Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 832: purpose


"Don't forget that I am a wanderer!" Qin double smiled.

Zheng Dielan’s gaze is a shrink: “Have you ever been to the mainland of the warrior?”

At this time, Qin double closed his mouth and stopped speaking. Because she knows that the more she talks, the more flaws she reveals.

"You friends!" Xu Nianxian continued: "In this land, other warriors have encountered problems in cultivation. You can go to the bright and honest to ask other people, but you can only explore it alone. Other warriors have made repairs. The breakthrough can be proud to tell others and share their happiness. But you can only be in your heart.

This kind of life is like a mouse living in the dark. No one wants to live a rat life. Are you willing? ”

There is an emotion in the heart of the piano. If she does not have the identity of a princess, if it is not the identity of a warrior, the identity of a spiritist, etc., only the identity of the monk, what kind of life would it be? ?

Even the heart of the piano has a feeling, not to mention the monks. For a time, their moods were very ups and downs, and they screamed:

"I don't want to, we don't want to!"

Looking at the excited look of these people in front of me, Xu Nianxian’s eyes showed a satisfactory color. She also saw the look of Qin’s ancient wells, which made it even more clear that Qinshuang was from Snowless Island. So you don't have to pay attention to the piano pair, take your eyes back from the body of the piano, lift your hands down, and the scene will soon be silent again.

The look of the night shadow is still excited, looking at Xu Nianxian: "Xu Daoyou, we are not willing to live this life, you call us this time, want to take us away from the mainland of the warrior, go to the other side of the sea?"

Xu Nianxian’s face showed a smile, and his eyes became sincere: “I came to help everyone, and I have the ability to bring everyone to the other side of the sea. But going to the other side of the sea is not the ultimate goal of our monks, we The ultimate goal of the monk is to return to the mainland and be the master of this continent."

The scene is a quiet, except for the piano double has speculation, other people are very surprised. Seeing the unexpected expression of everyone, Xu Nianxian did not give everyone more time to think, but continued:

"This time it is not only the two hundred people who have entered us here. There are 50,000 people who secretly sneak into the mainland from the other side of the sea. These 50,000 people are scattered in all corners of the mainland, and we are heavy for us. Going back to the mainland to do all kinds of preparations." "Boom..."

The noisy sound suddenly boiled, and more than 800 monks were excited to talk about it. The piano double wrinkled a brow slightly, and the heart secretly said:

"Is this really true? Is there really 50,000 people who will enter the mainland of the warrior? Is it true that the monks want to return to the mainland? The last time I came back from the innocent desert, I learned from the mouth of the monk. They seem to be looking for a place on the mainland of the military, not to attack the mainland."

"You friends!" Xu Nianxian’s voice rang again: "If you want to create the opportunity for our martyr to return to the mainland, we must first confuse the warrior continent, and this upcoming beast is an opportunity. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

“What do we need to do?”

The night shadow asked, and at this time his face had no excitement and became serious, because he understood that there was never a good thing in the world. If you want to get it, you must get paid. . Similarly, if they pay, they must also pay back.

“And, what can we get?”

Xu Nianxian swept his eyes over the crowd and saw everyone's eyes converge on her. Then he nodded:

"Well, let me first tell you about the benefits you will get." Xu Nianxian still has a friendly smile on his face:

"You friends should be very clear. You want to go to our legal world from the mainland of the war. In addition to the blockade of Wu Zongdian, there are Zhuge of the sea, so take you through the blockade of Wu Zongdian and cross the barrier of the sea. The price we have to pay is not one and a half."

Everyone's heart is a sinking, and the desire flows out of the eyes. The heartbeat of Qin double speeds up the speed. If Xu Nianxian can tell how to go to the other side of the sea, it saves her energy and time.

"I can guarantee that after the end of this matter, some of the higher-level friends will be taken away, and the rest of us will not care, I will leave some cultivation cheats and cultivation experience, and will leave it to Some of your instruments, and leave contact information, waiting for your repairs to improve, I will take you away when I come next time."

Everyone listened and listened to the words of Xu Nianxian. If Xu Nianxian said that they would take them all at once, they would not believe it. But just take away some people, but let them believe. And Xu Nianxian also promised that it will leave some cultivation intensive and experience.

What is missing from the monks on the mainland?

That is the cultivation intensive and experience, with the cultivation intensive and experience left by Xu Nianxian, their cultivation will be promoted faster than before, so all the people at this time are excited and abnormal.

Those who are high-educated think that they will be taken away by Xu Nianxian, and those who are low-educated also think that they will have intensive cultivation and experience immediately.

At this time, Xu Nianxian continued: "Follow me back to the Taoist world, you can join different forces according to your own mind, no matter which force you join, there will be teachers to teach you the cultivation knowledge. There is a fixed time to answer your questions, and will be distributed to you, the medicinal herbs, etc., so that you can grow up quickly."

"Why don't you say how to get to the other side of the sea?" Qin Qin was a little anxious.

"We understand!" The night shadow said: "We are very much looking forward to the world of the law of the other side of the sea. Now tell us, what do we need to do?"

Xu Nianxian nodded and said: "I need you to destroy the big city of the Great Wall."

"This...Impossible!" The night stunned and looked at Xu Nianxian: "That is the layout of the masters and spiritual masters on the mainland of the warriors. With our martial arts and the level of the road, even give us the opportunity. We don't have that ability either."

"I know that you don't have that ability, but I have it!" Xu Nianxian said proudly: "The true meaning of the road and the road is in the world of the law, not in the mainland of the war. The mainland of the warrior is some muscle-developed, simple-headed Wufu. They only Knowing what martial arts to cultivate, they don't understand what is the real martial art, what is the real way. If you don't listen well, your so-called spiritual master is the qualifier of our world of law. ”

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