Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 835: Large array center


quite a while.

Qin double only wants to come out two ways, one road is a few days later, try to cooperate with Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian, and set the guardian big array to a higher level. The second way is to remind you to cover the eight-year-old, to closely monitor the big city, and it is best to send a trustworthy person. At the wall, every other distance, there is a person there to monitor, once someone finds want to destroy the moat. In a big battle, they will be killed immediately.

the next day.

All the people found that the atmosphere of the Great Wilderness City became extremely tense. Qin Double gave the command to the Qin Qian. The Qin Qiang shuttled between the mercenary groups and tested the results of a long snake lock demon array. . Qin double, Tianci and Lan Mingyue also learned a long snake lock demon array. It took a day to practice it, and then this group of people gathered together to exchange, and Tianci and Sun Qiaomu, etc. People continue to go to alchemy.

In this tense atmosphere, time passed two more days.

Qin double came to the city's main government, sitting in the hall is covered with eight wild, Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian. Wu Chuanlie did not appear in the main hall. When the three people saw Qinqin coming in, they all smiled and said, Qinqin also responded and sat down:

"The city owner, the atmosphere in the deserted city in these days is very tense. Is it because the animal tide is coming?"

The smile of the eight-year-old smile became dignified: "No, we found a group of demon roads in the Great Desolation City. They met at the strange mountain village and should want to destroy our defense."

Qin double face all the way: "Catch?"

Gai Yawei shook his head and said: "No, they have strange instruments that let them escape."

The piano doubled up and said: "Where do you think they will destroy the defense of the Great Desolation?"

Gai Bai’s eyes swept over Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian: “I and Wu Tang have also undergone some deliberation. We both believe that the most likely thing for the demon road is to destroy the moat. So, please also The three masters tried their best to make the guards of the city more rigorous."

"This is no problem!" Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian nodded together: "We will come up with our highest ability."

“Thank you for the three masters!” Gai Baran said sincerely: “This is related to the billions of warriors in the Great Desolation City, and it is also related to the people of the Daqin Empire after the Great Desolation. If the Great Desolation City is really broken by the Beast, it is one. Holocaust."

Rong Wanqian and Han Liuyun both nodded solemnly. They found that Qin double had not answered his words, and he did not nod. He just locked his brow and sat there, feeling nowhere to sink. He asked:

"Zhen Gu, what advice do you have?"

Qin double raised his eyes and looked seriously at the cover of the eight roads: "City Lord!"

Then I looked at Rong Wanqian and Han Liuyun: "The Han Huizhu, the Lord. I don't think you will oppose the battles and spirits on the mainland of the warriors. How about tattoo?"

At the same time, the three people sighed at the same time. Han Liuyun sighed a bit: "The road is not as good as the other side of the sea, but it is not much worse. But the spirit of the technique is much worse than the technique of the other side of the sea. Our spiriting technique is only one of the techniques of the scorpion, so the sorcerer of our side and the sect of the singer on our side are not at all level, or even a master."

Qin doubled and nodded: "The Han Huizhu said it well, so even if we do our best, the big bouts we set up will have flaws in their eyes. We can't discharge those demons that will form a team of dead soldiers. Fighting to destroy the defense of the Great Desolation."

"That... how is it good?" The face of Gai Bai’s face showed an anxious color.

"First, we try to improve the quality of the big city. Second, the city owners need to send a trusted warrior, and they will be stationed at a certain distance. Their purpose is not to hunt the monsters, but to monitor whether we have people here. If you want to destroy the big man in the city, if you find a sign, kill it immediately."

"Good!" Gai Eight immediately nodded and said: "I will arrange for the garrisoned martial artists to upgrade the defensive array of the Great Desolation City and call them to the three masters."

"I am obliged!" the three men said in unison.

"Go, let's go to the heart first."

The eight-street station stood up, and four people walked out of the gate, walked behind the city's main house, entered a tightly guarded palace, then walked down the steps into the ground, pushed a heavy door, and saw a square. The space of the meter. At this time, four people in the space were sitting around a circular pillar. When they saw the eight people in the cover, they came in and hurriedly stood up and said:

"See the city owner."

The two sides introduced the two sides, and the four people were the ones who presided over the big city. The three people of Qin double came to the pillar stand and looked toward the pillar, and they saw that the top was covered with lines and spirits. And there are thirty-six grooves on the stud, and there is a stone in each groove. Only at this time the moat was not opened, and the Lingshi in the groove was not consumed.

This made the piano double heart, she was the first time to see the Lingshi in the public scene, can use the Lingshi to provide the power of the big array, it is conceivable that the power of this big array.

At this time, the four people who hosted the big array were laying a huge sheet of paper on a huge table. Qin double, Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian surrounded the huge table.

This is the big city of the Great Desolation. The task of the three of them is to repair the damaged area of ​​the Great Desolation City. If it is possible to upgrade the moat on the original basis, it would be even better. However, if you want to re-arrange a big city, it is definitely too late. Although I don't know when the animal tide will happen, the news from the monster territory is not much time left for the Great Wilderness City.

Qin Double was the first time to see such a huge moat of the city's large-scale drawings, and his mood was a little excited. His eyes swept through the lines and spirits on the drawings, and he saw a strip of lines and a spiritual pattern like a chain. She has never been in contact with this large-scale moat. Although her meritorious heritage has some inheritance of large-scale formations, she does not have this kind of formation. This is the inheritance of the military on the mainland, and she has never No contact.

In fact, all the people at this time are paying attention to the piano double. Because the people here are very familiar with Rong Wanqian and Han Liuyun, one is the ally of the ally, and the other is the master of the spirit lining, famous. If the two of them can't afford to repair or upgrade the burden of the Great Desolation, then no one can take on this burden.

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