Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 885: Tianjiao leads to collapse


Therefore, Wu Chuanlie and others can only persist, under the attention of many high-ranking monsters, and the beasts who surround themselves.

Not bad!

It is the cycle.

Don't say that they are in the situation of facing two or three monsters and sieges at this time, they are simply falling into the wind and have no chance to kill each other. Even if there is an opportunity, they will not dare to kill the killer.

At the beginning, each of them had only one monster on the pair, but when they were either heavily wounded or slightly injured and played against their own beasts, they immediately scolded them with multiple monsters. . For example, Wu Chuanlie, at this time, the monsters around him have reached three. They have no doubt that even if they have the ability, if they hurt the other side, or take advantage, the other party will not hesitate to add another monster to participate in the offense.

Therefore, they can only deal with it. The purpose of the round is to delay the time. It is a warrior to save one more.

In the heart of Wu Chuanlie, the string month mercenary group can support six days, the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army, and the Tianjiao team should be able to support it for a longer period of time. His thoughts were the same as that of the piano. He decided to stay here for three days, and then he started and fought back, so he could return to the Great Wilderness City within three days. For a total of six days, it did not reach the limit of the military, this should be a relatively perfect plan.


He neglected a problem, that is, the beasts that the Jubilee Corps faced were only first-order and second-order monsters, so they were able to persist for six days. Even so, they eventually injured a million or so warriors. However, the Qinglong Army, Xuanwu Army and Tianjiao team faced different beasts at this time. Shortly after the Qinshuang they withdrew, the third-order monsters appeared. On the second morning, there was a fourth-order monster. When the fifth-order monster appeared in the beast tide at sunset, the defense line constructed by the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army collapsed.

Wu Chuan-lie’s plan was to persist for three days, but he did not expect that it would only last for two days and the entire line of defense would collapse.

In fact, the collapse of the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army, the Tianjiao team has a great responsibility.

The situation on the battlefield was divided into four battlefields.

At the end of the animal tide, that is, the depth of the animal tide, Wu Chuanlie is the martial arts and the Emperor Wu and the high-order monsters.

In the middle of the animal tide, it is the battle array composed of more than 700 martial arts kings including Jinlongxing and the battle array composed of nearly 3,000 days of arrogant team members.

At the forefront of the animal tide, it is the defense line constructed by the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army. Like a cliff, it blocks the tide of the beast that is like a tidal wave.

When the fifth-order monsters appeared in the animal tide, the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army were already in jeopardy. With their strength, there is no strong battlefield, and there is no commander who has the potential to play with the unparalleled warfare. It is not worthwhile to be smashed by the fifth-order beast.

As a result, the situation on the battlefield has suddenly changed dramatically.

Wu Chuanlie, they were originally in a hurry, and wanted to stick to the three days. Their cultivation, martial arts and experience are among the best choices, so even though they are in the disadvantage, they can still deal with the monsters. Therefore, Wu Chuanlie on this battlefield, although they are embarrassed, did not show their defeat.

The second battlefield is the more than 700 Wuwang. Although there are fifth-order monsters involved, the situation of these more than 700 Wuwang is better than Wu Chuanlie. After all, Wu Wang’s cultivation is equivalent to the sixth-order monster. These seven hundred martial arts kings also form a battlefield. They are still in the upper limit of the fifth-order monsters, and they still occupy certain advantages.


The third battlefield, that is, the Tianjiao team of Wu Zongdian is different. If it is a complete Tianjiao team, it will be like the battle of the seven hundred hot martial arts kings, and even the advantage is better than them.

However, the Wushen in the Tianzong team of Wu Zongdian, Wudi went to the depths of the beast with Wu Chuanlie, and the Wuwangs like Jinlongxing were among the more than 700 warlords. Therefore, at this time, the highest level of the Tianjiao team is the half-step Wuwang. For example, that Lei Gang.

Don't look at the warriors of these Tianjiao teams. Now they are not high, but they are all young people who have great potential and great potential.

Wu Chuanlie as the martial arts master of Wu Zongdian, this time with some of the people in the Tianjiao team, is the opportunity to give these people experience. Therefore, in addition to bringing some powerful Wu Shen, Wu Di and Wu Wang, he also selected some excellent disciples from the Cheng Dan period to the various levels of the cyclone period.

To know that the animal tide is not so easy to encounter, let alone a large animal tide like this, some people have not encountered such a beast tide in their lifetime. Therefore, this environment is definitely an excellent opportunity for those excellent disciples with great potential and good qualifications.


Today's situation has made Wu Chuanlie's heart hurt to the extreme, because the Tianjiao team at this time has completely fallen to the disadvantages, and there have been people and casualties.

Wushen, Wudi and Wuwang are no longer in the Tianjiao team. There are only more than two thousand and a half-step warriors of Wuwang, and there are even many warriors in the cyclone period. When I first faced the first-order and second-order monsters, the Tianjiao team was still very enjoyable, and they were arrogant and arrogant.

However, when the third-order monsters are involved, they have no advantage. When the fourth-order monsters come in, they can only be deadlocked with the monsters and lose all their advantages. When the fifth-order monsters come in, they Already in the bottom of the wind, after all, there are too many monsters, and they are more than two thousand people, just like a wave in the sea.

and so……

They have collapsed!

In fact, even from the perspective of repair, Wu Chuanlie, the more than 700 Wuwang, Tianjiao, Qinglong and Xuanwujun, the strength of the Tianjiao team is also the weakest. They are only winning the potential, and the strength of the Tianjiao team is not in the team at this time.

The most important thing is that Wu Zongdian’s current ethos is not as good as before.

There is nothing wrong with pride. How can you be proud of being a warrior of Wu Zongdian?

However, their experience is too small. It’s like an empire’s founding era, each of which is an iron-clad generation. But as time passed, their second and third generations gradually decayed. The aristocratic life not only made them accustomed to enjoy, but also lost their tough qualities.

Therefore, their cultivation has not yet reached the critical point of collapse, but the psychological quality has collapsed.

When the Tianjiao team collapsed, the first thing they thought of was to go to the back of the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army to seek their protection. After all, the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army had the largest number of people here, so these people did not want to rush to the Qinglong Army.

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