Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 825: Coercion


Zheng Dielan looked at the double figure in the mirror, and said: "Do you say she might come from us?"

Xu Nianxian looked up at the double figure in the mirror, still frowning slightly:

"I am very strange to the appearance, I have never seen her."

"There are so many sects on our side, so many people. There are more than 10,000 people sent out this time. It is normal for you not to see them."

“No!” Xu Nianxian shook his head and said: “Our Xu family is not a top-level force like the three major islands, but it also belongs to the big family. Even if it is compared with the medium-sized Zongmen, it is also the top of the medium-sized Zongmen. The wanderer Being able to be unaffected by the refining heart array proves that she is very strong. Such ages, such cultivation, will never be obscured. With my status in Xu, my experience, how can I not know?"

"That... you mean she is not on our side, but on the mainland of the warrior?"

"This is not right!" Xu Nianxian shook his head and said: "How can the monks on the mainland of the war be repaired like this?"

"Then, what degree do you say she will be repaired?" Zheng Dielan took his eyes back from the vanity mirror and looked at Xu Nianxian.

Xu Nianxian thought: "Your refining heart is completely effective for the monks in the refining period. Even if they can finally wake up, it will take a short period of time. It will never be the same as the wanderer. influences?"

"That..." Zheng Dielan looked at him: "Do you mean she has built a foundation?"

"Should be!" Xu Nianxian nodded.

“Will it be higher?”

"No, absolutely not!" Xu Nianxian shook his head and said: "The military will not have such a level of monks at all."

"That... if she is from us? Also, if she really is not from us, will she be a warrior? Just because her cultivation is very high, the power of the soul is very strong, so Will not be affected by the heart of the heart?"

Xu Nianxian locked her eyebrows for a moment and finally shook her head: "I still don't have an impression on her. Maybe she is really a spy, well, let her go, let's try it for a while, for a long time, there should be only six. The spies are fine, let other people wake up."

Zheng Dielan nodded and rubbed his hand on the mirror.

Inside the hall.

When the eyes of the piano turned, they saw the sea standing in front of the main hall. The sea has not moved. It was only because of the refining of the heart that everyone could not see him, only to see the martial arts of the Wuzong Temple.

However, the unaffected Qin double is able to clearly see the sea, and when she looks to the sea, the sea is looking at her. When the two people touched each other, the sea was shocked.

"Sure enough, she has not been psychedelic, is she already building a foundation?"

The mouth of the piano doubled up slightly, revealing a smile and walking towards the sea. The heart of the sea was amazed, but the face quickly revealed a smile, but the heart was prepared to prevent the piano from suddenly shooting. Anyway, when you enter the hall, you will be counted, and your heart will not feel comfortable. Maybe you will go away.

Qin double came to the front of the sea and said faintly: "It is very good to find out who is a spy in this way. It's just that I have something unknown."

The mouth of the sea shouted: "Do you ask friends?"

"Even if the selection of spies is fine? Since the Great Desolation City can send spies to explore the strange mountain villages, this proves that the strange mountain village has been exposed. When the Great Wild City finds that these six spies disappear, they will definitely besiege the strange mountain village. Do you rely on it? How many hundred of us are going to resist the army of tens of millions of warriors?"

"This..." The sea looked hesitant, and his face apologized: "Don't wait, my sister will answer you."

The piano nodded, no longer speaking, but a step forward, turned around, standing side by side with the sea, looking at the chaotic monks in the hall. At this time, hundreds of lights were suddenly spurred over the heart of the refining heart, and spurred into the bodies of hundreds of monks. The hundreds of people felt that their minds were clear, and there were any Wu Zongdian warriors around them. ?

Everyone changed their face, but before they found the sea, they heard someone crying wildly:

"I am really my own!"

"I came to explore why the demon is gathering here."

"I am here to find out who is here."


The six men screamed and yelled as they waved their swords wildly. At this time, more than 800 people who have been awake have a glimpse of their hearts. It turns out that this is a strange mountain village to find out who is a spy. While they are angry at the six spies, they are also jealous of the strange mountains.

At this time, they heard the footsteps and their eyes looked toward the left door. I saw two women walking side by side from the door. The woman on the left was very young, giving the feeling of being in her twenties. The woman on the right was very old, giving the impression that she had about sixty.

The two women walked out of the side door and simply did not go to see other people. They went straight to the piano. The crowd looked in the direction of her walking and saw the piano double standing side by side with the sea.

"You are a wanderer friend?" Xu Nianxian stood opposite the Qinshuang, his eyes became brilliant, staring at the piano double: "My name is Xu Nianxian."

At this moment, the heart of Qin double shuddered up, as if it was a lonely boat in Wang Yang, and it seemed to face a fierce beast that was about to be swallowed by the beast. This is because Xu Nianxian has unreservedly dissipated his own momentum. The kind of power makes the piano double seem to face a high-order monster.

"What strength is she? Why is she aiming at me like this? Is it that I have revealed flaws? It must be that I have not been confused by the heart of the heart, so she has doubts about me."

Qin did not think about it, immediately suppressed the fluctuations of the Yinshen, and knew that the fog in the sea was built into a guqin, and then began to play the dragon and the phoenix, and the pressure from the face was a loose, but the pressure was like the tide. Generally, a wave is higher than a wave, so that the piano double can not keep up with the sea.

However, Qin Double is particularly calm at this time. He understands that since he is not confused by the refining heart and shows a strong repair as a representation, he must persist. Otherwise, once he is broken by the other side, I am afraid that I will be there at that time. If you don't help yourself, you will tell your secret under the oppression of the other party.

She has no doubt that Xu Nian will ask her own secret after she collapses. If she sees a person who is not affected by the refining heart, she will also want to know why, because it is very likely that this person who is not affected by the refining heart is A martial art high-powered military traitor.

Therefore, the piano must hold on, and still can not have a look of embarrassment.


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