Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 844: Brother and sister conflict



At this time, Gai Bai suddenly suspended the support of Weber and cut off the continuous supply of resources to him. Weber's master no longer taught him the knowledge of the spirit, and all the shops no longer asked Weber to make the spirit. Weber suddenly fell into **** from heaven.

Without Weber's resources, without Master's teaching, no one asked him to make a plaque. His life suddenly returned to the hardships from Jinyiyu, and he was laughing at his voice everywhere.

I used to live the life of Jinyiyu, and I used to be envied and flattered. I suddenly became hard and became ridiculous everywhere.

Weber can't stand it.

Wei Yi can't stand it anymore.

Two people realized at this time that all of this was a plan to cover the eight-year-old. At this time, how could Weber give up the life he once had?

Daily alcoholism has become his normal state, of course, the drink is inferior wine, and sometimes the people who are ridiculed play a bruised face.

What about Weiwei?

Wei Yi is of course not good. A woman who has lived a good life, and then let her wear cheap clothes, no rouge, no perfume, no jewelry, no choking, no group of noble ladies, Miss Qian Jin flattering That kind of life is for a woman who is only seventeen years old...

Life is better than death!

Then look at the younger brother who drinks alcohol every day. Wei Yi succumbed. She hasn't lived this month for a life. When Gai Baran suddenly appeared in front of her, she succumbed and married to the Eighth.


Still not a wife, just awkward...

But does she love to cover the eight?

do not love!

She just loves to bring life to him. Every time she covers her, she has a feeling of vomiting, but once she appears in various gatherings, her heart There is also a strong glory and vanity.

As the peak of the late Emperor Wudi, the main city of the Great Desolation City, there is no doubt that the first person in the Great Desert City. In the Great Waste City, no one is not afraid to cover the eight wastes, and no one does not cover the eight wastes.

Of course, no one does not flatter her Wei Yi, because she is the most favorite of the eight.

Ever since becoming a shackle, those who have looked down on her and ridiculed her have begun to flatter her, and the eight-year-old has begun to provide Weber with a steady stream of resources, and Weber’s master has begun to teach him spiritual knowledge. Weber also successfully broke through to the Master of Spirits.

All of this was brought to the two of their brothers and sisters, but Wei Yi never fell in love with the eight, the Webber has never been grateful for the eight.

Wei Yi still looked at the mirror and whispered, "What's wrong? A face is blank?"


Weber closed the door with his backhand, sat down on a chair, looked at his sister's back, thinking that his sister was pressed by the wild boar, and then thought of the humiliation he got today, and he was ruthlessly ruthless. Drive him out, his heart is a bit irritating:

"The pig drove me out."

"Gaiwan?" Weiyi looked like a change. He turned to look at Weber: "What happened? You offended him?"


"Then why did he drive you out? Are you not with the Korean predecessors today, and they are together with the predecessors to repair the big city?"

Weber’s face was not talking, and Wei’s delicate face was cold: “Say!”

Weber bit his teeth, he knows that his life is dependent on his sister, although he is now a three-level spiritual master, but if there is no sister, it is not difficult to cover him back to the original shape. Even his life is a matter of words. Even if he did not take care of him, he did not personally return him to his original form. He thought that living like this would be a luxury.

He is now in the Great Wilderness City, although he is only a three-level spiritual master, but he is definitely a life of a ten-level spiritual master.

This kind of life can only be given to him!

Therefore, Weber did not dare to conceal any more, even dare not have a few lies, originally told the story of the local, and then looked at Wei Yi said:

"Sister, you have to avenge me, I want the piano to be ruined, it is best to die. You let the pig give me revenge."

Wei Yi’s mouth moved and her heart was bleeding.

The previous Weber was not like this!

The former Weber had everything for her, the sun worked hard, the nature was kind, and the mind was broad.

but now……

Since experiencing the setback, he is no longer fooling around, but the eyes that look at her are no longer as pure as before, mixed with the complexity that even Weiyi can't understand. The whole person has also become feminine, and his personality has become hazy and narrow.

Whenever Wei Wei saw that Weber became cautious and charming in front of Gai Ba Ni, her heart felt pain.

Whenever Wei Wei saw that Weber became violent and unappealing in front of himself, it seemed that he owed him in general, and his heart was even more painful.

Don't he know?

The wife of Gai Bai is already dead, but he may not be able to support his wife as a beggar. Because Gai Bashan had another embarrassment last year, a woman who was not as beautiful as Wei Yi but was younger and more energetic.

Now both of them are vying for the seat of their wife.

She has to fight!

Because she knows that if she does not argue, once she has won the position of her wife, she has already begun to fall out of favor, she will slowly be forgotten, this is still a good ending, maybe when will He was covered and killed.

She took a deep breath and sighed: "Little brother, how many times have I told you, don't make trouble again. Originally let you participate in Han Liuyun, Rong Wanqian and Qin double three masters to repair the big city, This is a rare opportunity for you. As long as you are modest and broad-minded, you can not only improve your spiritual realm through this matter, but also be able to occupy a more important position in the heart of the eight-year-old. Help my sister..."

"Help! Help! You know let me help you! What do you want me to do for you? Help you to please the pig? You have been addicted to the pig..."

"Oh..." Wei Yi got up and raised his hand to Weber with a slap in his face, and his face was flushed.

"You... beat me..." Weber squinted with one hand and looked at Wei Yi with incredulous face. In his memory, Wei Yi never beat him.

"Little brother!"

Wei Yi’s hand trembled and his hand was lifted into the air, but he was stunned by Weber’s angry eyes and stiffened in the air. His face showed a painful smile:

"Younger brother, don't you understand? My sister is doing this for you. If you let Bicha become a wife, will you still have so many resources in the future? You can still get it from Gaiwan So many opportunities? If my sister is really killed by that woman, you think you have no older sister, will you still have your current life?"

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