Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 831: doubt


The day of the week slightly frowned, and then the sarcasm in the eyes was thicker. At this time, other monks from the other side of the sea also heard about the things before Qin and Xu Nianxian, and saw the week standing on the piano. In front of the pair, I saw the faces of two people. It seems that something happened. Everyone gathered at this place, and Xu Nianxian and Zheng Dielan also slowly came over. At this time, I heard the voice of the week:

“It’s harder to integrate the different attributes, but it’s not advanced?”

The heart of Qin double is a jump. Is the end of the sea thoroughly thorough in Tai Chi theory? And this is already the basic theory?

Her heart immediately became hot, and the mood to go to the other side of the sea was even more urgent. Only at this time, we still had a calm look and made a slight thought:

"Two diametrically opposed attributes are combined in one symbol, such as water and fire, which requires a balanced and multifaceted theory..."

"What?" The face of the week showed a shocking color.

Zheng Dielan and Xu Nianxian, who are still coming in this direction, suddenly stopped and looked at each other with a sigh of relief. At the same time, two people’s hearts have an unbelievable thought:

"Is the skill of the snow-free island has reached this realm?"

At this time, standing on the opposite side of the piano pair is completely stupid.

Not bad!

The fusion of different attributes mentioned in his mouth is a relatively basic theory, but it is a fusion of similar attributes, such as fire attributes and soil attributes, which can make a meteor fire, but not exactly the opposite. Two attributes, such as fire and water.

It’s not that no one has tried it. Instead, there are countless people who are constantly trying, but no one has succeeded.工具时时时时时时了了了。


After the shock, it was thick and unbelief.

"How can this be?"

I just wanted to sneer a few commonly, but I suddenly heard the voice of Xu Nianxian behind me.

"Let everyone pay attention, I have something to say to everyone."

Xu Nianxian knows that he can't let the day of the week continue. Since the wanderer can propose such a theory, then 90% can be sure that the wanderer is from Snowless Island. It is impossible to study the fusion attribute to this point elsewhere.

Snowless Island is a behemoth on the other side of the sea, and it is sinful. It is no different from finding death. Therefore, she decisively interrupted the day of the week and attracted everyone's attention.

Qin double also looked at Xu Nianxian, she knew that this is the purpose of Xu Nianxian should say this party. Sure enough, Xu Nianxian saw everyone’s eyes and looked over, then said:

"Dear friends, I am from the other side of the sea, Xu Xiu Xian of the world of the law. I invite everyone to come to the party, there is an important matter to discuss with your friends."

At this time, everyone's eyes were gathered on Xu Nianxian. No one noticed that Zheng Dielan quietly came to the side of Qinshuang, and lowered his voice and said:

"Wanderer friends, what we have to do this time is very dangerous. If the friends are very involved, our grasp will be even greater. Of course, the Taoist status is honorable. If we don't want to participate, we will not have any other. idea."

Qin doubled his head and looked at Zheng Dielan faintly. At this time, she had already determined that these monks would destroy the defense of the Great Wilderness. Otherwise, why is it very dangerous?

If she wants to participate in such an action, the piano pair will not do it. Although there is no discrimination in her mind about martial arts and law, she believes that this is a way of pursuing heaven. However, let her participate in the destruction of the defense of the Great Desolation, so that the demon animal can drive straight into such a thing she can not do. If the Great Wilderness City is really broken, it will kill countless people. After the Great Wilderness City, there are countless ordinary people who don’t have much strength. This crazy idea may only be the kind of people who have been suppressed for too long in the sea. idea.

At this time, she even had a slight dislike of these laws in her heart. She felt that they had lost the heart of pursuing heaven. Sigh a sigh in my heart:

"I have my own judgment."

"Oh..." Zheng Dielan laughed at two channels: "I hope that the judgment of Dao is consistent with us."

Qin double nodded gently, but no longer speak. Zheng Dielan whispered again: "Let's go there, here are the low-ranking monks of the mainland."

"It's the same everywhere!" Qin said faintly.

"Oh..." Zheng Dielan laughed twice and didn't insist on it, and he didn't leave, but stood side by side with Qin.

At this time, the night shadow turned to look at the piano double, seeing the meaning of the piano double did not show up, looked hesitant, then said:

"Xu Daoyou, thank you for inviting us to this gathering. Here we listened to the Taoist and Wanderers' arguments, which benefited us a lot, and there are so many people here to communicate. This is the biggest participation in my life. A party can be called a grand event. What do you say to your friends? Please say."

Xu Nianxian nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the Qinshuang. When he saw that the piano pair was just standing there quietly, and there was no idea of ​​opening, the mood was one of the loose, condensed:

"Dear friends, you are the seed of Fa Xiu on the mainland of the warrior, so that the fire of the law is still burning in the mainland of the war. But your life must be very difficult. Every day is living in a kind of tension and fear. You can't cultivate with one heart and one mind. You are sleeping, eating, practicing, and even walking on the street. They are always ready to be pursued by the people of Wu Zongdian. You don't know if you can still see the sun of tomorrow."

At the moment when Xu Nianxian said this, not to mention the Qin double with the princess's identity, I felt that when she was still weak, in the Lucheng Confucian Institute, in order to hide her identity, it cost a huge amount. energy. Not to mention the more than 800 people, so one person nodded, and his face showed a faint color.

"They are really pitiful." Zheng Dielan said softly.

"The environment is so!" Qin double also lowered the voice and said.

“Do you know the environment here?” Zheng Dielan looked at the piano pair differently.

"She is not very familiar with it?" Qin said faintly, using his eyes to indicate the Xu Nianxian who was talking.

"She?" Zheng Dielan smiled faintly: "The things she knows are all told to me. I am very surprised how you know the situation here. It is not enough to rely on the legends we hear on our side. ”

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