation of Skywalking Sect! Their hearts began to feel a little frightened, but they weren't as frightened as before, after all, this is a big formation set up by Qin Shuang. Therefore, one by one looked at Qin Shuang, looking forward to it.

"This big formation cannot prevent other cultivators from coming in, but it can suppress the strength of the cultivators who are not barbaric mainlanders, and it can suppress about 10%."

The eyes of the cultivators were bright, and Qin Shuang continued: "Of course there will be some killing formations, lost formations and sleepy formations. But that requires the master of formation. However, I will not easily open this kind of effect. of."

"Why?" Hunting Tianxing asked.

"This is a rare opportunity to sharpen oneself, and it may not be possible to encounter it again in a lifetime. The Great Array has already reduced the enemy's strength by 10%. If it is still beaten and collapsed, there is no need to cultivate.

Of course, if it really collapses, I will start the killing array, but I will be very disappointed. "

The cultivators of the Tianxingzong have never reacted. They are not afraid of the enemy. They have not been idle for hundreds of years. They have been on other continents, helping the human race fight, and both their cultivation base and the state of mind have grown. The monks of other sects or families were also thoughtful at this time. In the past few hundred years, they also knew that the Tianxingzong monks went out to sharpen themselves, and they also saw that the Tianxingzong continued to grow stronger and the monks continued to make breakthroughs. Originally, what I thought was that the cultivation environment of Tianxingzong was too good. Now I want to come, the breakthrough of Tianxingzong monks is due to the cultivation environment, but it is more likely that they are sharpening themselves on the edge of life and death.

"Return to Sect!"

Everyone rose in the air and dispersed.


Void boats are flying, some of the Hundred Clan, and some of the Holy Land Alliance, they are all transporting monks to the starry sky battlefield. Even if the two sides flew side by side, there was no battle. Before the day of war, both sides adhered to the rules. Qin Shuang is also very relieved, she knows very well in her heart that everyone will abide by the rules for a long time. Because once you break the rules, the other party will also break the rules. This kind of adherence to the rules will continue until one party starts to fall completely at a disadvantage. At that time, it is almost desperate. If you can't say it, you can ignore the rules.

Every continent was transporting monks, and Qin Shuang also built several void boats to transport monks to the planet he guarded.

Even the Manman Continent, a continent that has risen for hundreds of years, also has more than tens of millions of law monks. Of course, most of the cultivators with the laws of more than ten million are Xianzun, Tianzun only has Qin Shuang, Bi Chongtian and Hunting Tianxing. Haizhen stayed in the Barbarian Continent. There are only eighty-five respects of earth, and more respects of human beings, one hundred and twenty-six. In other words, the total number of Immortal Venerables in the Barbarian Continent is not even a fraction of the total number. The rest are Immortal King, Immortal Emperor and Immortal Emperor. From this point of view, the background of Barman Continent is still too bad.

The remaining six sacred places are different, even if only half of the law monks have come, the immortals in each holy land are more than 10,000, and the Shangyuan Continent is even more exaggerated. The number of monks above the immortal is more than 30,000. There are even more monks in Xianzun, and there are over 100 million monks in each holy land to go to the stars. Moreover, each holy land supported five million cultivators of the Law of Manman Continent, among them there were from the fairy king to the fairy prince. The total of the six sacred places is 30 million cultivators of the law, and the number of people in the Barbaric Continent exceeds 40 million. Even so, the monks guarding the planet in the Barbaric Continent are still the least among the ten planets.

It was still more than a month before the war began. The monks on both sides had finished their transportation, and the monks on every continent had been in place. This was a huge war.

Only six law monks were left in the Barbaric Continent, and all the remaining law monks came to the starry sky. It can be said that if the cultivators like Qin Shuang fall in this war, the Barbaric Continent will return to its last strength among the Hundred Clan Continents. Barbaric Continent has almost exhausted the power of the entire continent. And half of the law monks came to the six sacred places, and two-thirds of the law monks came to every continent in the hundred race continents.

At the end of this war, no matter which side wins, the losing side will suffer a great loss of strength, and it will not recover for tens of thousands of years.

The first star of Shangyuan, this is the name everyone gave. Tai Xuzong led the Shangyuan Continent to guard the four stars, called the first star, second star, third star and fourth star of Shangyuan. The other six planets are called the Giant Star, the Replenishing Star, the Missing Star, the Starlight Star, the Light Star and the Wild Star.

At this time, the leaders of the seven continents came to the first star of Shangyuan to discuss the upcoming battle. In fact, there is no discussion, because everyone knows that for a long time, the Holy Land Alliance will not directly attack the ten planets of the Hundred Races Alliance, and the Hundred Clan Alliance will not directly attack the ten planets of the Holy Land Alliance. . Everyone will choose dozens of planets between the two alliances as the battlefield.


Thanks a lot to Taixu Zongzhen Xu Ziyan (200) and Little Bookworm Children (100) for their rewards!



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