Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 846: Death event


"You are only specializing in this kind of spiritual pattern, and it is only a half-step master. You have already had the tenth grade master. Under my teaching, there are seven days to be able to make this kind of spirit. Pattern."



Qin double thought for a while, and his heart moved. Once you succeed, not only can you make the Great Wilderness City safer, but you also seek a chance to step into the realm of the Grand Master.

"Then I try!"

The piano opened his eyes and saw that the people in the room were staring at her, and the look could not help. However, before she opened her mouth, Han Liuyun had already taken the lead:

"Qin Master, after you add these three thousand nodes, do you need to change the spirit of each node?"

"No!" Qin doubled his head.

Han Liuyun’s look is a loose, his face is bright, and Rong Wanqian on the side is also hurriedly saying:

"Piano master, what is the pattern that runs through these nodes? Do you need to change each pattern?"

"No!" Qin double continued to shake his head.

Rong Wanqian’s look is also loose, and his face is bright. But in the end, my face became dignified again, pointing to the chains on the drawing:

"Qin Master, I feel that these chains have not matched the map you changed. Do these changes in the chain structure need to be changed?"

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

Rong Wanqian tightened his brow and said: "This can be troublesome. Each chain is a small array. The small array method for each chain needs more than 100,000 patterns. I want to change this small array. I am afraid I need to change a lot of patterns, and there are 10,000 such chains, and the time is not enough."

This chain is already a ninth-level guru. It can't be understood at the boundary of Qinshuang. It can't be painted, so she can't draw a chain map from Rongzhiqian from beginning to end. She can only According to the cat painting tiger, tell Rong Wanqian to increase the position of seven lines.

Therefore, the piano double took out a silver ingot, took out dozens of silver needles, and then pulled out the position and direction of the seven lines on a chain on the drawing, and then honoured thousands of words:

"Glory Lord, I don't know much about the formation. If you look at adding such a pattern, do you not conflict with the original pattern and become another formation?"

Rong Wan nodded, he knows that Qin double is a ten-level peak spiritist, also know that Qin double is not a martial artist. Therefore, she was full of doubts about the increased pattern of the piano pair, but she still looked carefully, because there was a change in the direction and trajectory of the node and the penetrating node before the piano double, which gave Rong Wanqian a look at the piano pair. .

However, when his gaze fell on the silver needles, he immediately fell in, and then began to calculate on paper. At the same time, Qin Double turned his head and looked at the eight roads:

"The city owner, I need a retreat, can you arrange it?"

"This is no problem!" Gai Wan immediately pointed to the four doorways on the left side of the wall: "There is a normal retreat for the four masters who preside over the big array. The master can pick one at will."

"Thank you!" Qin double walked toward a door: "Don't bother me before I come out."

The room was quiet again, the piano double has been closed, and Rong Wanqian has forgotten where he is, and he is there to fully calculate the possibility that the seven patterns will be integrated into the chain. Han Yayun could not help but look at Han Liuyun, Han Liuyun slightly pondered:

"The city owner, there is a big table over there, and then paper, I try the new map of the piano master."

The cover of the eight eyes is bright: "Han Zongshi, can this law really improve?"

"I am not sure yet!" Han Liuyun said seriously: "So I have to look at the picture, but the node spirit does not need to be changed, but it has changed the position of 3,000 nodes. And the formation of the structure of the 90,000 nodes is also No change, only a slight change in some trajectories, at least this first step and the second step are successful, and will not consume much time. Now it is necessary to look at the construction of the chain that Rong Zong Shi derived."

"If the success of Rong Zongshi, does it mean that Wansuo can be successfully upgraded in a short period of time?" Gaiwan looked forward to seeing Han Liuyun.

Han Liuyun looked at the room where the piano was closed. "It should not be enough. If that is enough, the piano master will not retreat at this time. There must be some difficulties in the piano master. We still have to verify it step by step. I must wait for our step-by-step verification, and the piano master should also go out."

"That... If the piano master had not yet gone out at the time? Or failed the verification?" Gai's face appeared to be worried.

"Ten days!" Han Liuyun condensed the channel: "In ten days, if the piano master has not yet cleared the customs, or the new formation has not been verified, we will give up."

Covering the ridiculousness, he finally nodded: "Well, I will prepare everything for you right away."

Soon, on the other side of the underground space, a large table was placed, and the paper on the table was laid. Hanliuyun began to draw according to the position of the node that the piano double changed.

At noon in the south, the sun is hanging high and the temperature is hot.

Wei Yi took a shower under the service of the next man, then just dressed in a small suit, lying lazily on the bed, and gradually fell asleep.

A mosquito flew in from the open window, landed on Wei Yi's neck, and then plunged the mouth into the artery of Wei Yi. After a short span of ten, the mosquito flew again and flew out of the window and disappeared.

"The city owner!" The cover of the general manager of the Eighths of the Wild suddenly appeared in the basement, with an anxious color on his face.

"What's wrong?" Gaiwan's brow furrowed slightly, and the cover was very calm. It was his most trusted and most capable man. He rarely showed his inner expression on his face. Once he did, there was Great things happen. So, after Guya asked a sentence, he walked out of the basement and walked up to the ground. He whispered:

"what's going on?"

"The city owner, Mrs. Wei is dead."


The weather has suddenly become sharp. Although he is busy preparing for the animal tide these days, he once saw Wei Yi a while ago. Wei Yi’s body is still very good. How could he suddenly die?

"How did you die?" asked him, while he had already taken a big step toward the courtyard where Wei Yi lived.

"The cause of death should have been bitten by a mosquito, but there is no such highly toxic mosquito in the south." The photo said that it would not be closed.

There was a glimmer of sorrow in the shackles of the Eighths of the Eighth, and no more words, striding to the courtyard of Weiyi.

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