Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 845: undercurrent


"Oh..." Weber sneered coldly: "I am a waste that relies on my sister, isn't it?"

"Oh..." Wei Yi reached out and tried to touch Weber's face, but was beaten by Weber. Weiyi retracted his hand and whispered:

"Younger brother, you know that this time you will be able to enter the big-line host center, and you can personally participate in the plan of Han Zongshi, Rong Zongshi and Qin Zongshi's repairing large-scale project from the beginning to the end. How many times does the sister ask for the eight-year-old? ?

What is the sister for?

My sister is not here to let you grasp this opportunity, so that you can pay more attention to you. So our two brothers and sisters can join together to save our lives. ”

"Oh..." Weber sneered again: "Don't say so beautiful, are you trying to keep your life? You are afraid of falling out of favor in front of the pig. I am just the tool you use..."

"Little brother!" Wei Yi's eyebrows erected.

"Don't be so nonsense, tell me, help me not take revenge?"

Weber stood up, his face showing a sly color, and Wei Wei was scared to step back, fell into the chair, and trembled:

"Younger brother, you and you... how did you become like this?"

"Help, or not?" Webber stepped forward and forced him to the front of Wei Yi, serving Wei Yi with a sly face.

"Help?" Wei Yi's face showed bitterness: "Are you crazy? Who is the piano double? The mainland spirit is bigger than the first person, the tenth level peak spirit master. You let me help you to this way Revenge alone, do you want to go back to the hard life of the past?

Do not!

I don't want to go back! ”

Wei Yi covered her face with her hands, and her body could not help but tremble when she thought of going back to the unbearable life. And Weber was pale, thinking of the past that was unbearable. But when I thought of the humiliation I had suffered before, I was unwilling to show my eyes.

"Sister, Naqin is not a ten-level peak spirit master..."

"I don't care if she is, in short, she can't move. Little brother, you know something..."

"I don't need you to teach me, are there fewer people who teach me?"

"I am doing this for you..."

"I don't need you to be good for me!" Weber suddenly screamed: "What am I? In everyone's heart, I just rely on a sister to sell my body for a wealthy person, even if I work hard, even now I am already The third-level master is still unable to change the perception of anyone.

I hate!

I hate that pig, I hate you, I hate everyone!


Webber snarled and turned and rushed out of the door. The door "砰" made a loud noise, as if a hammer hit the heart of Wei Yi, making her face pale and lost her blood.

The door that was violently closed was still shaking, but there was a butterfly on the door panel. It was not shaken off. The butterfly’s tentacles moved, then the wings flew up and flew out of the city’s capital. The street, flying over a layer of houses, fell into a small courtyard, under a maple tree, two women sat on a wicker chair, placed a circular vine between them On the table, there is a teapot and two teacups on the table. A young woman gently lifted her palm, and the butterfly fell lightly on her white palm. The two tentacles touched her palm and it made a sound. The voice was Wei. According to the two conversations between Webber and his brother in the room.

The young woman smiled in the eyes, and gently flicked the palm of her hand. The butterfly flew lightly and flew over the wall covered with green vines...

"Nian Xian!" The older woman sitting across from the street whispered: "We monitored four people who presided over the big array, but did not expect that the first wife of the eight-year-old had a problem."

"Hey..." Xu Nianxian chuckled two channels: "Sister Zheng, you said that if we kill Wei Yi, will Webber be mad?"

City House.

The underground large array hosts the center.

Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian are still staring at the drawings on the table, watching the two people deep lock their brows, and the eight-wild face shows an anxious color. But it is not good to bother Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian. At this time, Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian looked up and looked at each other, eventually glory:

"From the point of view of the nodes and the ridges that the Qin masters have laid out, it seems that the Wan lock array has become alive. Only in this way, the tens of thousands of chains are like dead objects, so that the nodes and the ridges are no longer consistent. ""

"Not bad!" Han Liuyun nodded: "Looking at the piano master's change, it seems that I want to change the defensive Weisang array into an attacking effect."

“Just...” Rong Wanqian frowned abruptly: “Just changing the position of the three thousand spiritual nodes, this workload is very small. However, I don’t know if the trajectory of the through-node needs to be changed? The pattern does not need to be changed, just change the direction of the pattern, so that the workload is not large. It is only necessary to change the pattern of the three thousand-grain nodes that are added. However, if you want to change each The construction of the strips, the workload is big, completely out of reach."

Han Liuyun smiled bitterly: "You just saw the addition of three thousand spiritual nodes. If you don't need to change the texture of the building nodes, then naturally there is no workload. I take people to do it, and it doesn't take half a day. But if The textures constructed by each node must be changed, and it is too late."

"Yeah!" Rong Wan said with a thousand heads: "If you just change the trajectory of the pattern, I don't need a half-day time. But if every pattern is changed...

Of course, if you only change a little in each pattern, the workload is not large. However, I am afraid that the power that this picture now shows will not be only a slight change. ”

Speaking of this, the two people could not help but look at the doubles that are still closed. And not only the two of them, the eight sorrows and the remaining three masters, at this time are all eyes on the piano double.

At this time, in the sea of ​​Qin double, the blood piano has simplified the spiritual pattern of the dragon eye, and it is presented in the sea of ​​the piano.


Even the simplified spirit, it is beyond the realm of Qin double. The sound of the blood piano sounded up.

"Shantou can only be simplified to this extent. The formations of nodes and penetrating nodes can be used in the previous realm, but turning the chain into a dragon's body must add seven streaks and become a ten-level initial array. Come, the minimum of the structure of the fire dragon must also be the spiritual pattern of the half-step master. So, this Wanlong array is no longer a ten-level array, but a power of two. ""

"But... the spirit of the half-step masters... my realm is not enough!"

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