Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 836: Wansuo



At this time, there was a piano double. This time, the mainland’s Lingwen is the first in the world. It is known as the tenth-level peak of the spiritual master. The youngest ten-level peak of the military in the history of the military, the most promising person to become the master of the spiritual pattern. . Therefore, everyone has doubts about her and has expectations. However, now I have seen the piano double frowning, seemingly somewhat incomprehensible, not to mention the four people who are here to preside over the law, that is, the eight-year-old, Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian also emerged. The color of disappointment.

After all, Han Liuyun knows the most about Qin Double and is most expecting her. However, when she thought of her age, she sighed in her heart:

"Qin double, but what do you not understand?"

"There is no place to understand!" Qin double whispered: "Just the first time the younger generation saw such a huge moat, I don't know what the name of this big array is called?"

"I have never seen such a big array, I don't know the name of this big array!"

Han Liuyun’s heart is a loose, think about it too. With the age of Qinshuang, the string moon kingdom where Qinshuang is located is not likely to have such a large moat array.

"This big array is called Wansuo!"

"Oh!" Qin nodded and continued to look at this huge drawing.

This Wansuo array gave the piano a great inspiration, that is, from this moment on, she began to really touch the large-scale formation. Although there are large-scale formations in her inheritance of merits and deeds, even some formations are many times larger than this 10,000-locked array. However, at that time, Qinshuang did not have the opportunity to lay such a large array, so she also There is not much research.

At this time, I saw this big array, and everything in the big array was presented on this huge drawing, so she was immersed in it all at once.

Gai Bai and Rong Wanqian shook his head gently. They saw the state of Qin Double. It was hard to believe that Qin Double could understand this drawing, but he did not know the name of this big array. However, the two people did not have much disappointment. Originally, let Qin double participate in this, that is, let Qin double touch this large array. After all, the piano pair is so young, and the future of the empire belongs to Qin and these young people.

People like the high-level people like Gai Ba Ni and Han Liu Yun are naturally different in the level of thinking. But the four people who presided over the law were different. The ages of these four people are not small, two are the Masters, two are the Spiritist, and they are also the masters of the guru, but they are all three masters. When this formation is formed, they have no problem in prescribing the formation in a step-by-step manner, but if they are allowed to deploy such a formation, they will not have that ability. This time, the four of them can participate in it, that is, they will give them four opportunities. Their mission is to assist Han Liuyun, Rong Wanqian and Qin Double, and get a start.

However, people tend to be a bottle of dissatisfaction and half a bottle of sloshing.

The attitude of the four of them to Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian is absolutely no problem. However, it is different for the piano pair. Seeing that the piano is so young, it is so arrogant to participate in such a big thing. If it is said that their hearts are not sour, it is a fake.

However, after all, the reputation of Qinshuang is very loud, and the martial arts of the mainland is much better than the first, and it is known as the tenth-level peak of the spirits master, and Han Liuyun. Therefore, although the four of them have doubts about the doubles, they maintain a kind of respect on the surface. However, at this time, when I saw Gai Ba Niu and Rong Wanqian were disappointed and shook their heads, the faces of these four people showed contempt and exchanged sarcasm.

At this time, Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian have begun to discuss how to repair the damage on the Wan lock array. The four people immediately surrounded by Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian, listening attentively, absorbing the occasional understanding. knowledge. On the other side of the cover, the eight-year-old looked forward to looking at Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian:

"Han Hui, the Lord, can you raise the level of the moat?"

Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian both locked their brows and then shook their heads: "It's hard, we can't find a more advanced array that matches it now, so it's hard to upgrade its grades on this basis. Moreover, this formation is already a nine-level master. If you want to deploy a level 10 master, you must completely destroy the Wansuo and then redeploy it. This is too late in time."

On the face of Gai Bai’s face, there was a disappointment. Rong Wanqian and Han Liuyun also sighed with regret, and then continued to exchange and repair the experience of Wansuo, and the four masters who presided over the formation of the law would listen attentively. It’s up. Gai Ba Niu also understands the Fa, but it is only a master class, not even a master. So he simply couldn't understand the communication between Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian, and he took two steps back and stood there thinking about it.

Occasionally, he looked up and saw the piano double. When he saw that the piano double had left her original position, his face was delighted for a while, and then he frowned and thought hard.

Covering the eight wilderness, he sighed in his heart, and he said in his heart: "Piano is afraid that it is still in the process of understanding Wansuo."

Is that right?

That's it, it's not like this.

When Qin Double saw this 10,000 lock array at first sight, he felt some familiar. Therefore, when Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian began to communicate, she looked at the Wan lock array while searching for her own meritorious heritage.

Soon, she found a picture in the inheritance of Gongdebei.

Wanlong array.

Wan lock array is a pure defensive array, which locks the Great Waste City into a space and resists external attacks. But it does not have the power of attack, that is, the chains that are constructed of the formations and the spirits are a dead object.

But the Wanlong array is different.

Wanlong array absorbs the spiritual power between heaven and earth, forming a defensive and aggressive dual-effect array. Although Wanlong, which is constructed by formations and spiritual patterns, is not a real dragon, it does not have true spirituality, but But also has Long Wei.

For example, the phoenixes that Qinqin got in the distorted space of the South Chinaan were born with the spiritual power of the fire, or with special reasons, and gave birth to a spiritual phoenix.

Not bad!

Those phoenixes already have spirituality. Although the spirituality is very low, there is still a long time for the distance to become a real life, but it can also be called the spirit of attributes.

However, although Wanlong array absorbs the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, it gathers into a dragon, and it has the dragon shape and the dragon power, but it does not have spirituality. Perhaps this Wanlong array has been running for tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands of years later, slowly producing spirituality, but it is definitely not the present.

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