Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 826: crisis


With her current strength, if we do not use the power of the soul, we can only resist the oppression of the other side by relying on the power of the sea. If we use the power of the soul, we can be perceived by the other party in an instant.

The piano double felt extremely dangerous, and the hair on his body stood up. Knowing that the guqin built by the fog in the sea has begun to transform, Long Fengming has begun to go out of tune and on the verge of collapse.


A sound of the piano sounded in the sea of ​​the piano, that is, the string of the bloodqin is swaying, but this sound is loud, and the same is the sound of the dragon and the phoenix, but the Qin’s knowledge of the sea is clear and clear. Clear and refreshing, no more discomfort, I can't feel the pressure of Xu Nianxian.

However, the blood piano did not end the sound, but suddenly changed a tone.

In the vision of Xu Nianxian, I saw that the eyes of Qinshuang suddenly became red, and then two red-red plaques appeared in the eyes of Qinshuang. Xu Nianxian felt that his power of knowing the sea was like a breach. The river flows uncontrollably toward the outside.

Xu Nianxian snorted and decisively cut off his power of knowing the sea, and looked at Qin Double with vigilance. The piano doubled a long sigh of relief, and his face showed a smile that was not humble:

"Hello, Xu Daoyou, our meeting is really a new look."

Xu Nianxian also retracted the shock in her heart. At this time, she was able to confirm that Qinshuang was a monk. In the collision between her and Qinqin, she did not perceive the other party's power to radiate a trace of soul. It’s just that the other party is so strong that she is more certain that the other person is from the same place as her, but which side is it from?

After affirming that the other party was not a spy, her face showed an elegant smile:

"Wanderers and Taoist friends, apologize for the behavior just now, but the Taoist friends have not been affected by the refining of the heart, and the military can not have such a high-educated monk on the mainland. Mixed up, this is the temptation just now, but also hopes the Taoist understanding."

The more than 800 people heard the words of Xu Nianxian at this time, and this reaction came over. The psychedelic refining heart array did not have any influence on the piano pair. The eyes of Qin double could not help but be awe, the night shadow. I am glad that I apologize to Qinqin early.

Qin’s face showed a faint smile: “I understand that being in the mainland of the military, be careful, it should be.”

At this time, Zheng Dielan came up and said: "We still solve the six traitors first."

"Don't you have to interrogate?" asked the piano.

“No need!” Zheng Dielan smiled slightly: “It’s just that the Great Desolation City wants to listen to our virtual reality here. I’m sure that outside this strange mountain village, it must be surrounded by the Great Wilderness.”

It must have been surrounded by the martial arts of the Great Wilderness, and the faces of more than 800 people have changed. Night shadows:

"Zheng Zhuangzhu, since you know that this kind of gathering will be surrounded by the Great Wild City, why should you do this? And since the strange mountains have been surrounded, why didn't they kill us when we came in?"

Zheng Dielan smiled and said: "I will answer your second question first. The reason why they don't kill you is that they don't want to alarm those who have not yet arrived. They have to wait for the party to enter the strange mountain village, so that they can Ensure that the monks in the Great Waste City will be wiped out.

As for the first question, it is only their caution. They want to find out how many people we have and what strength they have. If the spies can send the message out, they will immediately launch an offensive. Nowadays, these spies have been caught by us. So, in the past, when there is still no news, the great wild warriors will definitely attack. So, don't worry, there is still a period of time before they attack, or kill the traitor first. ”

When the words fell, Zheng Dielan waved his hand, and the sea slammed his fingers. The six spy eyebrows appeared a blood hole, and turned over and fell to the ground.

Then six people walked out of the side door and picked up the six people and quickly disappeared into the side door. When Zheng Dielan raised his hand, there was a futon that appeared out of thin air and flew over to each monk. The crowd caught the futon and was shocked to see Zheng Dielan, shocked by the means of Zheng Dielan. However, Qin double knows that this is just a butterfly ring on Zheng Dielan's finger.

Zheng Dielan placed a futon on the ground and then sat on the futon with his knees, laughing:

"Dear friends, please sit down."

Xu Nianxian’s gaze has been paying attention to Qinshuang. When he saw the double face of Qinqin, he did not show the slightest shocking color. His eyes fell on the fingers of Qin’s pair, and he saw a storage ring on his fingers. The face was so bright.

At this time, everyone put the futon on the ground and sat down on the knees. Xu Nianxian looked to Qin Double Road:

"Wanderer, which sect is you from?"

Qin double knows that because of his own strength, Xu Nianxian misunderstood himself from the other side of the sea, but at this point she did not want to lie, because she would go to the other side of the sea sooner or later, when the time was revealed, but instead nice.


If Xu Nianxian talks with himself about some things on the other side of the sea, he can’t say it at all. Isn’t it exposed earlier? So she smiled and shook her head:

"I don't have a sect."

Xu Nianxian looked a glimpse, and then there was a color of thought on his face. It was not a disciple of Zongmen. If he had such strength, he should be born in three major islands or a large family disciple. However, when she saw that Qinqin only said one sentence, she stopped talking. It is obvious that she did not want to say her identity. The heart could not help but snorted, secretly:

"Do you think that I don't know, I don't know? The way she just countered was Fuxi. So, she must major in Fuxi. The main character of Fuxi is Snow Island. Zongmen doesn't have to think about it. The big family is only Lujia and Ouyang. I don’t know if this wanderer is surnamed Lu, or surnamed Ouyang? If neither the surname nor the Ouyang, then it must be born without snow."

Qin Shuang’s mind is also thinking about it quickly. She is also very entangled now. If she lie that she is from the other side of the sea, I am afraid to talk to the other side for a while, such as the situation on the other side of the sea, geography, even somebody, she It will be exposed immediately. If you directly tell the other party that you are a local monk in the mainland, then if you have such strength, you will make the other party suspect that you have gained a strong inheritance in a certain relic. This will inevitably lead to greed and greatness. The possibility will find ways to kill yourself and seek your own inheritance. Therefore, we must blur this matter.

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