Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2962: ten years

Qin Shuang waved his hand and smiled: "Our strength is to form a team and go out. At this stage of mutual testing, there will be almost no danger. This is the opposite of our purpose of going out to hone. I will go out alone."

The six people nodded again, and Qin Shuang said: "No problem, let's stop here today. Go back and clarify the rules and benefits to your people, especially the rules. If someone violates the rules, no one will save face. Don't At that time, he did not die in the hands of a hundred people, but died under the rules."


Barbarians developed methodically, and within a dozen days, several big cities had been established. At this time, Qin Shuang had already left the Barbaric Star and flew towards the opposite side of the galaxy.

Qin Shuang changed his appearance slightly, wearing a black dress, and covering up his cultivation in the early days of the Immortal King. Then, riding the big dog Hua Taixiang, he quickly shuttled through the space.

With the big dog like Hua Tai Xiang, Qin Shuang is very fast. In dozens of days, he has come to one of the several planets in the center of this galaxy.

Even far away from those planets, he gathered the power of the soul in his eyes. These days, Qin Shuang is like a scout. Without passing through a planet, he would check that planet for traces of monks. People have been found on several planets, but they are all monks of the Holy Land Alliance, and they seem to be heading towards the Hundred Races Alliance. The reason for staying on the planet is only slightly modified.

However, today is different.

Qin Shuang's expression moved slightly. She saw that on the distant planet, there were not only a few monks, but many monks, and not only the monks of the Holy Land Alliance, but also the monks of the Hundred Clan Alliance.

Qin Shuang stood in the air, and Hua Taixiang turned into a handsome young man, standing beside Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang looked down, his heart turned.

It seems that the cultivators of the Holy Land Alliance and the Bai Clan Alliance began to infiltrate and test in each other's direction, and then they met on the central planets, which became a battlefield for both parties to test. And as time goes by, there will be more and more monks from both sides on these planets. From individual battles, to team battles, to small-scale wars, to medium-scale wars, to large-scale wars, all will be born on these planets.

"Then start here! Too fragrant, let's go!"

Qin Shuang and Hua Taixiang swooped down towards the planet below, watching while swooping down, and then rushed down towards a team of about a hundred people of a hundred races.


The space suddenly shattered, turned into countless space blades, and a team of about a hundred people was strangled. Without letting Qin Shuang take a shot, Hua Taixiang ended the battle with a simple space blade. It is true that this team of hundred people is not strong, the strongest one is the respect. Qin Shuang offered sacrifices to the Town Demon Tower and collected the corpses of the Hundred Clan. The town elders inside began to get busy. First, they collected the broken chains of the law of about a hundred monks, confined them in an open space, and then began to pick up corpses one by one.

The blood is collected and used as the talisman ink, and the skin bubble is made into talisman paper. The bones, claws, twists, tendons, etc. are collected and used as materials for refining tools, and some organs are used as materials for refining alchemy, and the meat is stored as food. The primordial spirit has become the food that is too fragrant, and then the old man begins to refine the alchemy and make the talisman and make the formation.

Qin Shuang and Hua Taixiang started to look for the next batch of monks of the hundred races.

Year after year passed.

The number of monks in the alliance between the two sides is increasing, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger. Qin Shuang has also encountered a powerful Tianzun several times. Although the strongest one is not the peak of Tianzun, it is also a tenth-level Tianzun. In the end, Qin Shuang has not played, but the opponent cannot kill her. After Qin Shuang retreats, that Tianzun also Angrily left.

Ten years in a flash.

Qin Shuang and Hua Taixiang walked in a canyon, and Hua Taixiang followed Qin Shuang, covering up his cultivation in the early days of the Immortal King.



"I think I am going to sleep!"

Qin's eyes lit up, and the fragrance of flowers swallowed countless primordial spirits in the past ten years. Now that he wants to sleep, he is about to break through.

"Tsk!" Qin Shuang couldn't help but envy: "You are going to make a breakthrough, I am still the original cultivation level."

"Sister, why don't you retreat for a while, there are so many laws accumulated in the town demon tower, it should be enough for you to break through the first order."

"No hurry, you break through first!"

With a thought, Qin Shuang gathered the fragrance of the flowers into the town demon tower, and then walked towards the mouth of the canyon by himself.


Qin's ears moved slightly, and then slowed down.

About two quarters later, a voice came from behind: "Junior sister in front!"

Qin Shuang paused, turned around and looked around, and saw a team of more than twenty monks walking towards her quickly.

There are twenty-seven people in total.

One Heavenly Zun has one level, one Earth Zun has three levels, one person has six levels, six emperors, seven emperors, and eleven emperors. Among them, there are two men who have the same cultivation base as Qin Shuang, both of which are in the early days of the Immortal King. It's just that those two are the third floor of the Immortal King, and Qin Shuang reveals only the first floor of the Immortal King.

Qin Shuang really pretends to be a pig and suffers hardship, because she has no choice. She has challenged most of the continents of a hundred races. Too many monks know her. If she appears as she is, those monks of the hundred races will flee, maybe which planet she will go to. , The monks of the hundred races on any planet fled this planet. It is even more likely that a big push Tianzun peak will come and kill her, no matter which result it is, it is not what Qin Shuang wants. Therefore, Qin Shuang not only changed his appearance and clothes, but also concealed his cultivation to the level of the Immortal King.

Not to mention, it was her pretending to be a pig and a tiger that allowed her to hunt down a large number of monks of the hundred races. Not only did she make the flowers too fragrant to sleep and break through, she also obtained a lot of resources. Only the resources obtained in the past ten years are enough to consume the Pill Talisman Array that the tens of millions of monks guarding the planet will consume for decades.

At this time Qin Shuang also saw that the 27 people were not monks of the Hundred Races Alliance, but of the Holy Land Alliance. However, she was still a little curious, because this was clearly not a holy land alliance. Qin Shuang glanced at it and knew that this was a team composed of monks from the Shangyuan Continent, the Giant Continent and the Three Continents of the Lost Continent.

At the same time, the twenty-seven monks also saw the Qin Shuang, and the two Immortal Kings on the third floor. When they saw the Qin Shuang's cultivation level, they were happy at that time. One of them said:

"I finally saw someone with a lower cultivation base than me, Captain, let her join our team."


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