Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2963: Encounter

"Right, right!" The other fairy king third floor also nodded repeatedly: "Let her join, we don't need to do some odd jobs."

Then he walked up and patted Qin Shuang's shoulders carelessly and said: "Follow us, we can protect you. In other words, you are such a low cultivation base, such a person? Your companions are all dead?"


As soon as Qin Shuang wanted to refuse, he heard the Tianzun say faintly: "Keep up."

Then one by one monks passed by Qin Shuang, the fairy king who just patted Qin's shoulders, played with Qin's arms:

"What are you waiting for? The captain agreed with you to join, and hurry to follow. I told you that you are really too dangerous to be alone. You are lucky and meet us. Otherwise, you are alone, I am afraid you will not live tomorrow. ."

Qin Shuang looked at the immortal king who was pulling his arm. She was a female cultivator, and she was not young, and had an essential temperament difference from Qin Shuang. Although Qin Shuang is now over a thousand years old, her temperament is still like a pure girl. . But this woman has a kind of maternal grace, she should already have a Taoist couple and have given birth to a child.

The sister named Zhang Ying is an enthusiastic person, telling Qin Shuang about their team along the way.

They turned out to be not one team, but three teams. Have been fighting on this planet for six years. The respective teams continued to suffer casualties, and when they met, they formed a team.

While listening to Zhang Ying's narration, Qin Shuang looked at the twenty-six people walking in front of her, her eyes flashed with surprise, and fell on a man in black.

The man in black is the pinnacle of the immortal emperor, holding a black knife in one hand. Qin Shuang's breath feels very weak, like a candle in the wind, his life can be extinguished at any time, and even the steps he walks sometimes stagger.

However, that person was clearly not injured.

"What's the matter with him?"

Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes fell from the top of the immortal emperor to the black knife in his hand.

"This knife..."

Qin's eyes narrowed, she felt the horrible energy from the knife, that is, Qin Shuang felt the horror of the knife. From the knife, it seemed to contain the power of an endless ocean, and she could not perceive it. The end.

"This sword is so heavy a devilish energy! This is a magic sword! And it's an extraordinary magic sword. An immortal emperor has mastered an extraordinary magic sword...

The peak of a fairy emperor..."

Qin Shuang's eyebrows suddenly jumped: "He is refining this magic sword, not only with the original spirit, but also with the original strength!


With his cultivation base, no matter whether he uses the original spirit alone or the original strength alone, he cannot refine this magic sword. Only the original spirit and the original strength are used together. This is to use his whole person, from the inside to the outside, all Everything to refine this magic knife. Once refined, he is the knife, and the knife is him. Just looking at his current state, it seems that he is just stalemate with this sword. It is not easy to refine this magic sword. "

Qin Shuang's gaze fell on that person again. At this time, the person's body was already faintly floating with devilish energy, which was a tendency to become devilish.

It is not terrible to be enchanted. The terrible thing is that you have a heart demon, lose your mind, and become a puppet who only knows to kill.

The demons are demons, but they have not lost their minds.

"Swish swish..."

A group of twenty-eight people rushed out of the canyon, the monk in front suddenly stopped, Qin Shuang's eyes also passed the shoulders of the person in front, and looked to the opposite side.

Under the shattered sunset, the cultivators of the more than 30 Hundred Races Alliance stood opposite each other in amazement. The distance between the two sides was about 3,000 meters. This was an unexpected encounter.


At this time, both sides distinguished each other's strength. There were 32 people on the Hundred Races Alliance, four more than Qin Shuang. And there is also a Tianzun, in short, everyone is about the same strength, and there is no obvious gap. In this way, neither of the two sides wanted to escape, they drank almost at the same time, and then killed the other side.

"Swish swish..."

In an instant, including Zhang Ying, who had been twittering by her side, all rushed out, leaving Qin Shuang alone at the mouth of the canyon. Qin Shuang's gaze fell on the immortal emperor holding the magic knife, the immortal emperor was also rushing forward, but his aura was a bit disordered, and his speed was not enough, even Zhang Ying rushed past him. In just an instant, the two sides collided together. An immortal emperor rushed towards the monk holding a black knife.

The man in black was holding the black knife and was about to meet the enemy, but his figure staggered, and he spurted blood from his mouth and nose, and fell to the ground. The immortal emperor of the hundred races on the opposite side had no idea that he would be planted. Falling to the ground, the big gun in his hand was shot into the air.

Moreover, the situation was too unexpected. The immortal emperor of the Hundred Clan rushed so hard that he couldn't stop, and flew directly from the man in black.

Watching the lively Qin Shuang couldn't help but amused. When he glanced away, he found that he was a little bit at a disadvantage. After all, there were four more opponents, and each of them was not weaker than Qin Shuang. However, it is difficult to tell the winner in a short time. Therefore, she was not in a hurry, and walked forward unhurriedly.

"Boom boom boom..."

Dozens of monks, all kinds of Taoism, all kinds of immortal weapons are in the air.

However, the situation has become unfavorable for the Holy Land Alliance. Although there are no casualties yet, the monks of the Holy Land Alliance have begun to retreat step by step.

The strongest of the two teams, the two Heavenly Lords have already hit the air. The Heavenly Lords from the Holy Land Alliance practice kendo. A sword light continuously jumps out of the Sea of ​​Knowledge, turning into a sword river facing the opposite side. Tianzun of a hundred races flowed away.

The Tianzun of a hundred tribes sacrificed a long silk, the long silk turned into a long river, surrounded by the Tianzun, blocking the dense sword light outside, and at the same time sacrificed a lamp, the lamp released Numerous three-legged golden crows came out and swooped toward the Heavenly Lord of the Holy Land Alliance.

The Heavenly Lord of the Holy Land Alliance shines like a big day with sword light, countless sword lights pouring out from his body, shooting towards the three-legged golden crow in the air.

The Dao Fa of the two sides collided and hovered in the air, while the cultivators on both sides on the ground tried their best to stay away from the center of the battle between the two celestial beings. The aftermath of the fighting power of the two celestial beings forced them to avoid. An immortal emperor of the Holy Land Alliance was affected by the aftermath, and his body was out of balance. The sword of the Hundred Clan immortal emperor on the opposite left a deep bone scar on the opponent's chest.

Qin Shuang had already reached the brink of success at this time, and she did not immediately make a move. This is a rare experience for the monk. If she doesn't need to make a move on her own, she will never make a move if she can win.



One more chapter!



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